HIATUS! For now, check out my other books. The ones I am currently working on are as follows: The Misunderstood Heroic Villain Humanity Rising: War Slaughtering the Gods
The Evanescence appeared within the crowded airspace of the planet Gader. The emotionless droids controlling the ship steered it toward the the extremely large spiraling station that was around half the size of the planet itself.
The ship pulled into one of the docking bays after hailing the stations control to gain access to the station and receive resupplying and the all the current news of the planet and the Empire to see if anything interesting happened. Sadly nothing noteworthy was in the news.
"ADP, I'm heading down to the planet in the public shuttle since Gader does not allow private transportation onto the planet. You watch the ship and make sure we get all the supply's we need!" I tell my trustworthy droid as I head out the bridge door.
Without waiting for a reply I immediately head straight for the docking bay to get into the station and find the transportation area. Along the way out I ran into Sarah and asked if she wanted to come along to the planets surface, she immediately accepted and followed after me.
Luckily with all the signs giving directions on the station it didn't take long for us to arrive in the public transportation area to the planet surface. Since I did not want to wait in the long ass lines that would take hours I quickly paid the attendant a large amount for a higher class shuttle that would leave in just a few moments.
Once I paid for both mine and Sarah's tickets, the attendant takes us directly to our seats aboard the shuttle. Since it is a higher class shuttle, each seat is extremely comfortable and is in a private room with a few entertainment services. There isn't to much for entertainment as it will only take about thirty minutes for us to arrive on the planets surface.
"Hey Sarah, try to keep a low profile on this planet. Even though it's called the Commerce capital of the galaxy and You can find anything here, which includes people and jobs." I warn her, while getting comfortable in my seat.
"Alright, but why are we here? And can I still go to some markets or stores to see if there is anything interesting to buy?" Sarah looks at me with puppy eyes while asking the second question.
"We are here for the jobs part, I'm trying to look for some fun mercenary missions. Also we won't go shopping anywhere specific but you can take a quick look to Mission Control, where they assign contracts" I state.
"Okay!" She satisfyingly says.
After about ten more minutes of waiting for the rest of the passengers that could pay for this high class transport, we feel the shuttle slowly depart the space station and head downward to the planet. Sarah is sitting near the window and excitedly looks out the window as we descend while I just lay my chair completely flat to lay down and rest my eyes until we arrive.
Thirty minutes soon pass by and we land in a secluded terminal away from where the common shuttles land so that we can get top class planet-side transportation and stay away from prying eyes.
Once me and Sarah depart the shuttle, I immediately pay a flying limousine to take us to the northern Mercenary's outpost. He complies and quickly flies us to our destination.
On the planet Gader, when getting transportation you have to be specific as the entire planet is one giant city with different areas being designated as outposts. Each area is called as the type of people that usually go there. Such as Mercenary outpost is where most Mercenary's and bounty hunters go. Another would me Imperial Outpost, which is where most Officials of the Empire go for luxury goods. There are plenty of outposts with different people categories such as: Merchants, Inventors, Investors, Travelers, etc.
Since I'm looking for jobs, we head toward the Mercenary outpost and more specifically the Northern area as that is where the biggest jobs are. Of course since this is the Commerce capital of the galaxy, even in this outpost you can almost find anyone selling anything, so I'm sure Sarah will enjoy it also.
Just as the outer space surrounding the planet was extremely busy, the planets airspace is just as packed full and busy with flying cars as far as the eye can see, and even more moving about on the surface of the planet.