A modern man trasmigrated to the year 1893 into the body of Nicholas II, the last Tsar of the Russian Empire. In the body of a man destined to fall, taking the entire Romanov dynasty with him. How will he go about revitalizing this empire destined to fail? How will his destiny change? Follow his journey to greatness!
Soon, Nicholas got back to St. Petersburg. There, he immediately met with Witte.
"Are the documents ready?" Nicholas said
"Yes, Your Highness." Witte responded while reluctantly handing him the documents.
"So, did you get His Majesty's permission?" he added.
"I did. And it's finally time for us to go on the offensive, Sergei. Please help me arrange a meeting with Polyakov for tomorrow. I know you have connections with him. I need a fair loan, with generous interest. Also prepare yourself for a formal meeting two days from now. I will announce the reformation of the Okhrana there.
Anyway, a formal announcement will be publicized soon."
Witte hesitated, stumbling, his mind going through the possibilities. In the end he decided to voice his thoughts out
"But, Your Highness, there will be a lot of opposition. Are you ready for that?" He inquired.
"I have my ways and Father's support, Sergei. You shouldn't worry about that. I only need your vocal support and influence in the meeting.
And tell me, how is the matter we talked about going?"
Witte looked confused for a moment but then reacted.
"Ah, that one. We have been trying to contact him but with little success."
"Keep trying. Increase budget if needed. He's an unparalleled genius in his field. If we can rope him in, we can close the gap between us and the other Great Powers 10 years earlier."
"As you wish, Your Highness." Sergei said.
After that, he left his office.
On the way to his residence, Sergei thought about Nicholas. A once mild and unassuming Crown Prince was now boldly carrying out a purge. Where had this change come from? Or had he always been like this?
Which of the two versions of Nikolai was the real one?
Sergei didn't know. What he knew for now is that Nicholas was working in the right direction, and as long as he did that, Sergei would support and trust him.
Somewhere in a random unassuming building in New York, USA.
"Mr. Tesla, you're truly an elusive figure aren't you? I trust I am not interrupting a moment of inspiration?"
Tesla didn't even look up while responding.
"Every moment is one of inspiration, sir. But I allow myself the occasional interruption. So tell me, who are you?"
The agent smirked, happy he had finally managed to get a meeting with the apparently always busy scientist.
"An admirer of your genius. And an envoy. My name is Ivan Grigoryev. I represent certain interests of His Imperial Highness, Crown Prince Nicholas of Russia."
Tesla finally turned his face to him, slightly intrigued.
"The future Tsar? A future monarch's curiosity for science isn't a given nowadays. But what does a ruler of an Empire want with an engineer and inventor?"
Ivan responded: "He seeks progress for his Empire, Mr. Tesla. Russia is in the brink of transformation. The Tsarevich is determined to modernize our nation, and he says you are the man who can light the way. Quite literally."
Tesla laughed and said: "I am not a politician, only a scientist. What can I do for a ruler half a world away?"
The agent stepped forward confidently, his eloquence on full display.
"Imagine this: a vast nation, its cities illuminated by your currents. Factories running day and night with the electricity of the future. The Tsarevich is offering you a chance to shape the destiny of an empire.
I know your roots are Slavic, Mr. Tesla. I think I and the rest of Russia can resonate with you much more than the Americans you're currently working with."
"I am already shaping the future here in the United States. I have investors, patents and endless work to finish. Why leave?" Tesla said, somewhat moved by Ivan's words.
The Agent triumphantly smiled, and said:
"But Mr. Tesla, are they really your allies? Can capitalists ever be trusted?
Will capitalists ever trust you out of fear of profit loss?"
Tesla paused, visibly affected by the remark. "What about Russia? Would I fare any better in a court ruled by aristocrats and bureaucrats?"
"Do not compare the Tsarevich to those old and dirty pests," Ivan remarked with a disgusted face. "He offers you freedom. Freedom to experiment and innovate without the chains of profit margins.
He will give you resources and possibilities beyond your imagination as long as you continue serving Russia."
Tesla narrowed his eyes and said:
"An intriguing proposal, Mr. Grigoryev. But you must know, I do not chase wealth. I chase the future. If I were to consider this, it would be for the potential of serving humanity. Not to serve a crown."
Ivan stood up from his seat, saying:
"And that, Mr. Tesla, is why you are perfect for Russia. The Tsarevich does not seek a servant. He already has plenty of those. He seeks a visionary."
Then, he took a small card out of his pocket and added:
"Here's my contact information, sir. I will be taking my leave now. When you decide to come to Russia, write me a letter or come meet me at my place.
Then he gave a bow of courtesy and left the room smiling.
Left to himself, Tesla mused
"Russia, an empire of contradictions. It could be my greatest opportunity. Or my undoing..."
Outside the door, Ivan was wiping his sweat. Appearing so confident when he actually wasn't didn't prove to be easy for him.
'He sure had a lot of questions.
Humanity my ass! He just wants the glory which comes with being famous and a grand inventor. My facade almost broke back there, I gotta be more careful with how I act' he thought while walking out.