
Chapter 1 : Birth, Zhu Wuxian and the autor

Cry... the first tears of a nourisher who has just been born. A sigh escapes from a woman's mouth. Finally she said, My child has just arrived. Is this a boy a girl? A boy is obvious.

The master of the house, Baron Fauster Shine has just had his first child even for his wife Lady Aurora.

A big celebration took place for the birth of the heir of the Shine family.

The guests were distinguished and all very elegant. The house was brimming with luxury and the meals were worthy of a grand royal buffet. Even the King had come in person, because Baron Fauster and King Snow had been friends ever since. The festivity continues and everyone is having a great time. In the heat of the moment the King asked Fauster if he had already chose the child's name... Well yes I had a divine impression that fell on my head. I believe our God Dia wants me to name our child Zhu Wuxian.

In a realm infinitely higher than the worlds of Dia. Hmm... would I have caught Dia's eye by doing that? No, this big pile of shit of my creation is not capable of it knowing that he sits like an unemployed person after creating his creations. Ah in this little corner that is paradise. I should go there one day

Zhu Wuxian? Sounds good but isn't the Shine family name missing? Maybe so but that doesn't change the fact that I can't place that name in him. Interesting said the king, surely a divine blessing coming from someone but beyond that coming from Dia in person it is impossible.

The party started to end and the guests started to leave...was it over yet? The morning after this day of glorious festivity...

Holy shit! This is boring, am I still going to have to wait for this kid to grow up? SHIT... I've had enough after the prologue, let's go straight to the beginning said Zhu Wuxian the great dragon of infinities. I don't want to struggle with growing up for several years, so let's go, -infinite temporal acceleration- time advances by around ten years in the scenario...>>

In the personal world of the real Zhu Wuxian, the author wonders what is happening, am I hallucinating... A large idea of ​​knowledge arrives in the author's memory... memories? What is going on? I, the author, read the course of history a little and noticed that time has accelerated. So it's true, I'm under the influence of the scenario of my own work and I had the same memories that should have happened in the story itself. But why do I also write what I do? I'm trying to force an event that has no connection to the story - the main character Zhu Wuxian gets erased from existence and there's nothing that can do it come back whether it's a regeneration, or even me the author and nothing remains of him whether it is his body, his soul, his spirit, his conscience, his desires, its powers, and even its concept - I have already seen on a versus site that when someone is erased like that it is the erasure of conceptual existence. But here I also erased the fact that he can come back via regeneration or something like that. Plus I'm the author, I don't understand how I can't delete my own fictional character. If I also remember what I'm doing here is manipulating the plot. Seeing to see what it's going to do, I'm going to get up and go outside because I'm choking there.

Open the door...

Eh ? There is nothing... how is it possible? It's all blurry, no distinct color and translucent. It's as if nothing was even emptiness. What is happening, how come nothing is? The big world is no longer even my home where I just left, has completely disappeared, what is happening?

Wake up... huh? What's going on? On a chair in the room a black figure appears, red eyes threatening and carrying enormous fear that could kill anyone... how do I know that? Don't tell me that, Yes, my dear little writer, I am Zhu Wuxian, the great dragon of infinities, I am everything that is infinite. Did you try to delete me from my own story?

It's not very nice, you see, because without me the world disappears. I am the very concept of everything that is... but hey let's not go into this subject because you will not understand. And for the fact that you resist my influence it is because I authorizes it. Know that my eyes are very killer. Everything I see dies but I removed the very concept of mortal fear from my eyes on this world that is the fiction you write...and the fact that I don't disappear after you are removed from me come from the fact that no scenario or plot of the worlds can submit to me. Erasing myself conceptually will not kill me because everything that will try to make me disappear or kill me begins to enter a dream state and begins to dream that what should happen to me is happening to me. That you don't need to sleep, or that you are beyond dreams, or that you cannot be affected by dreams, or that you are the dream yourself like the DC comics character Vertigo. What's his name again... Morpheus something. You will stay there until I want you to come back. Oh damn, I love this comic because it's about guys who each embody a concept and particularly that he's one of the infinite... hey, I could surely create some for fun. But even if they really existed I would see them as ants see fiction because of their lack of power in

either. Anyway, I'm done with you, Klaus's gnat. Tell me a good story this time and try not to attack me because I don't want to intervene to wake you up. And anyway, I finished copying our discussion and everything that happened while taking your role, go sayonara!