
The last throne

Rohan is the young heir of a small barony with dreams of greatness. He wishes to become a great adventurer but his obligations as a noble forbid it. And finally one day he was forced to enter the imperial academy, but before he wanted to enter he was involved in an ambush that would change his entire life.

G0ldent · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Sword Acolyte [3]

Since I was little I was always a fan of reading epic epics of ancient heroes, who did impossible feats, who were capable of going against destiny.

It was always said that in order to achieve tremendous feats, these great heroes had to endure the worst torture and get used to pain.

All of that seemed like a lie to me at this moment.

If I had to describe it in a simple way I would say something like 'Hello dear passenger, we invite you to a vacation you will pay in hell of pain' although of course it would be a very simple way to describe my condition.

That even though I was clearly ecstatic from the adrenaline that kept me from literally dying of pain, I was still able to see what a terrible time I was having.

And he didn't need to be a doctor who would probably die soon.

He was right, the sword caused a leverage effect and instead of being thrown I was sent to the side.

But I didn't expect that the impact was going to be so terrible, my arms that were holding the sword had been broken by the tension and rigidity of my muscles after the collision of a beast that probably weighed close to a ton.

But that wasn't the biggest damage, the biggest damage was on my back and my head.

After the impact I was embedded in a leafy tree, I felt like my spine was cracking, like my head was burning from the pain of the impact.

Luckily my back received most of the impact but my head was also hit by inertia against the tree.

I had broken one of my ribs from the impact of the handle against my chest.

Moving my glutes and pressing my elbows back I dislodged myself from the tree, falling to the ground.

What made him feel more pain, to make matters worse he had fallen face down on a rock.

I rested my head on the ground using it as a support to stand up, it was my only option since my arms seemed like there were no bones.

When I got up I went into a state of confusion, I had many things taking effect on me at the same time.

I felt a sharp sound in my ears, I felt dizzy for some reason, it was difficult to concentrate to think and I couldn't see well either.

My world was spinning constantly without rest.

After what would be a few seconds of me acting like a zombie I stabilized myself enough to be able to see clearly and what I saw discouraged me.

Of course my idea had worked not as much as I hoped it would, the creature had the night sword embedded in its neck but the problem was that the blood was not coming out fast enough to kill the creature, why was it still able to fight while that I was a used rag that one of my servants would use when cleaning the waste room.

So I had two options: rip the creature's sword out of the blood or run away.

Thinking about it, I only had one option, although that thing is slow, this changes completely when the beast begins its attack so fleeing was not possible, which only left me to fight.

The problem is that the sword is stupidly heavy for me and that was before my arms were broken.

I'm sure that the only thing that prevents me from starting to scream in pain will be interrupted when I try to use force with my arms.

But there was nothing else he could do was that or die, although he still wasn't sure if he could survive after killing him.

Luckily for me, the creature was somewhat dazed by the wound, just because the wound was not immediately fatal does not mean that it was not important.

Before I could even continue thinking, the creature was already on its way to try to kill me.

I quickly backed away and hid behind a tree until the last moment and escaped the trajectory.

Again a tree had been destroyed but this time it was much more significant because it caused the sword to dislodge from the neck slightly causing more intense bleeding.

I dodged the tree that was falling and ran behind the beast, taking advantage of the daze I made a slight jump and mounted the beast.

The wild animal, upon feeling me on its back, shook itself to try to get away from me.

'You chose a terrible opponent'

With force I opened my jaw and bit the dirty fur to avoid falling, together with the pressure that my legs exerted on the animal I was able to stay in place.

The shaking became more and more violent. 'if this continues I will fall'

With force of will I moved my arm in the direction of the beast's eyes.

Pain began to course through every fiber of my body as I grabbed the eye of the beast.

This was nothing more than an invitation for if the beast wasn't doing its best it would now do so.

This was 20 times worse than riding a bull, the beast lurched towards a tree and my legs were slammed against the trunk.

When I felt like I was really losing strength I felt a strange sensation of heat, but it wasn't a comfortable sensation of warmth, it was a sensation of burning alive.

But with this came a powerful force, I felt invigorated.

Biting harder into the beast to try to endure the pain, I saw my left arm towards the direction of the sword's handle.

I squeezed the beast's eye hard, almost tearing it off, and grabbed the handle of the sword with all my strength and released the creature's bite.

By releasing my greatest point of support I was ejected with the sword in my hands 20 meters from the beast.

All I felt was a light rock on the back of my neck and I saw how the creature that before did not stop moving slowly began to remain motionless and fall dead on the floor.

This was what my eyes saw in a couple of blinks until I couldn't open them again. The last thing I felt was a sensation of being on fire uncontrollably.

I think this is the first time you left a comment here, yes I know it's a little late but it would be nice if readers left comments or reviews once.

Although I am happy to see the collections arrive in notifications, it is depressing to see that there are no comments or reviews

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