
The Last Water Sylph

Laurent is not your ordinary 18-year-old teenage girl. She has secrets that no one would dare unfold. She always has her guard up. There's no room for mistakes. This time she'll do things right, that's what she thought Until she met Sam, campus heartthrob, the school's football captain, and MVP. They keep bumping into each other anywhere she goes. What will she do once Sam keeps on bugging her? Will all her plans go to waste and the past is known to others? What kind of future awaits Laurent?

choco_latte_4641 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

The Last Water Sylph

Laurent's POV

I was panting hard. I'm almost out of breath, but I can't stop running. I need to go further, somewhere safe. Anywhere else, but not here.

I hear some rustling noise behind me. Did they catch up already? I can't afford to get caught. I look around to look for a place to hide. Maybe behind that tree? No, too thin. Behind that rock? too small. when I turn around someone hit my head hard.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, it went off at seven-fifteen. Sweat trickled down on the side of my face. "That dream again, ugh!" I keep having this nightmare since that faithful night I lost my family. Tears started to form on the corners of my eyes. I wipe it off using the back of my hand before it even falls. "I'm still considered lucky I guess?" Even though I lost my parents I have the house and money they left for me. They also left me their car, but I never use it. It just makes me cry. Instead, I worked for a car shop last summer and built my own motorbike thanks to the owner of the shop Uncle Dan. He was my dad's best friend. They were so close people say that they're brothers.

I get off my bed and started doing my morning routine. I have to go to school today. First I took a bath and brush my teeth. I went out of the bathroom and pick something to wear for the first day in high school. "Remember you are no longer Laurent Meyer, you are now Amanda Davis." I keep on chanting to myself. I had to make sure that no one will know about the real me. I can't afford to move to another state again. I pick a black hoodie, a white plain shirt for my inner outfit, fitted jeans, and a pair of sneakers today. "Let's do our best to not get any attention, Amanda." I smiled to myself as I look in the mirror. I tied my long hair into a ponytail and grab a sandwich inside the fridge. I went outside and lock the doors. And ride my bike to school. When I reach the school grounds some students are already running to their classes. Well, my class starts at nine so I should hurry it's already eight-forty. I parked my bike in a vacant parking space and started walking towards the school building.

"Hey!" I heard someone shout behind me. I didn't mind it thinking that it wasn't me that the voice was referring to. Who would want to get the new girl's attention on the first day of school anyway? Unless he's a pervert. "Hey! You! The girl in a black hoodie!" said the man who is still trying to call someone with the same black hoodie, whoever that is. I continued walking as I entered the corridor full of students. Whoever that person is, he finally stopped shouting. I make my way to my first class after a series of asking directions.

As I sit in one of the seats in the front row, the door suddenly opens and startled me. I was met with the deepest and darkest black orb that is looking straight back at me as if he's seeing through me. Hair as black as coal. Skin as white as snow and lips as red as blood. Wait, what? Is he some kind of a fairytale princess? "Pfft!" I stop myself from laughing. "What's funny, huh?" I didn't notice that gorgeous guy here, is now in front of me. "Didn't your parents taught you that when someone calls you, you should turn and answer?" the hot guy snarls at my face. Ok, he's hot but he's dumb. One thing I hated about a person? Is being dumb as fuck! "Whoa! What are you talking about?" I blurted out. I shouldn't let him notice that I am checking him out. "I called you. In the parking lot, just now!" Now he's mad. "You didn't!" I retorted back. He looks like a volcano ready to go kaboom! "I did! I said 'Hey! Girl in a black hoodie!'" Oh, so he's that guy and he's trying to get my attention. "First of all, my name is not 'Hey! Girl in a black hoodie!'. Second, my parents are dead. So yeah, nobody taught me those kinds of shit. If you'll excuse me the instructor is already here so get out of my personal space." I whispered shout at him. He looked at the instructor behind him who seems to not know what's happening here. Then he look back at me "This is not over." and he went out of the room. Whew! Luckily we're not classmates. The instructor already started his class but my mind went back to that Snow White guy. I smiled to myself, yeah I'll name him Prince Snow White from now on.