
The Last Heroes: Warriors against the Sinful

An inevitable war broke out two thousand years ago in the Primal Region. Aliens, humans, and the 'special people' could not make amends. But peace was found at last the day one man stood between the three species. Later, the corrupted aliens and evil-doers devise a plan to out-smart this man. He died in the end, and the humans lost their home: Legon City, for 18 years. The 'special people' still live amongst the humans and have joined forces to retain the city! And these special people are known as...RONINS!

SenseiSai · Fantaisie
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162 Chs

0.44: Maestro of the Undead.


By surprise, Seto connected the attack as he spoke. "GOT YOU!"

He tumbled to the ground, gasping for air. "AHHH!! HOW THE HELL DID YOU SEE ME?!"

"My sight is gone, so I will weigh on my other senses…also because you were wide open."

Tamon stood up while grabbing onto his stomach. "You're seriously taking me for granted?!"

Immediately, Seto pulled his brush out and charged his spiritas.



Seto plunged into a puddle of paint as different holes spiraled around the field.

"W-what even is this prowess?"


Tamon felt a grasp on his foot before vanishing into the puddle. "AH-"

Lanna watched him get abducted before facing Braito. "Come on, princess. You know you can't win against me."

"You sure have a lot of conviction for a traitor." She said and fired shards in his direction. He quickly evaded them while nearing the gap between them.



Two buildings rose from the ground, falling toward Lanna.



Her crystal crushed the buildings, but she did not let her guard down.




Briato was stunned by her attack; with the whistling disordering with his sight, he descended from the air.


Before he could make another move, the ground became crystallized. "I see, the red light factor."

"You saved your life by switching teams…but made the biggest mistake. With just three captains, we can take down all of you."

He slowly turned his head to her. "What do you mean by that?"

"Malcolm can handle those two with ease. Nothing will get in his way as long as the president is his ideal. For me, you won't be able to move for a good while. As for Tamon…"

Rumbling sounds came from the ground before the paint droplets began to rupture.


Seto got flung out of his move before falling to the crystal floor.



Braito tried to use his arm, but a crystal jabbed it immediately. "AGH!!"

"Fool, you will die if you move around my prowess. And your ally will receive the same treatment."

Seto hung onto the light pole after hearing what happened to Braito. "AH!! A sensory prowess? So it attacks whatever moves above the ground."

"Kid! What the hell happened down there?! Did you kill the other captain?"

"And why would you think he would eliminate me?"


All the dead ronins killed by Braito rushed out of the holes as Tamon ascended. "You did underestimate our powers, Braito."

"…corpse prowess?" He said.

"Spot on, and you thought staying hidden was your advantage over us. Spending less time with us gives you less time to learn our tricks, and now we shall end you guys with our numbers advantage!!"


Felicia dodged the attack from one of the corpses and fired back with her shards. "HA, I will just turn them into demoniacs!"

"I figured you'd do that, but I'm one step ahead." The corpse screeched before pulling the shard out of its chest.

"But that's impossible…" Felicia said while retreating.

"Your shards turn humans into your chums by linking to their nerves and brain…so as you can see, I made sure none of these corpses have them!"

"Hmm, fair play." Azahii slashed his way through the corpse but was always surprised by Malcolm when his guard was down.


Before he could fight back, he was maintained by another zombie.



As many as he could kill, they kept being replenished by the droplet hole. "Seto! You must close your portal; that's where they're coming from!!"

"I can't! Their growling and smell make it impossible to visualize clearly, and I can't use my prowess without my hands!"

"Dammit…" Azahii attempted to save him while slashing his way through the corpses.


"Don't forget you're still fighting." Malcolm interrupted. "Give up, you're done for."

The odds were against them, and the numbers kept becoming problematic. Seto felt his grip slipping and let go once a zombie stumbled on the post. "AHHH!!!"



A man caught Seto in midair, but they still fell onto Lanna's prowess.

"Farewell, Seto."



"OH, time to replenish my strength!" The man said and removed his glove to reach on the attack.


"...What?!" Her attack vanished instantly as he landed safely with Seto. "Are you okay, Braito? You must have a cramp staying still like that for so long."

"Takato, you guys made it here just in time," Braito said as he got up.

"Takato? Are you an ally?" Seto asked.

"You must be Seto. A friend of yours came to ask for our aid."

Seto stood up and was glad to see Noriko arrive with backup. "NORO!"

She ran to hug him as they got surrounded by more members of Hajiman and the AR.

"The two organizations joining forces? That's something you don't see often." Melvis Rodgers said.

"Oh well, I just wanted to meet this Seto that stole my spotlight!!" Tashiro said. "Seto…you are worth the publicity if you brought the five-star lieutenants too!"

"…thanks…" Seto was still excited to see them win with backup. They regrouped in the battlefield center as the captains and corpses surrounded them. Sir Williams came out of hiding to stand behind Malcolm.

"Ah, Mister President. Good, that will save us from chasing you around." Kagutsuchi said.


"That is only possible if we get your head first." Azahii insisted.

"Very well…" He raised his hand as more soldiers arrived and aimed their weapons toward them. Seto tried staying calm as he heard every rifle reload from afar, so Noriko held his hand to assure him.

"If you think we will give up so easily, then you best assure that we-"



Everyone was forced to the ground as Seto and Noriko began to tremble.

"Seto, Noriko!! Hey, I'm back; did you guys miss me?"