
The Last Heroes: Warriors against the Sinful

An inevitable war broke out two thousand years ago in the Primal Region. Aliens, humans, and the 'special people' could not make amends. But peace was found at last the day one man stood between the three species. Later, the corrupted aliens and evil-doers devise a plan to out-smart this man. He died in the end, and the humans lost their home: Legon City, for 18 years. The 'special people' still live amongst the humans and have joined forces to retain the city! And these special people are known as...RONINS!

SenseiSai · Fantaisie
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162 Chs

1.61: Time to be a hero!

All the students made their way inside the school. Some spoke to the captains and their guilds, made new acquaintances, or sat in the school hall.

"Is it just me, or do some of these people not look like high school students... AT ALL?!" Rin asked as he sat down with Ado.

"Yeah, you have a point. But remember, this is a school of heroes, not bachelors."


Ado looked up and freaked out. "WHOA! I-I don't even think that is a hero!"

They both glared at the man standing by the door. He had a full-grown beard, grilled teeth, no pupils, and a white tank top.

"That is weird. Maybe he's lost?" Ado asked.

"J-Just don't look at him! We will get his attention-"


Ado and Rin froze when they saw him breathing distance away. "It looks like you were talking about me. My name is Part-Timer." He smiled wickedly and patted them on their back, "… And you owe me 500 push-ups!"



Everyone sat in the school hall and awaited the principal and the staff.

"Greetings, everyone. It is an honor and privilege to welcome you all to Red Star High. I am Mr. Tie, your principal, and I will introduce you to our staff for the semester."


They all clapped and sat down. "This year, being the first for some of you, might be the toughest. Mainly because we have an entrance exam everyone partake in…and failing in that LEADS TO INSTANT NULLIFICATION OF YOU AND YOUR GUILD!"

Everyone gasped in the hall. One person's mistake would cause significant risks for the whole team for big guilds. "A hero is not only a person that wears a suit and fights crime when needed. Without dexterity, any idiot could dub themself what they are not. That is why education is key to many aspects of life. Every one of you…ARE TRASH!"

Tie then pulled a rope that hung right next to him.


The curtains fell to the ground, and everyone got excited.

"That is why I have called on the best of the best tutors to shape you gems into DAIMONDS! FIRST, we have the teacher for Sports and Defense. Please welcome Miss Hino Matsudo!"


A Lady walked off her pillar. She had brown hair, bright orange eyes, and a red tracksuit with a whistle on her chest.

"I hope you guys are ready to take sports seriously. Because I won't spare any of you," she said. 

"NEXT, we have the teacher for Sciences and Roninology. Please welcome Mister Alphas Maximus!"

A man stood next to Hino. He wore a monocle, a lab coat, and mopped hair to one side of his face. "Good to encounter you all. Let us all relish science concurrently."

"The teacher for Language and Spiritas Control. Please welcome Mister Anderson Dreiyezz!"

The next teacher walked forward. He had curly hair, green eyes, and accessories from various countries. "Bonjour, mi kouhais. I hope you're ready to feel the mother tongue of the world!"

"The teacher of Physical Activity and Range-shooting, Azahii!"

All the girls began to cheer as he walked on the stage. Silence struck as everyone waited for his short intro. 




Everyone got off their feet right when they recognized his hairstyle.


The whole school went wild just with his presence alone.



Gaiyato stood aside from the rest of the teachers and was welcomed warmly. "Greetings, everyone. I hope you all do your best and enjoy your time at Red Star High."




After his wave of praise, Mr. Tie raised his hand, and the hall went silent.

"Now, let us get back to formalities."

Tie clapped his hands, and Bobby walked in with the rest of Rebirth carrying tablets and connectable devices. "These are the Rebirth guild. They will be responsible for detecting your spiritas level, and that will determine which class you will be assigned to."

Martin then stood in front with a microphone. "As you can see, these are spiritas detectors and fighting-style selectors. Depending on your stats, that will determine who you will be within the same class. Any volunteers?"

Everyone was hesitant to show their stats unexpectedly.

"I'll do it!"

Someone shouted out from the crowd and walked to the front.

"Ah, Mr Franco. Thank you for volunteering." He said.

Therefore, Franco stood on the platform, and they wrapped him with plugs around his head and limbs. Then, he had to put his hand on the tablet, and the machine activated.