Suddenly Fiera felt that the effectiveness of her skills had raised by a considerable amount and a look to Toris said he felt the same. She gave a silent glance to Jardon and was greeted with a frightening expression on his face as he looked down at the criminals.
Like watching static tv on an old television set, occasionally she would see flashes of disgust beneath the total mask of apathy that he carried. and then, she would be unable to see his face, only remembering the expression but not the features.
" As you have declined your right to a defendant the trial shall commence. Will the prosecutor step up?"
At his summon Toris swiftly strode up to the criminals and read off a sheet into his mic with so much confidence that Fiera and Jadon wondered if he had experience interrogating large crowds in the past.
" Criminals 1-5 are on trial under the charge of attempted rape and murder. Do you accept the charges?"
Even though they were still under the effects of the skills the criminals had the state to mind to aggressively shake their heads. The group of criminals all began to pour forth their complaints at the charge, which to them was completely unwarranted.
" N-No We barely even touched her!"
" With the kind of job she had what else was she expecting. Everyone else did it"
" if she was so against it why didn't she just say so? "
" yeah, who knew she would just take off when we offered."
" It's not even the type of thing that's discussed."
Fiera barely restrained herself from taking off a few heads with her scythe as they spoke but she managed to when she realized she couldn't do anything until her turn. She blinked as Toris suddenly seemed to grow even more intimidating as he barraged them with questions.
" According to the victim it WAS discussed, but you were all rejected."
They stiffened as Toris spoke and tried not to let traces of they're hurt pride show on their faces. Toris noticed this but paid it little to no attention and continued in the same tone as earlier that somehow managed to be both dead and incredibly passionate at the same time.
" After being rejected you all grew incredibly aggressive so she was forced to flee. Seeing this you five men all chased down a single girl wearing heels and upon catching her were about to… force yourselves on her. Have I made any mis-statements?"
The effects of the skills that we had all used earlier had long worn off but the criminals still looked terrified at the sight of Toris, who did nothing to hide his disdain for them.
" Of course she said that! That ***** obviously has a grudge against us! Besides with the way she was dressed, she should have been ****ing expecting it!"
The gavel pounded again behind us and drew our attention back to Jardon who's calm expression was starting to show cracks of annoyance. The heavy wooden mallet struck against its pedal and the sound echoed around the room, swiftly reminding the criminals exactly where they were.
" You Will mind your language in my court."
Toris immediately caught what they said and dug into it while riding the effect of Jadon's tone.
" You pieces of trash decided to harass a waitress, got angry when you were rejected and decided to Rape her because she should have been expecting it?"
The mic picked up the furious inflections as he talked which made the [Criminals] shrink back even further. He then turned back to Jadon,
" Judge! They've all but admitted their crime. What is the sentencing?!"
The criminals began to protest but silenced at another look from Toris. Jadon pounded his gavel once more for attention and began his sentence.
As all of this happened Fiera could only look around her surroundings and pinched the inside of her wrist to affirm that all of this was reality. The sharp sting of well maintained nails piercing soft flesh brought forth small tears into her large eyes but she paid no attention to it and gleefully watched her two partners that she had just met, so passionately stand up for her.
In all her time in the Recrwer, from birth until now at 18 years of age, she had yet to be actually defended by anyone. Even her birth mother had long sold her off for a box of alcohol and only got her back in return for something else.
" The criminals are hereby sentenced to the Re-Education rooms for two years and-"
Jadon paused to look at the stony faced Feira for a moment before continuing in a much more confident and stern voice. After all the relatively large beads of tears that threatened to stream down her face at a moments notice did not escape his eyes.
" Two days in the Executioner's room as reparation to the victim"
It was here that Fiera finally smiled. The normally pleasant expression took a twisted turen when paired with a maleficent tilt of the lips and the tears in her eyes finally streaming down her cheeks and onto her clothing.
Fiera made eye contact with the criminals, not bothering to wipe off the tears on her face and her slender hands tightened around the scythe like it had been tailor made for her use.
Her appearance at the moment was like a vengeful valkyrie as she glared down the men that had almost taken her life in the most humiliating way possible and sent shivers down the spines of not just the criminals but of Jadon and Toris as well
An odd competitive feeling took root in Jadon's mind and determined not to be outdone by Fiera and Toris, he pounded his gavel once more and said in as regal a tone as possible.
" That is my final verdict."
Fiera stepped forwards and said in probably the sweetest tone she had used for a while,
"Activate [Execution room]."
I'm finally back after a few days of going MIA.... Sorry about that BTW.
I was in a really bad state of mind is all I can really say so i wasn't even thinking of anything, never mind writing. but now I'm back with that two chapter release as promised! thanks for the support from all of you!