
Shower Heads R-18

Elizabeth's pov

You see among us, shadow fight and Injustice.

I see tools that give me peace, Lies I hide behind, Thing that make me feel bliss. There's Injustice among us that we fight in the shadows, But that'll have to wait for tomorrow, I've got to grind and I have chests to open, These vain tasks keep my eyes open. I'm losing sleep, But trying to die less, Fair trade if you ask me. It's all good, I try to be fine, So it'll work out eventually. So for now I'll keep playing my games.

I snap out of my train of thought and focus on the clown in front of Anubis and I

When she leaves I burst out laughing and Anubis looks at me weirdly before laughing too.

"You are a bad friend"he says as he joins me in laughter.

"I know," I reply with a wide grin on my face

"At least she was decent today"he says

"You call that decent?" I ask .

"She wears worse at least she won't come back for a long time,"he says