
The Legend of the Carnival

The magical Carnival that happens only for 1 night after every 5 years but the door starts with a warning, "if you get lost and didn't come before the night passed you'll never come back." Three friends trying to enjoy the Carnival but there fun games turns into a survival game. The cave they entered showed them the dark and paranormal side of the world. The legend was true about the cave which has a different realm inside of it.

wriders_club · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Dad?

The bright, shimmering lights of the magical carnival illuminated the entire town, seemingly appearing out of nowhere in just a few hours, as if conjured by a flick of a finger.Sella stood entranced by the mesmerizing scene before her, absorbing every detail to capture as lasting memories. Sin, beside her, wore a content smile, finally witnessing the carnival he had wished for over the years.Suddenly, a boy in a black tracksuit emerged from behind them, pulling back his hood as he stepped forward. "Let's go and rock it!" Cam exclaimed, seizing Sin and Sella's wrists and leading them through the grand entrance of the carnival. Inside, the atmosphere was even more enchanting and bustling than outside. People swarmed around food stalls, toy booths, bookshops, and clothing vendors. Children tugged their parents towards swings, slides, and toy stalls, while the air was thick with the scent of sweets and spicy treats. Music blended with the lively hum of the crowd as everyone from the town gathered to enjoy the festivities.Sella bounced with excitement, while Sin scanned the carnival for something specific. Cam noticed his searching gaze."Looking for something in particular?" Cam asked Sin.Sin smirked and replied, "I'm searching for the most dangerous and thrilling ride in this carnival.""Before that, let's grab some cotton candy," Sella interjected, pulling Sin and Cam towards a nearby stall. "I'll take the white unicorn," she declared, eagerly accepting the offered treat and taking a delighted bite."What colors did you guys pick?" Sella asked after her first taste."I went for a black demon with blood coating," Sin replied nonchalantly."Of course, Sin. Always the dark one," Cam teased."Suits you," Sella chimed in with a playful grin before turning her attention to the array of rides. She beamed and dashed towards them. "Come on, hurry up! Follow me!""Are all girls like this, or is she just unique?" Sin wondered aloud."I think she's just excited. She's been waiting for this for weeks," Cam reasoned with a smile. "Let's catch up before we lose her.""The devil will catch her if we don't hurry," Sin joked, laughing at his own remark as he and Cam raced after Sella. They halted in front of a towering roller coaster. "Now, this looks like fun.""I'll go get us tickets," Cam announced, threading through the crowd towards the ticket booth. He purchased their tickets and was returning when he froze in his tracks. His gaze locked onto two men in suits, standing out conspicuously in their formal attire amidst the carnival chaos."Dad?" Cam gasped in horror, his voice trembling. Without another word, he bolted through the crowd, desperately trying to get away from them.