
The Last Heroes: Warriors against the Sinful

An inevitable war broke out two thousand years ago in the Primal Region. Aliens, humans, and the 'special people' could not make amends. But peace was found at last the day one man stood between the three species. Later, the corrupted aliens and evil-doers devise a plan to out-smart this man. He died in the end, and the humans lost their home: Legon City, for 18 years. The 'special people' still live amongst the humans and have joined forces to retain the city! And these special people are known as...RONINS!

SenseiSai · Fantaisie
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162 Chs

0.05: Return Of The Battle God!

The castle was under celebration. Tedashii and Sanji went from outsiders to one of the highest in the royal family. Although it was a significant confusion, this was way better than facing Suzuki again.

"So…Now you guys are suddenly King and Prince?" Yuri asked sarcastically while Tedashii was enjoying the surplus of food they were offered.

"No, we were ALWAYS King and Prince. You saw the statues; the craftsmen never lie." Tedashii said as he devoured yet another orange in his mouth.

"You can be excused, Tedashii, but Sanji is letting this get to his head. I mean, come on! He looks nothing like Cheymo! They both have white hair, but he has less than Cheymo does! And why are girls feeding him?!" Yuri said.

Sanji was sitting on the grand throne while two of the most beautiful ladies in the kingdom fed him grapes and massaged his shoulders.

"Well, he is King. He gets that privilege. Besides, you and Sasha also have your servants too. But ME, I get Su over here!" Tedashii said as he held Suzuki up like a doll.

Sasha was being thrown meat chunks in her mouth and laughed with her maidens every time it got in. But Yuri was more concerned about Sanji getting too much attention from other ladies.

"I'm not liking this at all," Yuri said as she began to hit her plate with her fork.

"WHOA! Someone is jealous! Hahahaha." Sasha began to provoke her.

Mikoto arrived with her closest maiden, Lady Williams Venus, who was not aware of what the celebration was all about.

"My, My, Queen Mikoto. I have been away for a week, and you are throwing a party? What did I miss?" Lady asked.

But all the queen did was smile and point toward the main table. And there, Lady saw Sanji and Tedashii enjoying themselves. She dropped her glass out of shock and looked closer.

"What…it can't be…"

The queen was confused. "What seems to be the problem, Lady?"

She shook her head out of disbelief and walked back into the castle. Sanji relaxed up until he felt someone sit on his lap.

"WHOA-!" He looked up and saw the queen smile at him. "O-Oh, Mikoto...What are you…doing on my lap?" He briskly asked.

"Well, is sitting on my husband's lap a crime?" She asked.

Sanji began to get red again and choked on one of the grapes.


He held his throat and hit his chest. Yuri saw him choking and wanted to help, but her maiden held her back.

"Ma'am, none of us can come in between the queen and the king."

Mikoto took one of the glasses of water and quickly drank all of it. She held Sanji by the lips and kissed him, pouring the water into his mouth. Everyone else cheered and clapped, but Yuri pierced her fork into the table. The impact made their table break in half and drop all the food.

"MADAM Yuri! What is the meaning of this?!" Mikoto asked.


No one uttered a word. Tedashii swallowed his last orange and got up as well. The ladies couldn't believe the guts Yuri had to stand against the queen.

"How DARE you raise your voice at me?!" Mikoto asked. She stood up and walked towards Yuri. There, they stood face to face. Sanji witnessed this, and no words could describe how lost he was.

"It seems someone has a problem with my relationship with the King. Lady Yuri, what is your response to this foul action?"

"He already belongs to me!"

The ladies gasped.

"Oh no..." Sasha said and got up to separate the two of them.

They didn't stop glaring at each other with such hatred. But all the commotion was halted by the sound of trumpets.


Everyone's attention was drawn towards Doku, who a certain somebody overjoyed.


All the castle ladies got up and surrounded the surprise guest, so Tedashii and the others also wanted to see who it was.

