
The Legend of the Demon Fenris


Madamaru · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Fenris's Swordsmanship Training

Fenris, like his brothers, was also trained in swordplay by knights within the ranks of the Royal Army. To provide equal opportunity for his son, Marcos decided to enroll Fenris in swordsmanship classes like his brothers were taking. It was known to him that swordplay was generally considered a masculine practice and incorporated into Arcana's curriculum. However, Fenris would have to train separately from his brothers with a different group of knights due to the difference in skill between Fenris and his brothers. This is because it would be difficult for him to catch up if he was pitted next to them.

He started training with the knights soon after Rifa came along, though compared to magic, it was difficult at first. Even when applying magic, he struggled against the knights he was assigned to in mock battles. However, he didn't give up, and every day he continued to give his best efforts. He was also learning to be diligent in his training in the sword as well as magic. To help him handle the sword better, he was also put under a semi-rigorous training regimen to build up his muscles and physical endurance.

Over the course of several months, Fenris saw his physical performance and sword skill improve. The sword seemed to be one of his natural talents, although not as much as magic. As a result of undergoing a rigorous training regimen, his body also changed and adapted. It required him to wear weight bracelets on his wrists and feet every day, even at home. Exercises such as push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and running were also performed by him. The treatment he received was similar to that of a soldier. Over time, it showed spectacular results, even though it was brutal on him at the time.

It has been a year since then, and Fenris is now 11 years old. Despite his pre-pubescent state, Fenris grew into a lean, but firm body, and presented a handsome face. Also, his sword skills improved significantly, enabling him to compete with the knights he was training with. His eldest brother, Roland, still outshone him as a swordsman, but Fenris was developing into a fine swordsman nevertheless. Besides swordsmanship, Fenris learned many important lessons, including chivalry, vigor, bravery, friendship, and vigor. He learned the very foundations of knighthood from the knights, because most young men his age would consider joining the military when they reached adulthood. However, Fenris was not interested in joining the military, as he wanted to explore the world, not be tied down by a country's laws.

Nonetheless, this reinforced his character and resolve to protect others. He took an increasingly guardian-like role with Sabrina, who showed signs that she could use magic. While a late bloomer, Fenris noticed her potential and considered bringing her to the Academy. Servants of noble children could be brought along, though they were still treated as students.

Fenris began developing his own sword style as well. Perfect in the fundamentals, it did not rely on talent, power, speed, or the use of magic. He found that flashy styles, while cool on the battlefield for flamboyants, didn't really suit him. The Knights of Asura used a style that relied on quick, decisive strikes, wide-angle swings, lots of movement with a heavy emphasis on footwork, and a focus on clean cuts to slice through both animals and magical arts alike. This style was considered 'flashy' in the general sense of the word. This is because they wished to appear like saviors to the people. As he became better and better at the sword, he developed his own style which was completely natural. This style seemed basic but also carried a sense of 'elegance' with each strike. Of course, he learned the flashier style of the Knights which he could switch to if the situation called for it.

After nearly 3 years of rigorous, backbreaking training, Fenris was almost done with his training. All he had to do was fight one of the knights in a serious match, continuing until the opponent is cornered or can't fight anymore. Fenris felt his stomach turning inside out as he wondered who he would face.

Then, as Fenris was worried, a very large figure appeared, a man so large that he was nearly twice as tall as the other knights around him. This knight went by the name Ragnar, who came from the snowy northern regions of the Kingdom. He had an intimidating look on his face in addition to his size, making him a viable challenge for Fenris. Ragnar looked at the boy he was facing, looking rather unimpressed at first glance.

"Hmph, I never thought I'd be fighting a kid half my size. But I guess I'll give you a fair match! Show me what you've got." The knight said, smirking out of confidence that he'd beat Fenris. He unsheathed his sword, showing that he was not holding back even against a kid half his size.

Looking up at the giant, Fenris felt somewhat intimidated. However, in comparison to the other knights, Ragnar seemed to present a real challenge. It could be his large and intimidating stature, or how assured he was that he could beat Fenris.

He grinned at the prospect of someone who seemed far stronger than him and felt that he could go a bit loose for once. This was a serious match, after all. All he had to do was not kill the guy. Fenris stared back at Ragnar with an intense grin on his face, excited that this was happening to him.

