
The Legend of the Carnival

The magical Carnival that happens only for 1 night after every 5 years but the door starts with a warning, "if you get lost and didn't come before the night passed you'll never come back." Three friends trying to enjoy the Carnival but there fun games turns into a survival game. The cave they entered showed them the dark and paranormal side of the world. The legend was true about the cave which has a different realm inside of it.

wriders_club · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: He didn't come

Cam roamed from corner to corner, murmuring to himself, "Should I go or not, should I go or not, should I go or not!" He scratched his head, growled, and landed on his bed, hiding his head under the pillow."Man... I can't run away and disobey my father, but Sella. Tonight will be the last time I see her." He growled again, and his phone beeped. Taking it out of his pocket, he saw a message from an unknown number. He deleted the message, pressed the circular button below, and saw the wallpaper on his phone: a picture of himself with Sin and Sella, all giggling. "I'm sorry," he sighed, switching off the phone and throwing it on the bed.He rubbed his eyes and saw the clock's reflection. It was 5:45 pm. He jumped out of bed and heard knocks on his door. "Yes?" he called out."Cam, dinner time," the butler said."I'm not hungry.""But... as you wish.""And please inform Dad that I'll study the whole night to get my mind off the carnival, so don't disturb me.""Okay. I'll inform him. I'll leave some snacks outside your door, so please take them," the butler said, and Cam heard his footsteps fading away."Okay, I know what I have to do, so let's get to work," Cam said to himself, patting his cheeks. Opening his closet, he found his tracksuit and a black mask in his drawer, then rushed to the bathroom.After coming out of the bathroom, he picked up the rope from under his bed, threw it out the window, and tied the other end to the leg of his bed."I'm sorry, Dad, but I can't let my friend go so far away without enjoying tonight with her," Cam said, a smile creeping up on his face. He jumped out the window, holding the rope.⧫ ⧫ ⧫"You're sure he'll come?" Sin asked Sella."Yes, he will. Probably," Sella replied, looking at her wristwatch."It's 7:05, girl. You sure he'll come? I'm bored, and I have to go to the carnival no matter what," Sin's last words were dark, surprising Sella."Sin, are you okay? Is there something going on at the carnival?" Sella whispered."No, I just want to enjoy it. This carnival comes only every five years, and you'll be leaving soon, so I want to enjoy it with you guys," Sin said. Sella nodded and looked at her shoes. "When are you going to tell Cam the truth?" Sin asked Sella."I don't know. I thought I would today, but it looks like he isn't here," Sella forced a smile.They waited for Cam, but he didn't show up. It was time to leave, so Sella and Sin moved ahead. Sella was disappointed and sad that Cam didn't come, but then they heard something from behind. They turned their heads and were shocked by what they saw.