
The lazy first prince is the strongest

A/N Notes: God bless the cringe web novel titles, and I'll have a lot of troubled finding a good cover for this story In a certain kingdom, lives a prince whose life can be resumed to sleeping and being always tired, but he is more than meets the eyes, he has great strength but he doesn't use for finding too troublesome to actually use it, unless when he gets pretty angry Cover source: toke_shi [Twitter] Also available at Wattpad

Lazy_Author_san · Fantaisie
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29 Chs


(A/N Notes: I was too busy creating a reverse cold war in Kaiserreich, so this is everything I got for you guys today)

"Zzzzzz..." Douglas was sleeping as he rested his head on a table while an old man was standing frozen in disbelief as he held a sheet of paper

"H-How!?... HOW DID HE MANAGE TO SOLVE THIS IMPOSSIBLE MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM IN A FEW MINUTES!?" And the old man shouted as looked at the sheet of paper over and over again

"If he can already do this without me even teaching this stuff, then I don't have anything else to teach him anymore... I'll have to resign..." He said so as he wrote a resignment letter

A few hours later

"Son, are you doing okay?... Where's the teacher? Hm? Oh! So he's also another one who gave up teaching him" He said as he read the resignment letter that said that the former teacher of his son didn't have anything more he could teach him

"*Sigh* I did say in the past he had potential... But to think he would be this much of a genius, was way outside my expectation, what teacher is this already? The tenth?... Son, wake up"

"Huh?... Fuaaahhh... ... ... Where's the old man?"

"He left already, and do not say it like that"

"Huh?... Oh... Father... Hello... *Yawns*"

"Hello, son. So what do you plan on doing, now that your math teacher resigned?"

"Sleep..." he said as he once again rested his head on the table

"How about you train your body with me? I'm sure, it won't hurt you to move your body outside a little"

"... Fine..." He agreed since he was too lazy to even think of arguing

The two of them left the study room and walked down the long hallway to the training field, and as they got closer to it, sounds of motivated cries got louder and clearer

"Oh... He is here today, we better go back inside, son" Alexander decided to turn back together with his oldest son, but...

"Hoh! Look at who I see, trying to sneak away from me" A man taller and with a slightly older face than Alexander, grabbed him on the shoulder

"... It is good to see that you are as lively as ever... Dad..."

"C'mon! Why are you that as if you're annoyed that your old man is here?" This man was Alexander's father and Douglas' grandfather

"Because you are annoying, dad" He was very serious

"And like you yourself aren't annoying too by always being so upright about everything" What the old man said, made a vein pop out from Alexander's forehead

"I am not annoying, right son?"

"Zzzzzzz..." Douglas had already gone to dreamland while standing in place

"Heh. Not even your son agrees with you"

"..." Alexander was only getting more annoyed at his father

"Anyway, what are you doin' 'ere kiddo?" Gramps decided to talk to his grandson

"Zzzzz... Huh?... Fuaaahh... Father... Said... Me... Move my body..."

"So he said for you to move your body outside, huh?" Gramps easily understood his grandson's words

"Eh? You understood what he said?" But Douglas'father was still unable to understand his broken sentences due to Douglas' being half-asleep

"Of course, I did. That's something only the most talented can do" Gramps was being smug again... As always

"You... (Damned old geezer!!!)" Alexander was almost snapping at his own father

"Anyway, let's get your body moving, son!" He picked his sleeping grandson under his arm and brought him to the training field

In there, the... Soldiers some might think... Guards others might think... No, it's the battle maids!

(A/N notes: *Cricket noises*

Author-san: "What? It was funny")

"You are back, your majesty Peter-sama... And I see that you brought with you, his royal highness Douglas-sama" said a maid wearing a light leather armor addressed to the former king with a welcoming smile

"Oh yeah, I did. I'll train this boy to be a great brawler"

"At least, say fighter, your majesty Peter-sama", She said that still with her welcoming smile

"Okay, okay, and didn't I say for you to drop all those formalities, it makes all your lines way too long without any necessity", Gramps Peter said so to the battle maid

"... You're right, it's really a bother to use all those formalities"

"You're totally right, it's a bothersome bother those formalities. Now, are you ready boy!"

Douglas woke up while still being held under his grandfather's arm "Huh?... Where... Am I?... Fuaaaaaaahhh..."

Peter put his grandson on the ground and gave him a wooden sword

"Do you know how to use a sword?"


"Me neither, but you'll be fine as long as you point it towards the enemy"

"Okay..." Douglas said so as he sleepily looked at the wooden sword

"Peter-san, how do you plan to train him with a sword if you never practiced any kind of sword art?"

"Don' worry about the details, it's all 'bout goin' with the flow," He said it with full confidence in his natural talent of winning a one to one fight "C'mon boy! Show me what you got!"

*Thunk* A wooden sword got pierced the ground right in front of Peter and with it almost hitting his precious place

"..." Gramps was frozen at the fact that he almost felt a world of pain

"Pfft..." And the maid held her laugh


"... What... I got?..."

"Okay, okay, okay, this time try to come near me and strike me with the wooden sword, and without aiming at my golden balls! Got it?"


Peter once again gave Douglas the wooden sword, and this time Douglas went towards his grandfather to strike him

<Alright, just a little bit closer... A little more... There!> Gramps Peter waited for the right moment to strike his grandson...

but what would one expect from someone who's always tired, suddenly began to run while holding a heavy object in front of him?... That person would trip forward, of course, and that exactly what happened

*Trips* """Ah...""" Peter, Douglas, and the maid all got surprised at what happened, the sword escape from Douglas' grip, as he fell flat down to the ground, and it flew forward hitting grandpa precious place

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Gramps fell to his knees as he screamed in the greatest pain he ever felt

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" The maid was laughing at his misfortune

"Zzzzzzz..." And Douglas following the wise advice of 'if you fall to the ground, take the opportunity to sleep while at it'

"What is all that ruckus!?" And Sophia who was also training appeared after hearing a scream of pain and a burst of loud laughter, then she saw Douglas on the ground

"Eh! D-D-Douglas-sama!? W-W-What happened???" She knelt in one knee as she turned him around to see if he was alright

"Zzzzzzz..." He was finely sleeping, that is

"Phew... He's fine... Hum? Uwaaaahhh!!!" And she was hugged by the sleeping crown prince and brought down to the ground with him

"Let go of me, Douglas-samaaaa!!!" She was trying her best to escape, but Douglas' sleeping hug was stronger

<What the hell happened here?> Alexander was confused at that very confusing scene

(A/N Notes: That's all for today folks!)

Training? Maybe

Sleeping? Surely

Hotel? Trivago

Lazy_Author_sancreators' thoughts