
The Lawless Quintet

Tdsoa_987 · Sports, voyage et activités
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46 Chs

Chapter- 13


"Enzo, Alastor! over here."

Topaz called out to her friends, while Vinter is behind the tree that Topaz is leaning on—as Vinter smiles looking at Topaz.

Enzo waved at Topaz, Alastor waved too.

Although it may be a simple hang out for other's where they wear simple clothing, for the Quintet, it was something like 'dress nicely or imma kill you' type...


Topaz wore her usual while hijab, slightly dark grey jacket with a T-shirt that said 'I am not short' with baggy cargo pants, and a shoe of course.

Vinter had black long sleeved button up shirt with a dark blue hoodie, and baggy jeans, along with 'PEAK Abibas' shoes- I mean black sneakers...

Enzo wore something more related to winter like a turtle neck with a black jacket and PANTS AND SHOES which are very important for both genders.

For Alastor, Enzo actually let him borrow his clothes and told him to wear a grey jacket with a scarf because Alastor is not used to the cold weather... (The scar was bought by Enzo for Alastor!)

For Bibi, we don't know yet, we will see it when she comes!


"Is it Bibi is late today too-'"

Enzo was cut off by Bibi coming up behind him and scaring him!

"Yo Wassup! Brother droped me so I'm not that late this time!"

Bibi turned back to Jun who bowed his head from inside the car, smiling and left.

"Yo damn, I didn't think you had taste in fashion" Topaz said, which made Bibi ask...

"Is that insult or compliment?"

"It's an Insult slowpoke."

Alastor said as he shrugged.

"Damn bro, I didn't even ask you, BUT anyways, let's go terrorise children!"

Vinter raised his hand and said he will join too, Topaz ended up joining too.


For Bibi, she wore Button up shirt with a turtle neck underneath, and cargo pants! with sneakers because who is human when you don't wear shoes, except those with no money...


"Hey children, did you know? About 764 Earths can fit in Jupiter."

Vinter said smiling, looking at the children, than Bibi popped up, smiling and added.

"Yes yes! and did you know? 63 Earths can fit in YourAnus(Uranus)"

Enzo suddenly appeared behind Vinter and Bibi, staring at them like he's going to kill them...

"It's not appropriate to tell children these things."

"But Enzo, they don't even know what it means." Topaz said as she's sitting on the ground making sand castles with the other children.

"But still... It's not appropriate."

"Finee finee."

Bibi sighed as she turned to Vinter, "Ay, are you thirsty?"

It was quite obvious that Bibi was thirsty, but Vinter couldn't deny that he too was thirsty, so they both turned to Enzo with a wide and happy smile...

"You beggars, go and buy it yourself."

Alastor said as he walked towards the three of them.

"Haha... Alastor is very rude, is he not?"

Vinter said looking at Alastor, his smile didn't go through. Topaz just minded her own business playing with the children.

"Yep, the rudest rascal i've ever met."

Bibi shook her head with her left hand on Vinter's shoulder before she whispered something to Vinter and he went to Topaz.

"Say Topaz, mind if I join you?"

Topaz nodded as Vinter sat next to her as he joined too, helping Topaz build the sand castles, of course due to the fact he was so in love with her he couldn't help but keep glancing at Topaz which she didn't notice.

"What a sweet couple."

Bibi smirked as she takes a video from her phone, even Alastor agrees with Bibi,

"But say Alastor, where is Enzo?" Bibi asked which Alastor replied to by saying that he went to near by vending machine to get some drinks for them.




"Hm... I wonder what drink Alastor likes... I should've asked before coming here."

Enzo thought as he stood infront of the vending machine with two cans of red bull, one vanilla milk shake and a small can of sprite.

"Maybe I should take red bull for him too?"

Enzo thought again, than finally he bought another red bull and went back to where the rest were.

"Guy, I bought drinks."

"Thanks man."

Alastor said, a smiled which was surprising to Bibi, Topaz and Vinter because they haven't seen him smile nut didn't make a big fuss except for Bibi...

"Bro Alastor, you should Smile more or else you won't get a girlfriend with that emo face."

Bibi said as she quickly hid behind Enzo holding her red bull because she knows if she doesn't have someone to hide behind, Alastor going to go full on WWE on her...

"But Ay, thanks Enzo."

"Thank you Enzo!"

Topaz said too, drinking her Vanilla shake while Vinter was behind her, looking at her drinking his red bull. Vinter thanked Enzo by the way.

"You damn rat, just wait one day, I'll kill you."

Alastor grumbled annoyed as he drank his red bull... and yes the sprite was for Enzo as he's quite basic...

After sometime they left the park and went to the amusement park as the time reached, the time when the amusement park opened.

"We're going first!"

Topaz said as she pulled Bibi, of course Bibi allowed her because she wanted to go first too.

"W-wait!... These two..."

Enzo sighed as he stopped running after them, before Alastor gave a small pat in Enzo's back.

"I'll go with them"

"Please do..."

Enzo said as Alastor quickly went after the two of them, Alastor wouldn't have went after them if it weren't for Topaz's past experience going alone even if Bibi was there because Bibi is very bad at directions, and Topaz can slip away without anyone knowing...

"Oi, you two"

Alastor said as he caught up with the two of them

"Don't you have patiences, Bibi. You're the second oldest so don't you think you should be responsible? You should've waited for Enzo, you should listen to him because you're not responsible."

Alastor said every word that Bibi dislikes... she's not the type to dislike or get actually angry at something, but those sentences made Bibi slightly irritated making that face, the face that we mostly make when we're irritated plus angry, but trying to hide it.

"Let me be."

Bibi said as she went to the bathroom leaving Topaz and Alastor, Topaz was about to go after Bibi but Alastor held her back.

"She's doing what she wants, leave her alone"


the two of them went to buy tickets and waited for Enzo and Vinter, and when they were in sight, some snacks could be seen in their hands.