"You flatter me, really. I'd be honored to fight someone as strong as you are." Fenris replied in a confident tone, which surprised Ragnar. Seeing the boy's sharp tongue, a wave of pleasure swept over his body and he cracked a smile in response.

"You've got a real sharp tongue there, boy. Don't get cocky now, it'll be your undoing." Ragnar said, adjusting the grip on his sword.

"Thanks," Fenris said, unsheathing his sword and entering into a fighting stance taught to him by the knights. Fenris planted his right foot forward while his left foot was placed behind him, with his sword out in front of him, protecting his head. "I'll keep that in mind." He added.

There was a female referee standing in-between the two fighters. She looked at the both of them before speaking, "Alright, before you begin, I would like to remind you of the rules of this fight. The match ends when the opponent is cornered or can't fight anymore, and there is no killing each other. Do you two understand the rules?" Fenris and Ragnar nodded. "Alright, then," The woman stepped back from them so that she was out of their range. She raised her hand up and shouted, "Let the match begin!"

The moment the match began, Fenris and Ragnar dashed at one another, using magic to increase their movement speed causing them to appear like a blur to the knights spectating the fight. When their swords clashed, it produced a shockwave that shook the fortress that they were in.

Fenris grunted, as he had faced an opponent that was equal to him in strength and speed. His formerly confident face disappeared as he put everything he had to holding his position. Ragnar, seeing Fenris beginning to lose his confidence already, pounced on him and knocked Fenris back by several meters.

"Ngh!" Fenris yelped, as he was knocked back several meters, tumbling back nearly out-of-bounds which could've cost him the match if he hadn't caught himself with his right hand.

He stood up, dusting himself off as he stepped back into the arena. Fenris was surprised that his opponent was this strong even though the fight had only just started. He panted as he was still recovering from what had just happened. He focused his mind on Ragnar while forming a plan to beat this guy.

Not used to exerting himself this much, Fenris decided to step it up a notch and enhance his physical abilities further with magic. He ran towards Ragnar, swinging his blade and clashing again with his opponent. This time, Fenris held his ground and decided to counterattack. He withdrew his blade only to slash it at an upright angle in an attempt to breach Ragnar's chest armor. However, the latter narrowly avoided Fenris's attack and countered by swinging his blade downward to crush Fenris.

Fenris stepped back, avoiding Ragnar's attack. With his blade on the ground, Fenris planted his foot on the blade to hold it in place. This move was devastating as it put Ragnar in a vulnerable position. Fenris leapt up and slashed off Ragnar's helmet.

The force of Fenris's strike caused Ragnar to lose his balance and fall to the floor. This produced a loud "CRASH" noise that caused the ground to shake around them. Ragnar was stunned, as he had taken the fall pretty hard especially as he was so tall. Fenris meanwhile, ended the fight formally by walking up to him and drawing his blade to the man's neck.

"I...I surrender." Ragnar said in a defeated voice, as there was nothing left to do to change the fight outcome. He may have been a rough fighter, but he still had his honor and accepted his loss. A smile spread across his face as he was impressed with Fenris' combat skills.

The other knights were shocked by these events, but still congratulated Fenris. Many clapped, while one went up to him to say something. Fenris could only hope he had done well enough to pass.

"W-Well done, Sir Fenris! Since you've beaten Ragnar, your training shall cease here. You have excelled in everything we taught you, but that unfortunately means that we cannot keep you here. But, we're looking forward to seeing you when you're older." The knight said in an excited tone of voice, though in the last sentence, he sounded somewhat disappointed to see Fenris go. As a nice gesture to send him off, he waved at Fenris.

As Fenris walked off, he thought about joining the military one day. But he saw military duties as too troublesome and it directly conflicted with his desire to become an adventurer after his graduation from Arcana. Having made up his mind, he turned to face the knights waving good-bye to him, and smiled lightly.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested in joining the knights. I want to be an adventurer when I grow up!" Fenris said in a somewhat cheery manner as he turned away from the knights again, exiting the fortress. This final remark Fenris made left the knights in suspense, as they were confused as to why he said that.