"No way! Look at her eyes. She has royal blood, too!"

"You're right! But isn't Fugin too young to already have a daughter this old?"

"Well, how else would you explain her eyes? They resemble those of the prince."

Gossip just buzzed around from one guest to the other.

"What is the meaning of this Doku?! Who gave you the thought to" The queen split the crowd up, but what she saw did not please her.

"My queen. This is the young girl we saved from the Galantica we took down…." Doku said.

Tedashii was walking towards her right before she pushed him onto the floor and began to hit him.

"WHAA!! What's the matter with you?!" Tedashii asked.

"How Long??!!" Mikoto asked.


"How Long has it been since you had a daughter?!"

She then pointed at Konami. Tedashii mistakenly pushed her off him and ran to Konami out of joy.

As she was falling, Sanji jumped to catch her in time.

"Konami!! You're okay!" he said.

She ran and hugged him as well.

"Big brother! I thought you guys were gone after that turtle attacked us."

Everyone surrounded the two siblings, reuniting again, but the queen got up and was not in a good mood.

"FUGIN! Who is this little girl?!" Mikoto asked.

"Well, MOM! She's my little sister."

The ladies gasped again. Mikoto almost fainted, but Sanji came to her aid again.

"Cheymo. Tell me this is all a dream. How is this his little sister? I didn't have a daughter after Fugin."

Sanji had to think of a master plan to resolve this problem. And the light bulb finally appeared!

"But Mikoto, this is your daughter." He said.

"She is? But I never had a daughter these past few years."

"Are you calling the king a liar?!" Sanji asked, using his authority as King to its best.

"Wait…you are right! I was pregnant! But why did we name her Konami?" She asked, still confused.

"Simple, Konami was the name of-" Sanji stopped talking as he saw the look on Yuri's face.

She had reached her limit of enviousness and was ready to end Sanji right there. Doku saw the tension between the two ladies, and so he saw that as a plan to execute good fundraising.

"My Queen, King, prince and princess, ladies and Baronets. It appears that there happens to be some drama in the castle." Mikoto and Sanji looked at him. "The king has stolen the heart of many in this castle, but it looks like two of the MVPs seem to have it more...to a personal extent." Doku then laid his arm around Yuri.

"But as hierarchy says, the King may and may only belong to the Lady with the queen title. So here is my proposal!"

Doku stood up on the platform and pointed at Sanji and Yuri. "We will then have a battle of power!! Lady Yuri versus King Cheyzar!! The winner decides the fate of the loser!!!"

Everyone in the castle jeered this brilliant idea, but only one person was highly against it. In his entire life, Sanji has never beaten Yuri in any of their spars. It always went her way, either fists or swords; Yuri was the better fighter.


The evening arrived as the battle was soon to begin. Tedashii was walking around the castle with Konami on his back, then heard two people fighting in the following room.

"Come on. We don't have to settle this with a fight." It was Sanji who was highly against the battle.

"What seems to be the problem, KING Cheyzar?! You look like someone needs to give you a wake-up call!" Yuri said.

Sasha sat between them but focused more on the Zolocs watching with her.

"Things aren't going to end well if they keep fighting..." Konami said.

"Let's see what we can do." So Tedashii walked in.

Yuri and Sanji stopped fighting and looked in different directions.

"Well, guys. What is the final call going to be?" Tedashii asked.

"Just like it planned to go. I will fight the dear King and teach him a lesson."

Yuri was dead set on the fight, and it seemed like nothing would change her mind. She then left the room and slammed the door on her way. Sanji sat down and just held his head.

"Guess reality finally kicked in," Sasha said.

"What did you say?" Sanji furiously asked.

"If you don't have a contingency plan, Yuri will beat you, take your place as King, and who knows? She might even make YOU her maiden."

He knew she was right as much as he felt anger against Sasha. There was no way Yuri would lose to him, so he had no choice but to accept his fate.

"Looks like there is no way out of this. Tedashii, do you think you could lend me-".

