
The last lord of blue fire

The fox boy, together with his younger brother, cleanse the world of evil in order to eventually get to the highest evil and take revenge.

DaoistAWTjKo · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Damned half-breed

The door to the academy was too far from the main portal, in the oldest corridor of the temple. The floorboards always creaked there, so that the carpenter would not make the wood continue to creak. The walls were painted with frescoes telling about the exploits of various Otherworldly creatures that inhabited the earth for a very long time. It could be said that this corridor is the real treasure of the temple no less. The paint in the paintings always shone, as if it had just been applied. This is because the entire corridor was a seal of conservation, which was imposed by the founder of the temple.

The door leading to the academy was simple and wooden. Only a silver handle with a coat of arms and an inscription on the door indicated that this was the right passage. There was a soft creak as Yoni turned the knob. Behind the door, blackness strewn with stars was waiting for him, as soon as he took a step, the darkness parted and he found himself in a completely different place.

The academy was barely younger than the temple, and almost indistinguishable. High ceilings, a bunch of paintings from past eras and a strange smell of antiquity.

Classes were long over, so the corridors were empty. The fox did not want to stay here for a long time, so he almost ran to the professor's office.

- Can? the boy knocked on the big oak door marked "director". As old as everything in this place.

- Come in, - came the calm voice of the old man. Yoni slowly opened the door. The old man sat in his favorite black leather chair at an expensively carved dragonbone table. - Didn't Mr. Rayon deign to come after all?

- Thanks to you, Professor, I had no other choice.

- Don't be like that, Rey, I have a very important matter for you, - Anarion's violet eyes shone like precious stones in the light. His skin was like gold, and his hair, like copper, flowed down to his shoulders. Yoni never liked sphinxes.

- I understand that this is it, the most important thing? - The fox pointed to the boy, who, huddled on the couch, looked uncertainly towards the professor. Rayon spotted him as soon as he entered. Or rather, he smelled it. He looked to be no more than fourteen. From under thick black hair protruded two small horns, about ten centimeters long. Red eyes followed the professor closely. The claws were short but strong as steel, the fangs were small for his age, and the ears were slightly pointed at the end. It means a vicious child.

- That's right, it's Aiden, he...

- Damned, damned half-breed, - the boy shuddered, as if he had been doused with boiling water, but did not answer. He only pressed himself closer to the sofa, as if he thought that he would somehow protect him.

- Don't be so rude, Ray. It's true that Aiden is cursed. He was attacked by one of the Black Lotus demons. He spent several months in the infirmary. Only now he is feeling better and I brought him here.

- I'm sorry to hear this, but what do you want from me, professor?

- Nothing, just give him a little tour. Tell us what and how it works.

- Isn't this the work of the people from the academy? Including your work.

- You see, Aiden does not want to become a student of the academy and be with mentors, - the professor sighed theatrically and adjusted his glasses, - so I thought that you could help him.

- What an honor, - the boy grinned, - goodbye professor, I hope we never meet again, - the fox repeated with the same sincere smile in his voice.

- You are as cruel as always, Ray.

- Glad to hear it. Let's go, - Yoni looked at the damned one, - so be it, I'll tell you what and how it works here.


The fox walked confidently through the corridors of the academy, while the damned boy minced somewhere behind, trying to keep up. When they got a good distance from the office, the piggy fox stopped abruptly, so that Aiden almost ran into his back.

- So what do you really want?

- Sorry?

- Don't make a fool out of yourself. You were human when the seal appeared. Most half-breeds do not even know that they are yomi, and live to their very old age, perhaps a little longer than ordinary people. But you have awakened the power from the seal that is slowly killing you. How much do you have left?

- You are pretty straight forward. A year, with a good set of circumstances, maybe even two, so they said. I have nothing to lose, so I want revenge. I want to kill the demon who did this to me, - Aiden lowered his head lower, clenching his hands into fists.

- Ha ha ha, - Rayon burst into a loud laugh that frightened the young yomi, - and you are funny. You want revenge, that is. Defeat one of the seven Black Lotus Demons in just one year. I would love to look at it.

- So will you help me?

- No, I have my own worries. I advise you to ask for an apprenticeship at the academy and just live.

- And you? Why didn't you become a student of the academy? Why do you want to avenge the murder of the clan? Why don't you follow your own advice? - Aiden couldn't seem to stop screaming, which amused Rayon.

- Ho, so you know more than Professor Anarion said, - the fox smiled. - Why don't I follow my own advice? At least I obviously have more time than you. Plus, I just don't have any other choice.

- But...

- See you later. Bye.


- Brother Yoni, why is it taking so long? - Lou was sitting on the table sorting through some papers.

- Sorry Sorry. I didn't think it would take so long to talk to the professor and his new toy.

- You should watch your tongue in the presence of your brother, - Milim sat on a chair in front of the mirror and straightened her hair.

- Milim, it seems to me that my younger brother should not be doing your work and sorting documents, - Yoni raised his brother in his arms.

- Don't be so mean, - the succubus showed the fox her tongue.

- It is time?

- Yes, Lou. We are going on a journey further, - Rayon pulled the ring off his finger.

- Bye Milim, see you again, - the kid waved the girls goodbye and he and his brother disappeared behind the ring.