
The legend of Black Violet

"AWZ & Black violet Curse" follows the journey of a young adventurer named AWZ a boy who can't feel anything in his life, as he sets out to break the curse of the Black Violet.

ShinAsher · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Gray world

As I opened my eyes, the world that Violet had spoken of was nowhere to be seen. The stars that once glimmered below us were gone, that shining view of city's light from top of mountain replaced by a void of darkness that consumed all light. Only the ashes of the Splicer city was remained.

It was a strange feeling that overtook me, one that I couldn't quite place. Perhaps it was my fault, or maybe I just couldn't believe that the dream I had was real. Despite my tired body, I continued walking, hopeful that at any moment, I might wake up.

But it wasn't a dream. No, I was standing in the midst of a nightmare. Slowly, I made my way towards the sound of a voice, and as I approached, I heard a cry. It was Ray, He had pulled his brother from under the rubble, but he no longer breathed. I wanted to approach him, to offer some comfort, but my legs refused to move. I was dry and stiff, stranded in the same spot where the disaster had left me.

I walked towards Violet's house, but I couldn't bring myself to get any closer. I couldn't bear the thought of losing him, just like everyone else. So, I left without seeing him, knowing that there was only one certainty in this world: I was alone, just as I had been since the beginning.

Maybe it was my fault, or maybe not, but either way, I was responsible. It had always been this way, ever since I was born. My heart was like the scene before me, bleak and empty. I felt nothing - not for losing everything and everyone, not for those seeking revenge upon me. Should I feel sorrowful? Sit in a corner, miserable and lamenting? Try to become stronger to protect those whom I love?

No, none of those were part of me. The world I lived in was different from everyone else's. That's why I always sat in a corner, away from the crowd, with only those two people who understood me. But even then, I had pretended to care for them, though I knew deep down that I felt nothing

It should be springtime now, but ever since the black shadow of the Violet Black flower fell upon our land, it had taken everything away from us. It's always winter here, and snow falls all year round. The only black violet flowers I've seen were the small buds on the ground that never blossomed. From up high, the giant black violet flower with one petal painted an attractive black and white scene. That was the most beautiful moment of my life. Maybe autumn and spring were not as charming as others thought. Perhaps it was just me - for someone who sees the world with only one eye, in black and white, this two-color scenery was fascinating enough.

Throughout my journey to find the answer to the meaning of my life and the curse of the Violet Black flower, I encountered many obstacles, killed many people, and destroyed many lives...