
The Last Heroes: Warriors against the Sinful

An inevitable war broke out two thousand years ago in the Primal Region. Aliens, humans, and the 'special people' could not make amends. But peace was found at last the day one man stood between the three species. Later, the corrupted aliens and evil-doers devise a plan to out-smart this man. He died in the end, and the humans lost their home: Legon City, for 18 years. The 'special people' still live amongst the humans and have joined forces to retain the city! And these special people are known as...RONINS!

SenseiSai · Fantaisie
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162 Chs

1.24: Sight from your own eyes.


A diagonal slash busted its way toward Tedashii. He didn't have time to evade, but it purposely missed. "Are you now aware of your place?!"

Tedashii found himself frozen in place, unable to move or even change his expression of fear. The monkey in front of him seemed to have only one intent - to finish him off. As Tedashii stood there, the monkey began to drag his Tsurugi towards him. The one thing that Tedashii could do was to repeat the one story that echoed in his head.

"Two thousand years ago, humans lived with supernatural powers passed down by generation. Each power was set down in clans, that all lived in peace and harmony."

The monkey suddenly stopped as he listened to what Tedashii said. "Years later, all different elements were split into clans. Nakamorian(Fire), Native(Ice), Cassoule(Earth), Aoi(Wind), Motsubi(Lightning) and Yakuza(Energy). As each clan came together, they built nations that grew as one of their own. But one warrior, responsible for reuniting all the species, was the Best 'Human' to live."

All the aura and killing intent vanished from his face as he began conversing with Tedashii. "The aliens became in charge of the humans, and the Powered Humans were exiled to fight the organizations. Some lived, some died, and some started to live among the humans. And these powered people were known as: "RONINS!"

Tedashii was surprised that the monkey managed to conclude his story.

"H-how did you know?!"

"I'm the one who created that parable. And over my years of staying here, I forgot about it. Kid, who narrated this story for you?"

Tedashii lost the sense of fear and was now calm. "I heard it from a man who told me this long ago; the only problem is that I need to remember who he was. When I fall asleep most nights, that story repeats itself with his voice."

The monkey then placed his blade back in its sheath and held it to its side before disembarking. "I see, so what is your name?" The monkey asked.

"My name Is Tedashii…"

The monkey's eyes began to gleam in shock.


Then, his expression neutralized again. "Oh, my apologies. I confused you with someone else."

Tedashii needed clarification. He thought his name was somewhat unique but now wondered if someone else had the same name.

"*Clears his throat* ALRIGHT! Let me formally introduce myself now that we are all on good terms. My name is…" He paused with a blank expression. "I forgot my name…"

"Oh, well, you will be Monk Katsuno then. HAHAHA…"

"I'll pass." Monk changed his tone quickly, and Tedashii kept his span again. "Oh, sorry. But I don't want a surname that isn't mine. Especially that one."

Tedashii was too afraid to go deep into his reason, so he let that topic slide. "...So Monk. What is this place anyways?"

"This place is my idyll. I call it 'the ocean of emptiness.' I was brought here the day I died, but to my surprise, I didn't rejuvenate again. If you see me as a monkey, that must mean I'm in my son or grandson's subconscious. It was rather surprising knowing that you aren't a Fushigiri…or my son."

Tedashii sat down now as he was too captivated. "Wait, Mister Martin said that name before. Who are the Fushigiris? And what does it mean to Revive?"

"The first question…I don't know either. But the second is simple. Think of it as a second chance to reality. You're seen as out of the crowd if you can revive. Back in my days, they called me a Calamity-"

"YEAH, they called me that too! HAHAHA!" Tedashii clamored.

But Monk did not take that humorously. Instead, he stayed quiet and stared into Tedashii's eyes. They were exactly like his. Red, and unable to denote their introspections. "Say Tedashii, what prowess do you have?" He asked as Tedashii was surprised by such a question.

"Oh, well…My prowess is Wind."

And the expression of Monk changed once more. "And tell me. What happened to you that they called you a calamity?"

Tedashii then had a dull and sulky face, making Monk remorseful. "Am I asking a personal question?"

"I'd rather say I wouldn't want to talk about it…I made a mistake, and it hurts reminding myself…"

Silence arrived between the two. Monk kept staring in his direction, but Tedashii avoided any eye contact since then.

"There's no doubt about it, Tedashii." He said that as he pointed to the whole. "Whatever happened to you, if you're here…then you have a connection with me. That hole is out of context; your presence proves you are a Fushigiri."

Tedashii turned his attention to Monk. "Didn't you say you didn't know what are Fushigiris?"

"Yes, but our aura is what proves that's what we are."

"Really? Well…I don't know about that myself. Regarding the hole, the last thing I remember was being blasted away by a light attack from one of my friends."

"And it did THAT?! What sort of friends do you have??"

Tedashii smiled as he held on to the back of his head. "Well, it was rather my fault. I had to fight him to regain my position as captain, and what a surprise…I lost." He laughed then but then looked down onto the whole.

"But what I do not understand is the size. How wide was the blast?" Monk asked.

"Well, it was wide enough to blow away half a forest!"

Monk then had a mixed look on his face. He bent down, hanging half his body, realizing Tedashii's vacuity. "You know an attack that wide could not do that much damage at all!" Monk yelled, but Tedashii was sure of what he was saying.

"But it's the truth! If that's so, it must have been my landing spot that was the cause."

"YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN SPLIT IN HALF IF THAT WAS THE CASE, OR WORSE!! That is humanly made. It looks like a fist or a sharp kick to your chest."

They kept arguing until they let it slide, and both held onto their chins.

"This still doesn't explain what you're doing here. If you can't confirm that you possess a Revlo…then how are you connected to me?"

Tedashii realized he couldn't respond. "Well, I… don't know either. After the blast, everything went dark. But it's the second time I've made it here. What the hell is going on here? I've only been here once…the day Konami said that sentence to…MONK!"

"Whoa, what is it?!" He was startled.

"I was also here the day when a villain attacked our house. My little sister said this phrase, and then all went black. What does that mean?"

Monk held his chin, thinking of a conclusion to all this hassle. "No doubt about it; she synced you with your Revlo. But, did they tell you what your immortal's called?" Monk asked.

Tedashii didn't even have the slightest acknowledgment of Alchrono or her power. "No, I don't have a clue besides Hakuraa. What should we do now?"

"Well, right now, it's better to sit back and wait for-"

"Well, all is well on my side, Izanami. Just busy with the usual chores of the house." Suddenly, the voice of someone was heard, and Monk and Tedashii took guard.

It was the voice of Miku. Tedashii could hear what she was saying, meaning he was finally regaining consciousness.

"Who is that?"

"That must be my aunt. What is her voice doing in here?"

Monk finally realized. "No, it's not from inside…"

Tedashii looked his way. "...Does that mean-?"

"It's coming from outside, meaning that you…ugh…your body is located where she is right now!"