
The Last Heroes: Warriors against the Sinful

An inevitable war broke out two thousand years ago in the Primal Region. Aliens, humans, and the 'special people' could not make amends. But peace was found at last the day one man stood between the three species. Later, the corrupted aliens and evil-doers devise a plan to out-smart this man. He died in the end, and the humans lost their home: Legon City, for 18 years. The 'special people' still live amongst the humans and have joined forces to retain the city! And these special people are known as...RONINS!

SenseiSai · Fantaisie
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162 Chs

1.73: What meets the eye.

"Oh yeah. I always did that with Yuri when we trained with our dad." Tedahii responded.

"Yeah! That's what I will do."


Seto waited for the next bus to stop and let his sister enter. But before she went, he signaled her by holding his palm out. "People think a Sync is all about boosting each other's spiritas level, but that's not true."

Noriko smiled and laid her palm on his. "Syncing also helps with fixing the other person's flaws…"


Their bodies shone in front of everyone and Tedashii. He shielded his eyes until it dimmed out, and Noriko was already on the bus.

"Good luck, Mister Spike!" She said from the window.

"Thanks Noriko…WAIT YOU CAN TALK?!?!"


"AND YOU HEARD ME?! But I thought you were deaf and mute?"

Seto walked in front of Tedashii and waved her goodbye. "She is all that, but like I said, Syncing helps with another person's flaws. Not everyone can sync; it only works with those you consider close. And in my situation…" Seto turned around, and Tedashii was shocked. "I can talk and hear; she can see. Put those advantages in sync…and then we can do all three alone!"

"N-No way!"

"Yes way! But a sync lasts as long as you're close to that person. The bus will be out of the range in five minutes, so that is all I'm requesting. Now that that's out of the agenda,"

He pulled out his canvas as it hovered above the ground. "Let our fight begin!"

Tedashii was still trying to process all that, but the fight came first. So he shook his head and took his stance.

"Alright, Seto. Five minutes of my full power is all you'll need to know you made a mistake." Tedashii said confidently.

"This will be my first fight, so thank you for having me."

Seto was a painter well known for painting without the ability to see. He can physically see his canvas and paint brushes out of all objects in the world. But as much as he paints, the world sees his art…but he only sees the white canvas. So, he never knew what he painted or painted. Regardless of his blindness, he can partially see people but in the form of spiritas smoke. When syncing with Noriko, the smoke takes the person's full shape, and he can visualize everything else.



With a swipe of his brush, four more Setos were made.

"Whoa! Doppelgangers." Tedashii was amazed.



A gush of wind blew the stop sign away as he summoned his sword. "Let's do this!"



Without warning, Tedashii already cut through four of the Setos.

"Ga!" They all threw up blood before Tedashii tried to depict who the real one was.

("If I was the real Seto…what would make me stand out?") He kept observing them until he saw that they all had pens in their hands. (Pens? They…are all-")



Seto punched Tedashii in his face and pushed him into the junkyard.


He landed through a disposed car, and Seto regrouped on the fence. "I'm surprised that you figured that out so fast. I thought that people nowadays still used pens to draw."


Tedashii blew the car towards Seto.

"That can't be good."



Seto shot a hole big enough for his body to fit between it. "I guess you're finally getting serious."

Tedashii finally got up without a scratch on him and removed the guild coat to make his movement more accessible.



His body was cloaked in blue spiritas as he gave Seto a deviant smile. "Wow, I almost thought that landing was gonna kill me. You should have ended it when you had the chance!"


Tedashii struck back at Seto.

*Spit "That was fast; I didn't even see you move."

But Tedashii had no response and kept focusing on his mind.


You summoned me

("I need the fade-away.")

That can get him killed, you know?

("It doesn't matter, he wanted 200 percent. Help me out here.")

I'm not helping you to kill a disabled person.

Tedashii stopped and took a good look at the situation. ("IT SOUNDS BAD WHEN YOU PUT IT THAT WAY!")

("Please help him out, Hakuraa. I really want to see the fade-away!")

Tedashii and Hakuraa stayed silent. He slowly looked up as Seto was smiling at him.

("Did…you hear that too?")

How the hell did he..? Tedashii, we're finishing him off now!

("Oh, what happened to not killing a-")


("Alright, I'll end this now.")

He built up all his spiritas to his legs and took his Fade stance.

"Awesome! I'll also get serious."

Seto also charged his spiritas, but his was heavier than Tedashii's.

("So he can intercept conversations with other Immortals. Meaning that talking to Hakuraa will just be selling my ideas to him.") He closed his eyes and held the ground with his fingers. ("If I am to end him now, I'll need a new move.")

Seto took his canvas and drew a new event.

("Yeah, that can work.) You know Tedashii, I'm feeling a little confident today. So, to give you the upper hand, I'll fight using one hand."

Tedashii tried not to get irritated by his confidence and kept his focus.



He boosted himself towards Seto, and they began to trade blows. Tedashii went for a kick, but Seto parried it with his arm. So he followed it, holding his fist in front of Seto's stomach.





The wind blew out from his body as a fist, pushing Seto onto the ground.

"Nrr!! I can't move!"

He tried to push himself back up, but the current fought against him.





Tedashii struck Seto into the ground at the same time as his heartbeat.


He stayed in that position until he was sure he knocked him out. Seto balked for a while, then stopped moving and fell unconscious. 


Thank goodness. That was no laughing matter, Tedashii. If he can infiltrate communication with others, he is way too experienced to be new.

Tedashii thought of what she said and agreed.

("Yes, but for now, let's call it a day.")

As you wish.

"There, that was not even 200% of my power."

"Aww, so you cheated?"