
026-The tide

Meanwhile somewhere in the deepest part of the forest was a large cave inside was a majestic waterfall that was covered with blood. " How dare they hurt you." a fox said.

" arrogant humans they must have come here for my scales, if I wasn't injured from that fight with the spirit wolf I would have killed them. " The large dragon said.

" you should heal your wounds the last group of humans that came for you must be the last."

The flood dragon nodded. " You should leave Kuno, if the humans find you I can only risk my life to protect you."

the fox had 3 tails and was very beautiful had white skin fur and a start red shape on its forehead. "No humans below at the true qi realm is my match, I can guard you while you recover."

The flood dragon was unwilling but closed his eyes.

" Sister Nura I miss you." She said while she stare at the full moon.

" We should get some rest we have been walking for more than 2 hours and night has arrived," Hattie said the guards quickly made camp and prepared food, since zoe have reached the true qi realm she is able to fly and not eat food, but she prefers to eat.

In the middle of the night a large amount of malicious intent can be felt by any cultivator inside the forest it was so thick that it makes breathing very difficult.

Inside the cave , " the spirit wolf is back." Kuno said she noticed that the flood dragon was already well-rested, but hasn't fully recovered. " Kuno you must leave it would be wise to go back to the beast village, but with the situation right now it will be difficult."

" I will not leave you ! " she shouted

" What strong intent." Zoe was the first one to wake up and quickly surveyed the surroundings she noticed that her group was being cornered by more than 300 rank 2 spirit wolves.

"This is bad." She quickly called emma and aliza and signalled the guards for battle.

The wolves were all at the 2nd stage of the soul-shattering realm, usually this kind of monster would be easy to kill, but with more than 300 of them there entire group will be killed.

" Miss hattie stay at my back, guards protect the young lady " he commanded he released his cultivation at the 8th stage of the soul shattering realm and attacked the incoming spirit wolves.

Zoe and co. di the same

The battle continue on with both sides loosing units fast on hattie's group more than 8 soldiers have been killed, zoe did here best to avoid death but even with her strength at the 1st stage of the true qi realm she could only block a few as she is constantly being attacked by more than 10 wolves from all sides neither Emma or aliza had it any different.

" how did this much wolves appear out of nowhere" Emma shouted as she continuously launch her fist. " They must have arrived when we were all asleep, I felt a dangerous aura and is still nearby ."

" Focus your attention on guarding yourself and quickly move to hattie's position." Zoe instructed.

Aliza and emma nodded as they move one by one, with wolves quickly piling up the numbers was quickly overcoming them.

With the large disparity as the battle continue more soldiers die one by one while the wolves has only lost less than 30.

" Miss Hattie you should use your emergency token to get you and ms zoe's group out of here we will give you an exit." the dao protector said he's body was full of injuries as he was battling more than 30 wolves at the same time.

" I won't leave you" Hattie said.

She was not a cultivator one single hit from any of this wolf can decapitate her, that is why the dao protector has been getting easily injured as he has been protecting hattie while fighting.

Suddenly a large figure appeared from the cave it was so majestic that it can cause people to fall just from looking at it the flood dragon was staring at hattie's group and the wolves thinking that all of them were enemies he was preparing to launch its attack.

" Not good." Zoe said looking at the tremendous figure with a cultivation that she could not detect.

Kuno was sitting on top of the flood dragon with heavy tears as she witness the fight that was happening.

" You humans and wolves will die."

Another figure arrived from the forest it was another gigantic figure that was almost 2 times the size of the flood dragon it launched it fangs and the flood dragon was pushed back with its charged attack hitting the wolves side.

More than 100 wolves were killed with one attack of the dragon. " Ms zoe please take ms hattie away we will give your group space for exit ." The dao protector humbly requested.

" Mr Nicholson there is still hope you push the remaining wolf away while my group go for the kill."

Nicholson can only sigh and commanded the guards with more than 100 wolves killed with that single strike it gave hattie's group the opportunity to come back.

The flood dragon was severely injured from the sudden strike of the spirit wolf leader.

" You how dare you come back here!" the flood dragon said shaken

the wolf was dark in color almost entirely black it was more than 120 foot tall and had 1 horn erecting from its forehead. It did not seem to like talking as it continued its plunging , with the flood dragon injured it can only dodge since he needed to protect kudo on the process.

The spirit wolve lord was a rank 5 beast, usually, it won't even appear here, but since it was opressed he had no other choice. " Kudo leave." The flood dragon telepathically contacted Kudo.

The fox was crying she could not help, but only be food if the wolf was to find her " I will avenge you if you don't come back." she quickly disappeared

The flood dragon smiled and fought with the wolf.

minutes passed, Zoe and co was able to kill the last remaining wolf they were all filled with injuries and there beautiful dress had holes, but the guards did not even dare to look at them after witnessing such skills. " We should quickly leave this place there is no egg that dragon cannot be tamed." Zoe said.

" She is correct young mistress, that flood dragon alone can kill us without effort taming it is but a mere dream we should leave before anyone of them makes us there target by then none of us will be strong enough to escape." the dao protector said.

Without any beast carriage and only 6 remaining soldiers they head off walking to find the nearest town.

along the way some monsters would find them, but zoey would kill them in an instant since the monsters in this area posed almost no challenge to her at all.

when they reached the exit they heard a large cry they saw the flood dragon's head decapitated it was a horrifying scence even if they are more than several kilometers away the wolf lord was full of injuries from there battle but there was joy in its face as it devours the flood dragons core. It tried to find something but he left afterwards.

Zoey's group was in hiding they could not afford to fight such a monster even if it was injured.

only after 5 hours before they decided to leave.