
Author’s notes

1st note

This story is based on the original 1980's Voltron defender of the universe series and the various comics Voltron series plus a little bit of the original anime beasts king golion sprinkled in.

2nd note:

The galaxy alliance and galaxy garrison are not as prominent like in the original 1980's series with many planets and star system be either mistrustful or down right opposed to the alliance or being the run by rival universal superpowers in their own right.

3rd note:

One of the goals I have for this story is to flesh out the backstory of character that I feel is not explored enough in the original cartoon…princess Allura's father king Alfor…mainly what his life was like before he became king of Arus.

4th note:

I always felt it kinda strange that every alien race the voltron force encountered was humanoid…with exception of that one episode in lion force(season 1),so I will be using other Voltron characters and material from its various reboots and expanded plus my own personal creations for that one.

5th note:

Now I know that Princess Allura didn't have any siblings in the original VDOTU canon…but her original counterpart princess Fala or Fara did so I will be using that as inspiration.

6th note:

Some of the characters will have characters will have names from the original anime.

7th note:

This story contains/deals with mature subjects,content and themes such as young pregnancy,adoption and abandonment issues, and much more.