
I guess I'm in love

Skylar pov

.I AM SO DEAD! How did this happen? I know how I studied anatomy. 


Oh no! 

How do I tell him?

How do I tell my dad?

How will my brothers react?

They are so going to kill me! I can't even react. I am standing here frozen and Bella is just looking at me but then she finally says

"It is not the end of the world"

"What do you mean by that?"I ask her.

"I mean you have just sealed Anubis fate and this pregnancy is a great chance to get to know each other and to get closer to each other"she says

"But I don't want to get close to him"I say and she just rolls her eyes at me.

"I have seen the way you look at him,it's the same way the king looks at the queen and Zander looks at his mate,what's her name again?"she says

"It's not like if I told you her name you would remember, aren't you like in love with Zander?"I rhetorically ask her and say.