
The Legend of the Carnival

The magical Carnival that happens only for 1 night after every 5 years but the door starts with a warning, "if you get lost and didn't come before the night passed you'll never come back." Three friends trying to enjoy the Carnival but there fun games turns into a survival game. The cave they entered showed them the dark and paranormal side of the world. The legend was true about the cave which has a different realm inside of it.

wriders_club · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Permission

Carnivals are a vibrant hub of fun, filled with games, delicious food, dazzling lights, and joy all around. But what if there's a legend about a mysterious cave from which no one has ever returned? This long-forgotten tale, once whispered to children decades ago, speaks of the eerie "Haunted Caves of the Carnival."Everyone in town was buzzing with excitement for the carnival, an event that only comes around every five years. Every household was eager to go, except for one—Cam's.The large metal door opened silently, unlike the creaky sound that Sella's door always made. She stepped into the expansive garden, the stone path flanked by rose bushes. As she walked, she saw the familiar gardener who tended to these roses. She greeted him with a bow and smile, and he warmly returned the gesture. He was the kindest person in the household.As the large door came into view, Sella's phone vibrated in her blue denim jeans pocket. It was a message from Sin. She opened the chat and read:"Sorry, can't join you 'cause I need to take care of some naughty kids. You know."Sella sighed and typed her response, reading it over before sending: "It's fine, Sin. I understand you need to take care of your siblings." It was a habit she wanted to improve—reading her messages before sending them. She tucked her phone back into her pocket, checked her white top, and glanced at her reflection in the glass door. Satisfied with her appearance, she rang the bell. Almost immediately, she heard footsteps approaching. A butler in a black suit appeared behind the glass and opened the door."Ms. Sella Campbell, you are most welcome. I hope your ride here was pleasant. Please wait here for a moment; I'll inform Mr. Cam—" the butler began, but Sella interrupted."You don't need to call him. Today, I'm here to speak with Mr. Lewis."The butler looked confused but bowed and left. As minutes passed, Sella grew more nervous. Among the three friends' fathers, Mr. Lewis was the strictest and most intense. Soon, she heard footsteps on the stairs and saw Cam standing there, a confused look on his face that quickly turned into a smile. He walked toward her, and she returned the smile."Surprise, Sella! The butler didn't tell me you were here. What's up? You look nervous," he said, concern in his eyes."Nothing's wrong, and I told the butler not to call you. I thought Mr. Camiel Lewis might be busy," Sella teased, smirking."I hate that name," he replied with a sigh."I'm here to convince you to come to the carnival," Sella said, making Cam's eyes widen."Are you kidding me? I already told you he won't let me. It's no use asking," he said, nervous at the mention of his father."Let me try first. What if he actually agrees?""I think you should leave, Sella," Cam said softly, lowering his gaze.Sella was quiet for a moment. It hurt Cam to say that to his best friend, but he knew his father better than anyone. "I won't leave until I convince him."Cam was shocked by her determination and was about to argue when they heard footsteps."Greetings, Ms. Sella Campbell. I heard you have business with me," Cam's father said as he approached the butler behind him. Cam was scared by the look in Sella's eyes."Yes, Mr. Lewis. I hope you're in good health," she replied."Indeed. So why are you here?" Mr. Lewis asked.Sella straightened up before replying, "Let's get straight to the point. I want you to allow Camiel to come to the carnival with me and some other friends.""I thought Camiel already conveyed my answer," Mr. Lewis said, glaring at Cam."He did, but I wasn't content with your reply. Please allow him to join us tonight," Sella said firmly."Relax, Ms. Campbell. I see you are a confident girl, but this doesn't change my answer. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have important business to attend to," Mr. Lewis said, bowing his head before leaving.Sella didn't get the chance to say anything else before he departed. Behind her, Cam stood motionless, hiding. Seeing him in this state made Sella's stomach twist with concern."Cam, Sin thought this might happen, so we planned for you to run away with us tonight," Sella said, her voice tinged with nervousness.Cam turned pale at the thought of disobeying his father. "I can't do that. You know how dangerous he is," he stammered."Tell me the worst thing that could happen if you disobey him once," Sella said loudly, her voice echoing through the house. Cam stood still, head hanging low. "Cam, I know your father is strict and you're afraid of him, but I have only two days before I move abroad," she said calmly. "Sin and I will wait for you behind your house at 6 pm if you decide to join us."These were her final words before leaving Cam in the empty hall. She smiled again at the gardener as she exited the house.