
The Lecherous Cultivation System

The Lecherous Cultivation System.... Is any introduction needed for it? I personally don't think so, but to those who want one, here it is. What kind of a system could any man want other than the Lecherous Cultivation System after waking up in another world? Peek at a woman when she's bathing, sneak inside a widow's bedroom, seduce a married woman, with such quests available to finish in exchange for XP and points, would our hero not choose to finish them? --- Visit patreon.com/DaoOfBeauties for access to advance unreleased chapters.

DaoOfBeauties · Oriental
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185 Chs

From hero to villain

"Sister Lingxin, let me do it."

Stretching his hand and grabbing the bandage which had some medicine applied on it, Yang Shen used the opportunity to get a feel of the woman's skin.

Surprisingly, even though she looked like someone who grew up inside a forest, Lingxin's skin was very soft and pleasant to touch.

Due to this, even after Yang Shen placed the bandage on her lower back, his hands continued lingering around her back.


Flinching a little as she felt Yang Shen's hands move near the sides of her waist and inch closer to wrap themselves around her, Lingxin with a slightly red face said, "Thank you…" and tried to escape before things went too far.

"You're welcome."

Not stopping Lingxin as she put some distance between him and her, Yang Shen smiled and opened the shop and purchased an item from it.

[The Belle Healing Pill (Level 5)

A special pill which not only heals wounds but all scars as well allowing women to maintain a soft and blemishless skin.

Remark: This is the best companion for female warriors who care about their appearance.]

Spending 120 Points to buy this item, Yang Shen withdrew the jade bottle he obtained from his inventory and handed it to Lingxin.

After all, given that he earned 200 Points from selling the beast's corpse, Yang Shen could afford being prodigal and spending 120 Points to get closer to a woman.


Adding on how Lingxin reacted after seeing what it was that he gave her, Yang Shen felt that those 120 Points were well spent.

Looking towards Yang Shen with eyes full of shock and happiness, the slight vigilance which appeared in Lingxin's eyes after how he touched her for a little too long disappeared right away.

To Yang Shen, it might just be 120 Points that he had to spend to purchase one of these pills, but someone like Lingxin knew that selling a single one of these pills would land her with a huge fortune.

The Belle Healing Pill despite being a basic Level 5 Pill cost so much on the market that not even many Level 8 Pills could compare with it.

Given that women always cared about their appearance and using ordinary healing pills left them with ugly scars, there was no shortage of female cultivators who wanted to purchase the Belle Healing Pill.

In fact, even the experts at higher realms fought to purchase this Pill purely for its scar removing capabilities on their skin.

And now that Lingxin was given a Belle Healing Pill just like that, her opinion of Yang Shen further shot through the sky,

At the same time, she glared towards her useless husband from the corner of her eye. That bastard will never be able to give me something like this.

"This is too much…. Young master. This lowly one cannot accept such a big gift."

"What are you talking about? Since I've called you sister, how can you not take it?"

Grabbing the jade bottle from Lingxin's hands and popping the lid open, Yang Shen fished the pill out with his fingers and moved closer to the woman before she could react.

"Young master…."

"Shhhh… Don't speak. Just open your mouth."

Nodding her head, the tanned beauty as if she had been hypnotized parted her sexy lips and revealed the insides of her mouth.

Seeing this, Yang Shen was filled with the urge to kiss her and ravage her insides with his tongue. But in the end, he held back his desire since now wasn't the time to give into his impulses.

Approaching the parted lips with his fingers that were holding the pill, Yang Shen gently placed the blue coloured pill on top of her tongue.

"Since I've already placed it inside your mouth, you won't spit it out, will you?"

Shaking her head slowly with Yang Shen's fingers still inside her mouth, Lingxin at that moment was thinking that the boy in front of her was not just strong but very kind as well to care enough to feed her the pill.

But before those thoughts could even sink inside her, Yang Shen suddenly added, "Since you belong to me from now on, how could I just watch as you stubbornly ruin your appearance?"


Unable to speak properly since Yang Shen's fingers were still inside her mouth, Lingxin in a fit of nervousness looked towards her husband for support since the change in personality of the one in front of her was too sudden.

"What are you waiting for? Start licking."

Grabbing hold of the pill he set down, Yang Shen held it a little above her tongue and forced her to start licking it if she wanted its medicinal properties to work on her and heal her wound and the scar.

'That bastard!'

Glaring towards Zhang Tai who didn't even dare meet the eyes of his scared wife, Lingxin slowly moved her tongue forward and bore with the humiliation as she started licking the pill Yang Shen's fingers were holding inside her mouth.

To understand what happened all of a sudden that changed Yang Shen's behaviour from that of a caring hero to a dominating demon, you'll simply need to look at things from his perspective.

Since the time he started interacting with the five survivors and learned a little bit about them, Yang Shen's internal claim that Zhang Tai was a coward kept on solidifying.

In fact, when he grabbed the pill with his fingers and placed it inside Lingxin's mouth, it was one of his ways to test if her husband would make a move or look the other way.

And look the other way he did.

Seeing this, Yang Shen understood that he could do anything to the woman as long as she didn't push him away.

Adding on the fact that she lived with a spineless coward for so many years, Yang Shen chose to not slowly get close to her and seduce his way inside her pants.

Instead, he was going to show her what it was like to be with a real testosterone fueled man who was not going to take no for an answer.

This is the Bonus Chapter for obtaining 1350 Power Stones.

The next Bonus Chapter will be released if we obtain 1500 Power Stones before the count resets.

So keep voting, enjoy, and stay safe.


[Special Mission Triggered!]

[Mission: Exchange Power Stones for Bonus Chapters!

Rewards: For every 150 Power Stones, 1 Bonus Chapter will be released!

Failure: No Bonus Chapters will be given out!]

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