
100. A Hundred days to prepare

Vision returned to Mack's eyes as he glimpsed what was around him, but to Mack surprise looking to his right side, he found something he was not expecting.

"Yo old man, I think we bring extra luggage,"

Said Mack, pointing to the same sarcophagus that was with them in the room before activating the transportation array.

[Those guys, they always thought we were gods, if they knew.....]

Mack looked to the old man and the old man looked back to Mack as if both were reaching an agreement, then they started walking, leaving the sarcophagus behind.

For Mack, the place they were transported to was nothing different, a bunch of woods, just like any place on earth, just that the plants were a bit different, while walking Mack paid attention to them for a while but a few minutes and he was already bored.

"Where we are old man?"