"Hiragana? You know Yuri asked for it… That's what worries you, right?" Konami said as she was against Sanji using Yuri's tactics to win.

"Konami has a point. And besides, you can't get a hold of it. You are a demon, Ronin, remember?" Sasha said.

Sanji was out of options now. He decided to see the queen before the battle. Tedashii left Konami and Sasha in the room with the Zolocs and decided to see what Yuri was up to.

He walked around for a while and was greeted by every single maiden. At the training ground of the castle, he heard a bag being aggressively hit.


Yuri constantly hit the bag and switched to her Sai to slash the tree.

"Looks like someone is working hard for once," Tedashii said.

His presence halted Yuri, but she was glad that he came.

"I thought you were on your FATHER'S side?"

"To be honest, having him as a father scares me less than what you might do to him," Tedashii said, smiling for a while.

Yuri just scuffed. "You think I can-"

"Borrow my sword?" Tedashii finished her question.

She laughed and went to hug him. Then they both sat down and stared at the stars.

"Tedashii, am I doing the right thing?" Yuri asked.

"I have to tell you the truth. Sanji is my best friend, but you are my sister…I don't think that both the choices you've made were right." He said.

"But come on! He's the one who started! All this king crap is getting to his head!"

Tedashii began to laugh with her. "Yeah. If I were to fight him right now, they would have made ME King!"

Yuri was in tears out of laughter. "Like Sanji would ever beat you? That's not even possible in this DREAM!"

They kept on opening up about what they thought about Sanji.


Sanji was standing by the entrance, not pleased with what he heard. Yuri and Tedashii got up and froze.

"Is that your reason to fight me…?" Sanji asked.

"How long have you been there?" Yuri asked.

"Long enough to have heard everything you guys said." Sanji then walked towards Tedashii.

"So you are on her side, huh?!" He asked Tedashii.

"I'm not on anyone's side…but Sanji-"

"And you are saying that I can't beat you?!"

Sanji held Tedashii up by his shirt.

"Sanji…let go of me."

"What happened to all the confidence you had a while ago?!"


One of the ladies yelled out of shock. They were now covered by a crowd, shocked that the King and prince were fighting. Mikoto then arrived with Lady.

"CHEYMO! DROP FUGIN NOW!" She demanded.

Without hesitation, Sanji let him go.

"DOKU!!" He shouted, and he instantly appeared.

"You summoned me, my Lord?" Doku asked.

"Yes. Is the battlefield ready?"

"Yes, my Liege. All that is left is your word to start the battle."

Sanji then looked at Yuri. "The battle will start in 10 minutes. Call every member of the castle."

He then shoved Tedashii and Yuri out of his way while walking away with Mikoto and the crowd. Yuri fell to the floor out of disappointment.

"DAMMIT!! I messed up!" She said.

Tedashii helped her up.

"You did not. It was all played out wrong. If you regret now, you won't be able to focus on the fight." Tedashii said, gripping her hand.

"Brother…I… don't want to fight Sanji.." Yuri began to shed tears. "I have never seen him this mad at me. Maybe if I-"

"No! You will face him. Didn't you hear what he said? You only have ten minutes left."

Tedashii stood aside and began to build up spiritas. But he always feared to use this prowess.



A colossal explosion burst open the door of the training ground, and the entire room was lit in blue. Tedashii held out his hand, and then his weapon formed itself. 'Hiragana1' was its initial name, and the one weapon Tedashii used the least due to the spiritas drainage.


The spiritas all vanished. Tedashii fell to one knee, but Yuri helped him to hold his ground.

"Thanks, Yuri. Here you go."

Tedashii handed the sword to Yuri. It was glowing very bright right before it vanished within her. "Sorry for all the trouble. It just drains me when I use my Hakuraa and then deactivate it instantly-"

She hugged him before he could continue talking.

"He he, now come on, you go teach Sanji a lesson!"
