
The Last Heroes: Warriors against the Sinful

An inevitable war broke out two thousand years ago in the Primal Region. Aliens, humans, and the 'special people' could not make amends. But peace was found at last the day one man stood between the three species. Later, the corrupted aliens and evil-doers devise a plan to out-smart this man. He died in the end, and the humans lost their home: Legon City, for 18 years. The 'special people' still live amongst the humans and have joined forces to retain the city! And these special people are known as...RONINS!

SenseiSai · Fantaisie
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162 Chs

1.50: Epilogue

Makoto was rushing back to the apartment in his car. Yuri and the rest of her family went to one of the hotels in the city.


The home cell was ringing; Eon rushed quickly to answer.


"Eon, it's me Makoto-"

"I'm cutting the call-"

"Wait man, this is serious! Tedashii passed out at the hospital. Could you give me Gaiyato's address?!"

Eon sighed. "You were right next to a hospital…but alright, here you go."


Litch and Kuma stood up and walked down the stairs.

"Well, that was wholesome..." Kuma said.

"That bastard is still with Izanami." Litch then began to laugh. "Kuma, change of plans." He said.

"What?! We didn't even start planning!"

"Exactly. Rent a house for three in the city. We'll be settling in for a while." Litch said.

"Why three?"

"Because it's a house for you, me, and our third member…"

Someone opened the elevator they stood in front of.


The doors opened, and there he stood. "Good to see you again, Suzuki."



Eon's home cell rang once more. This pissed him off.

"Makoto, if it's you again, I swear-" 

"Eon! It's Kaen!" The Vice-captain of his guild called.

"Kaen? What seems to be the problem?"

"Get here as fast as you can, PLEASE!"


Eon dropped the phone and skated through the city up to their base. When he arrived there, he saw his entire team staring at something.

"I'm here; what's wrong?!" He got closer and saw who had all their attention. "What are you doing here, you clown?!"

"Firstly, I suggest you watch your tone. Secondly, the only clown here is yourself. Because thirdly, I'm here to fight you for the captaincy of this guild."

It was Motoroshi, who appeared still in the body of Gale Wind.

All the members of Frost Bite were laughing at him, except for Eon.

"Alright, fine. But if this is for entertainment, I'll make you regret it, Gale Wind."

"If you say so..."

So, the battle for captaincy was final. But then Gale took his new stance.



The Elite Force heard about all the commotion regarding Tedashii and Eon.

"What?! They both are away in a fight?" Kate asked.

"No, it's just Eon. Tedashii is on his way to a place to recover." A random man entered their new apartment.


"I'm well aware." He then took out a paper from his bag. "MY NAME IS MISTER HARUKI! AND FROM NOW ON, I AM THE NEW MENTOR OF THIS GUILD!"


Gaiyato was walking to his house right before he saw Makoto's van stop nearby. "Makoto? What brings you-"

"Sensei! Tedashii passed out at the hospital; please open the door for me!"

He opened the door and ran with him but saw his contract renewal on the floor. "Uhh, Makoto, head inside. I have to check my mail quickly."

Makoto ran inside and told Miku everything. Gaiyato opened the letter, then dropped it the next second. 



The Last Heroes: 最後のヒーロー

To Be Continued…