
The Lawless Quintet

Tdsoa_987 · Sports, voyage et activités
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46 Chs



Parrot Warriors!! Assemble!!!

Bibiran! the greatest army commander of the undefeated Parrot Warriors, stood on top of the mountain as her Parrot subordinates raised her swords and shield in the air! READY FOR WAR! But things took an unfortunate turn... It suddenly started snowing?! it was extremely cold!? Everyone froze, but Bibi! the honorable commander refused to die like this... "I! BIBIRAN!! WILL NOOO-~!" dead. and there... the honorable commander died...

"HUAHH!?!?!" Bibi immediately woke up from her dream, and it appears the reason why she froze in her dream was because her face was covered with a pack of ice...

Bibi took the pack of ice and sat up.

"Gran- Waaa!!"

Bibi shouted, seeing her little cousin sister crying her eyes out that made her look like a total mess...

"Lili?! Why're you crying? Where's brother Jun?" Bibi had no idea how to comfort a crying kid...

Lian is Bibiran's little cousin sister, she has silver hair with crimson eyes colour, and Jun is the 'young man' with white hair and red eyes too, Lian and Jun are siblings.


Lili said before she grabbed on Bibi's hair and teared up.

"Didn't you say you were a grown up just before I went to school?" Bibi ruffled Lili's hair as Jun enterd with warm soup.

"You're awake Ran." He chuckled as he kept the tray of warm soup and warm tea on her desk, and sat down on the bed.

"Grandma left to buy fruits for you, I also went to your school meanwhile Lili was taking care of you, and aunt... she will stay here for sometime before she has some things to talk about with grandma"

Jun said in a tone where he wasn't happy and the same went for Bibi.

"Ugh, that women thinks she can come here whenever she wants!"

"I know, but Ran, she's still your stepmother"

Jun paused as he heard the door bell ring.

"Is that Grandma?" Bibi asked Jun, as he shook his head before he went downstairs and opened the door.

"Ah! welcome Ran's friends, would you like to go to her room? yes? alright, I'll lead the way.

Footsteps approaching Bibi's room, it was obvious that it was her friends.

Alastor entered first noticing Lili hiding behind Bibi.

the other's entered too, "I apologise if we distributed you..." Enzo apologized in advance as Jun just smiled saying it's alright and left the room before coming back and calling Lili to come out and she left too.

"Hello-" Bibi got a slight smack in the head by Topaz

"Aigoo... it hurt Topazz..."

"You should've said you weren't feeling well you bastard."

It was obvious that Topaz was worried and annoyed too.

Jun was outside the room standing by the door listening to the conversation before he chuckled and went downstairs as he heard the door open, it was their grandmother who just reached.




"Bibi, are you feeling well?" Enzo asked as Bibi replied by saying she's back to normal as she quickly recovers from sickness or anything.

They all talked for a while before Bibi's grandmother knocked on the door and entered.

"You children should eat dinner here."

Grandmother said, her name is Zevise.

Alastor was about to decline but Enzo and Topaz shut his mouth while Vinter did the talking. "Why not, we will love to have dinner here."

Enzo nodded while smiling, and Zevise smiled happily " I will call you children when the dinner is ready."

"I guess Alastor doesn't know how to talk to elders" Bibi mocked him jokingly

"As if you know how to respect elders either."

"Well I treat my grandma right." Bibi said proudly crossing her arms at her chest.

Alastor scoffed and told Bibi that the only elder she knows to respect is her grandmother. Bibi replied to sticking her tongue out.

Few minutes passed by, Lili came to call them to the kitchen for dinner.

"grandma is calling for dinner." Lili said peeking her head from the door frame before she ran back to her elder brother.

'SHE IS DAMN CUTE!' Topaz thought with a straight face, the Quintet went to the kitchen to eat dinner, on the table there were various dishes such as sticky chicken alongside Kimchi and more.

"You youngsters can eat as much as you want." Zevise said as she smiled at them warmly, the Quintet sat down alongside Jun and Zevise.

"Thank you very much Grandmother." Enzo said politely as they all prayed before eating.

"This young boy is way more polite than my granddaughter!"

Jun smiled, almost laughing... they chuckled, Alastor and Bibi forcefully laughing, Alastor wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for Enzo nudging his shoulder...

"You youngsters should come visit more often! I will love to see you all." Zevise said as they left but told Enzo to wait for a few seconds, Jun couldn't leave her side but because the grandmother didn't seem like she wanted Jun to hear it so he left with Bibi to the Kitchen to clean up the dishes...




"Boy, I have a favour to ask you"

The grandmother asked resting her left hand on Enzo's shoulder.

Enzo nodded while smiling,

"Than... please take good care of my granddaughter, she must be a lot of trouble but take care of her."

Zevise paused before continuing again, "If you catch her doing those smoking or anything, don't hesitate to take them away, but I will tell you boy, she changed to a complete different person after she met all of you."

Enzo nodded, "Why not, I will do my best."

Enzo ,bowed his head before he left and caught up with the other's.

"so Enzo, what did the grandma tell you?" Vinter asked, the rest was curious too, wanting to know what the grandmother told Enzo.

"She told me take care of Bibi like your parents asked me, and if she's caught smoking just take them away." Enzo said as he told them in short. Vinter's parents said the same and so did Topaz, except for Alastor because if you know you know, he doesn't have parents... But his pet Lion, Aligator, dogs, etc etc told Enzo to take care of Alastor.

"It seems she already knows Bibi smokes, I wonder how she found out."

Topaz told herself but in a manner so that the others hear it too, "Yea, I actually only found out 7 months ago." Vinter said as he shrugged, feeling something we feel when we feel like 'no one told me, how rude.' between friends?

"Slow poke." Alastor provoked Vinter as he drank his juice he pulled out of his bag, a tick mark, the ones that appeared when angry, popped up, "uh huh, and since when did you know?" Vinter smiled hiding the fact he was taunted.

"Since eight grade" Alastor shrugged as he threw the empty juice bottle in the recycling bin from a distance.

Topaz muttered 'damn' because he was able to throw the juice bottle to the bin from a distance. "But ay, isn't that the grade we met Bibi? that means ever since the start huh."


Alastor shrugged putting his hands in his pants pocket.