

Nahla's pov

To my daughter that may one day read this, what do you want to be when you die? I want to be a wind when I die. My remnants were eaten by the dirt. I'm going to be the wind. Never be enslaved by anything! If I'm angry, I'll turn into the strongest wind. and unleash a torrential downpour of hail and storms. I'll be the wind, brisk and untainted. Wildly brisk, dispersed all over the place. I'll blessing the sea if I'm happy. with the help of my slight breeze I'll be all over the place, Abundant to the nth degree. I'm going to be the wind. Never being tethered to anything. True love is eternal, unlimited, and identical to itself at all times. It is equal and pure, with no aggressive manifestations: it has white hair but is always youthful in the soul.

Zion's pov

I guess it's all about to do down.

After grandma invites Zena in too much to our detriment.

We all go our separate ways.

Silver and I head to my room.