
The Last Water Sylph

Laurent is not your ordinary 18-year-old teenage girl. She has secrets that no one would dare unfold. She always has her guard up. There's no room for mistakes. This time she'll do things right, that's what she thought Until she met Sam, campus heartthrob, the school's football captain, and MVP. They keep bumping into each other anywhere she goes. What will she do once Sam keeps on bugging her? Will all her plans go to waste and the past is known to others? What kind of future awaits Laurent?

choco_latte_4641 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Amanda's POV

"What the? Why are you shouting? Shouldn't it be me? And dude stop looking! Pervert!" this stupid guy is ogling at my body that I needed to inform him to look away? Ugh! I hate boys! "I'm sorry, ok! I was calling you out to tell you that this forest is off-limits. Haven't you read your school book or something?" trying to reason your way out huh? hmm, this is fun. Should I tease him a little? "Hmm. I wonder how long are you watching me, but you answered it without me asking you." Look at that guy feeling shy and embarrassed so suddenly. "Wh-what?! I.. put some clothes on, will you?" Kinda cute though, if he had a different personality, that is. I was about to get my clothes when he handed me a little towel. "H-here. I kn-know this isn't much of help b-but you can use this. A-anyways, don't come here again. A-as I said, this f-forest is off-limits because of some wild animals." I got the towel from him and put it over my shoulder. I picked up my clothes and wear them again. "Yes, your majesty." Pfft! I smirk my laugh away just so he won't feel so insulted. "Don't call me that!" I was shocked when he shouted at me. Was he mad? "Don't call me that.. Please." He looked sad. Ugh now I feel guilty for something that I didn't know. "Oh ahm, I'm sorry. I was just teasing you. I didn't know you'll be offended." I said sincerely. There was a long uncomfortable silence between us that I needed to speak to break the tension. "Uh let's go back? You said that we shouldn't be here right?" I started walking slowly, but I notice that he wasn't moving from his place. "Come on!" I went back and pulled his hand. "Don't you have class? We should hurry." I said while walking back to the campus. "Dylan." that made me stop and look back at him confused. "My name is Dylan." He looked at me straight in the eye and held my hand back. I felt strange electricity the moment he did that made me pull my arm back. "Oh! I'm Amanda Davis, I'm new here so I didn't know a lot of things here." I look away, his gaze is just too much. My cheeks are heating up and my heart beats so loud. I- "I can teach you everything I know. About the school I mean." Crap! This kid! I need to avoid this person by all means. This is dangerous.

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