
The Legend's Scroll System

After the age ceremony, Draven Edgor Castel was stripped of his title as the descendant and the future heir of the Great Castel Clan of London. Abandoned and powerless in a world of superhumans. He was constantly bullied and pushed around by his peers throughout middle school. Without a voice, he was forced to swallow down his anguish and kneel to their punches; his heart burnt for power. One day, fate answered his wish, and the moment he picked up an odd pocket diary from the lost and found. The system within chose him and bestowed him the powers of all of the legends from the war of 2150. In a fallen world, will he rise to be a hero or villain?

KazuhiroSeijuro · Action
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11 Chs


Hundred years ago, a great change fell on the world. An unprecedented catastrophe tipped the scales of power. One day a fragment of a cosmic star fell and brought great destruction and reaped millions of lives. Signifying the birth of a new era, The era of Chaos.

The asteroid emitted waves of energy and changed the ecosystem of the planet. Many strange weather phenomena took place and shook the foundation of the world. Laying many cities to waste across the globe.

Shattering the economies of the world, men turned from each other, many resorted to kill and steal just to survive a little longer.

During this period, the first generation of superhumans rose. The superhumans had unique abilities based off their personality or enlightment. A few of the evolved had more than one power. And the worst evolved into grotesque creatures.

The rise of supers along with the fear of the masses; had fanned the flames of war around the world.

Out of these chaotic times, the good stepped up to the plate. They enforcing law and order, protecting the lives and rights of the people. To restore peace, the supers and the government cooperated together, founding the Justice Alliance.

For 50 years, the superhumans fought day and night, neck to neck. The world was eventually split into two, due to the increasing number of villains banding together. A war broke out.

The war of legends occurred in the year 2150 until 2155. In the first four years the Justice Alliance made major improvements in technology and warfare providing them a great advantage. They discovered many strange powers and developed a counter measure for every ability. The Justice Alliance was able to secure victory, until they lost The Key.

The Key was the most advanced military-combat artificial intelligence developed by the collaboration of the greatest minds around the world. The Key was the perfect A.I created to put an end to the supers.

That all changed when a mysterious villain appeared on the battlefield and tipped the scales. The Justice Alliance faced a crushing defeat and disbanded.

For a few years the men lived under the tyranny of the supers.

Fractions rose to power, they conquered and enlarged their territories before signing a peace treaty and the world slowly recovered. Order was temporally restored and civilizations strived.

A fragile balance was made between the strong and the weak. Who know when another war would break out?

It's my first creation on Webnovel.

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