
The Legend of Augustine

It's a world of humans, dwarves, elves, gods and demons. Each region has made a vow not to interfere with each other, but a few hundred years ago the devil suddenly broke the contract, killed many humans, dwarves, elves and gods, the four races united with each other to seal the devil, and the gods were all sacrificed in that war, and since then there is no god race. This time the demons will come again, how Augustine and his friends will save the world?

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Who am I?

"Hi, Roger. Where's Augustine? We're going to see the Festival of Theodore at night !", said by Frederick.

"Hi Federick, he must be on the edge of a cliff right now." said by the old man.

"Oh...I see, thanks Roger." The old man watched at his back until the he gone from his sight.

Augustine sat on a cliff and watched the sunset. "What is the point of me living in this world? Why am I different from everyone else? Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..." Augustine Garcia, 15 years old, Lovely Hamlet person, he was a orphanage, his grandpa adopted him in the Blue Forest, but now his grandpa was missing, no one know where is he. Everyone who live in the Lovely Hamlet was afraid of Augustine, because he has a pair of different colour pupils, his left eyes was red and right was blue. They say anyone with a different pupil will be considered as a unlucky person. So, only his grandpa and his friends, Frederick will accept him.

This is a fantasy world call Anubia.It's a world of humans, dwarves, elves, gods and demons. Each region has made a vow not to interfere with each other, but a few hundred years ago the demons suddenly broke the contract, killed many humans, dwarves, elves and gods, the four races united with each other to seal the demons. Regrettably the gods were all sacrificed in that war, and since there is no god race now.

" Augustine!!!Augustine !!!"

" I am here!" Augustine stand up and look at Frederick.

" Hey, why you stay at here?" Frederick look at him suspiciously. "Oh, I am just walked right into this place haha" Augustine casually and half-heartedly to Frederick, he don't want anyone know his secret place, he doesn't feel like he belongs here, no matter what, so this becomes the only place he felt comfortable, because no one will come to cliff except him.

"How did you know I am here?" Augustine ask Frederick, he is very sure no one will know where is he.

" Roger, he tell me you are here."

"Roger ? the curious old man? How did he know?"

"Yes, hmmm maybe he saw you walked by?"

"Maybe. You come find me for what?"

" Oh ya the Festival of Theodore! Quick it's almost time!" Frederick take him and go.

The don't know there's someone watching them behind