
The Last of the Moon Elves

Zileenia is the very last of her kind. As a result of that there are those who always are hunting her for either the sport or the black market value that she would hold. She must always want her back and that makes it hard for her to trust anyone that she meets. When she gets offered the opportunity to join a misfit group of adventurers will they cherish her as a person or will she be betrayed due to the monetary value that she would offer them if they were to turn her in?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

They Don't Believe Me.

As soon as I walked out of the Temple all of the adults that were talking stopped and looked at me and they all started to speak in unison.

"May the blessings that the gods and goddesses have given you need to your success and the betterment of our people for as long as you live". I heard everyone say in unison as I made it out of the temple.

Whenever they finish speaking everyone else scattered with the exception of my family members. Instead of scattering like all of the other families they actually made their way to me and I could see that my brother was somewhat serious with his look while my mother was overjoyed the mix of emotions that I was feeling from my family made it very hard to discern how exactly I should explain to them the fact that I got a blessing from all of the gods.

"So which of the gods exactly start their blessing upon you". My mother said excitingly to me as she grabbed both my hands and looked me directly in the eyes.

"Well I don't know how to exactly say this but when it comes to which one of the gods or goddesses that bestowed upon me their blessing; I will tell you that I actually received a blessing from every single one of our gods". I said in a study pattern since I knew that they would keep bugging me until I told them despite my unwillingness to tell my father or brother about this specific topic.

"That is not possible!" My brother explained to me as he went to swing his right hand at me as if he thought that I was lying.

"That is enough; you will not lay a hand on your sister. Any possible harm that you do to her now that she is an adult I will return back to you three times as intensely". My father said as he placed his arm in between my brothers swinging hand and my head.

"It's not like she is going to be worth it in the end anyway. Most likely we all know that she will just end up alone and without either a lover or any children to continue the heritage of our people". My brother said as he dropped his hand and turned away from me.

"Here I will put all of your doubts to rest brother about my statement of getting a blessing from each of the gods and goddesses of our people".

I then rolled up my right sleeve and I showed him the markings of each of the gods that were engraved on the inside section of my right arm.

"Wow you were not wrong you have a mark from all of our seven gods". My father said as he sleep backed away as if he had not believed my statement and was expecting me to only have maybe one blessing if I was lucky.

I actually examined my arm because I did not even notice it whenever I received the marks from the gods since they were so busy explaining to me and the reason that they each had chosen me.

Going from the top of my arm going down the symbols were laid out in a particular order.

The first logo was of a rhino, and the second one was of a skull and bones with a death scythe going across it left to right.

Thirdly I saw a red heart surrounded by a bunch of white roses. After that I saw a green serpent on my arm. The fifth symbol was a symbol of an hourglass that was half full.

Near the bottom of my arm I saw a green tree that was in full bloom. At the bottom of my arm the final logo that I saw was a logo of a fairy that had four wings in total on its back.

"Now you know that I was not lying when I stated that I received a blessing from each one of the gods and goddesses that we worship". I said to my family before I started to unroll my sleeve so that it was back to its full length.

"You know what this means right. It means that most likely at some point in your future you will hold the fate of our entire race in the balance based on a simple decision or possibly as a result of a specific set of actions made by other people". My father said to me.

"Is that a bad thing or is that more of a good thing?" I asked since I was still confused at why it was that the gods had all given me their blessing.

Had I done something to deserve this or did I just simply get it by me a chance.

If what my father said is the truth that I am destined for either great things or terrible things and the thought of that sent shivers of uncertainty and discomfort down my spine.

"Well let's not think about that. Why don't we go home and celebrate the fact that our daughter has passed the coming of age as well as received more than one blessing from our gods". My mother said as she started to push us all towards the woods where we had all come from to make it to the temple.

My tiger companion had climbed on to my back; and normally while it would hurt due to its small size it did not actually hurt for it to climb my back.

After my family had made it through the forest we walked upon an area that had plenty of trees in it but it was not closely compacted as it was in the forest.

In this area there were stone pathways walking up to each tree and houses were carved out of them.

When are we made it to our house I saw an eating area in the very first room where my mother had fixed a bowl of Stew that was made out of the herbs from the forest and only had a tiny bit of meat in it since our people were moving towards the philosophy of being herbivores than carnivores in order to keep the forest populated.

"Just remember to go kneel at the altar and pray to the gods that you have been blessed by and they will guide you down your pathways that involved the many decisions that you should be making soon in your life". My father said as he set at the table and started to eat the food that my mother had made for us.

"Yes Father we will always remember what the gods have offered us". Both my brother and I said in unison as I looked at my father so that he knew that I was sincere about what I had just stated.

I ate my food and then I thanked my mother for the food and made my way to the back of the house where we had an altar setup for prayer.

This altar was blue with white cloth over the center of it.

Inside the shrine I saw that there was an altar in the center of it and on both sides I saw a red box that contained a variety of different items that I could use to offer the gods while I prayed to them.

I grabbed one of each of the items they were in the baskets and place them on the altar before I started to pray to the gods.

There were only four types of items that were offered in prayer. First a bottle of rare wine, secondly a piece of refined and processed meat of the highest degree. The third item that was offered was a blue medallion and the final one was a bottle that contained my magical energy after I filled it up.

"I thank you for the blessings that you have given me today and I hope that you will maintain offering me your blessing and your guidance in order to help me achieve greatness for the sake of my people".

After I finished praying and open my eyes all of the gifts that were on the altar vanished and I was able to feel the symbols that the gods had engraved on my inner right arm begin to pulse as if they had accepted the gifts I had offered them.

Now that I had finished all of my urgent and important matters for the day I decided to turn in for some sleep so that I could be prepared for tomorrow when I was going to be meeting my master.

I made my way into the sleeping Chambers of our house which was in the higher level of the tree.

Our beds were simple curved cocoons that were carved from within the tree itself and as soon as I got inside a magical barrier was generated by the tree sealing me in but not in a negative way.

It did not cause me to feel any fear instead it caused me to feel relaxed as I felt the nourishment from the tree coursing through my body and my stamina was slowly refilling itself as I started to pass out.

I did not know this at the current time; but the statement that my father had said about me controlling the Fate of my people due to the fact that I had a blessing from all of the gods was more truthful than I ever thought it could be.

I would not be ready for what the future had in store for me no matter how prepared I thought I might be.