
The Last Heroes: Warriors against the Sinful

An inevitable war broke out two thousand years ago in the Primal Region. Aliens, humans, and the 'special people' could not make amends. But peace was found at last the day one man stood between the three species. Later, the corrupted aliens and evil-doers devise a plan to out-smart this man. He died in the end, and the humans lost their home: Legon City, for 18 years. The 'special people' still live amongst the humans and have joined forces to retain the city! And these special people are known as...RONINS!

SenseiSai · Fantaisie
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162 Chs

1.91: The Wind Star Trigger

All the students returned to the school with everything back to normal.

"What in the world happened?"

"I remember getting attacked by my dad…"



The bell signaled all the students to gather in the hall. All the staff members and Mister Tie were already on the stage, waiting for them to settle.

"Greetings to all our students. I assume there are a couple of surprised faces to what happened today."


Everyone was shocked that it had only been hours since the warfare.

"Yes, you heard correctly. The adult vs student fundraiser occurred and ended today. Your injuries and deaths were reverted thanks to the Star Triggers."




"Settle down, please. Yes, you were all brought back to life, but only thanks to the granted wish. If it weren't for all the spiritas left in the atmosphere, you'd all have been dead in my school…but I took the gamble."

The whole hall went quiet.

"Permission to speak?" Haruro stood up, and Tie granted his request. "So…you are saying that our lives were at stake the whole time?"


"And you did not think of the consequences?"

"No." His answer rattled the whole school. "But only because I knew the outcome."

Haruro was amazed. "The outcome?"

"I watched every single one of your apprehensions go down. All ten quarts and separate guilds, you are all talented and strong. The Star Triggers only react to a massive amount of spiritas, so I agree this was risky. But I wanted an activity that would let you all have some fun, and it raised a lot of money for our end-of-year functions. So I thank you all and hope you have all bonded with your teachers during this event."

The whole school clapped and gave a standing ovation to the teachers.

"Mister Gaiyato is something. I look forward to getting stronger thanks to him," Leah said.

"Miss Hino beat me. Next time, I won't lose!" Franco said.

"Anderson and Bobby are also strong, so they shall be my target," Yuro said, and Suno agreed.

"I guess the rest of us captains have our eyes on Azahii," Uraka said, holding onto his blade. I won't be weak…and accept defeat like that EVER AGAIN!!"


All the students cheered and were dismissed to return home. The first day of school was now in their records.


Tedashii was sitting by the train stop where he fought Seto and his sister, still thinking about his conversation with Yuri and Konami.


"You joined the Dawns?!" He asked.

"Yes, I had no choice-"

"Yuri, you could have talked to me first! Do you even know who the hell that guy is?!"

"Yes… he's the I-Tuber I followed on social media."

"He is no good of a captain to you or Konami. I want you to leave his guild and-"

"WHY SHOULD SHE?!" Konami interrupted them. "Yuri has nothing to explain to you. She wanted to be with her FA-MI-LY!"

Tedashii swallowed his sadness and tried to confront her. "Konami…you don't know what you are saying. I am-"

"Nothing to me! And stop trying to get involved with our family…please."

Konami hugged Yuri and looked at him. "If you ever were something to me, you'd stop getting in our way. It's for your good."

And off they went away from him.



"Dammit all. She really…has no memory of me." He laid on his back and spaced to the cloud. "Konami…"

"It will all be better soon."


Tedashii jumped and faced the person. 

"Relax, it's me."

He looked at him and lowered his guard. "Are you Mister Kenichi?"

"In the flesh. It's a pleasure to meet you, Tedashii." He sat down next to him and laid on his back. "Your mom told me about her condition. I am truly sorry to hear such a terrible thing is separating siblings apart."

Tedashii sat back down and laid opposite his head.

"Sorry for earlier. My mind was all over the place with this situation. But how do you know my mom anyway?"

"I am the wind Star Trigger-"

"WHAT?!" Tedashii jumped up out of joy. "You're an F5 member?!?!"

"No, no. I'm not a member; I was elected a few days ago. The media has yet to approve my position."

"But then, how do I know you are telling the truth?"

Kenichi smiled, moved his coat aside, and two stars layed on his chest. "Here's your proof."

Tedashii stared at the second star. "I've seen that one… a long time ago, but I was…when did I?"

"That is a clan star. The first is for the Aoi and every other wind user, while the second is for my old friend's clan…Fushigiris."

"So many people have been talking about that clan, yet I still have no clue about it."

Kenichi looked at Tedashii. "Are you a Fushigiri?"

"No, I'm part Aoi. My dad is a Katsuno and married my mom." He laid down. "But wherever I go, people always ask that one question. What do you think?"

He stood up and went off the train stop. "I have a mission for you, Tedashii."


"I will teach you more about your Immortal and help you get stronger."

"B-But I don't even know you." Tedashii also went off.

"It is alright. Once we begin, there won't be any need for trust issues. You will become the best ronin that ever lived under my teaching!"

Sparks flew through Tedashii's eyes as all he felt was anticipation. "Really?"

"Say it with me, Tedashii. You are ready!"

"I am ready."

"I can't hear you!"

"I am ready!"


"I, AM, READY!!!!!!"