
The Last Hero : Hunter Devil's

Story about a young boy named Ace, who lives in a world where there are multiple races, such as elves, beasts, and humans. Ace is a teenager who has straight black hair, black eyes, and a slender body. He is training with his parents at the age of 12, presumably for a war or battle that will take place in his world. The gods are restless and have recently decided to reincarnate two of their representatives: Aaron, who wanted to destroy humanity and Horrus, the god of war. ==== ==== I don't speak English and I am using Google Translate with Grammarly to translate my novel. I accept corrections in the comments paragraph i hope you enjoy my novel

JustNormalAuthor · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Chapter 5 Sword Of Judgment And Hero

"Teng... Teng... Teng..." At the sound of a loud bell, a warning sign of danger emerging from the city square, Ace, who was stunned by the dream, was shocked,

he thought something bad had happened.

"Could it be? Ace said, speaking to his heart. With a panicked face, he stood looking out the window, seeing residents evacuating.

Ace immediately patted his sister, who was half asleep on the shoulder, "Sis, sister Erisa, wake up! We have to go. The devil has entered the city, and maybe he can enter the village  too".

Ace said this to Erisa with a serious expression.Erisa, who was rubbing her eyes, was shocked because of Ace's words, "What! What's happening is that the devil is starting to come in, which means father and mother!"," said Erisa with an expression of disbelief.

In Erisa's heart, she felt extremely worried.Ace grabbed both of Erisa's shoulders and said, "Sis, don't worry! Mom and Dad have promised us, they will definitely come home, and if something happens, I will act!" Ace said to Erisa. He looked at Erisa with hope.

Erisa was the one who saw Ace's eyes start to come back into consciousness. "You're right, Ace! Come on, hurry up, we have to go, right?" answered Erisa.

Ace smiled gently and started to ask Erisa to leave the house.Ace felt his mana energy and strength increase after that dream, so he felt he could do anything.

Jig and his troops continued to stop the demons from entering the city. "What the hell is this endless?" said Jiga with an incredulous face while continuing to fight, swinging his sword forward, sideways, and upwards.

Natalia was evacuating people and directing them to a safe place. "You owe me! Grandma's broken!" Said Darwin, who was protecting her from the front, "Eeee... shut up, crazy grandpa," Natalia said in annoyance.

The shouts of the troops from both sides became increasingly loud. In the midst of the battle, Hors and Aaron stood facing each other and stared at each other.

Slowly, they began to soar into the sky and stopped.Hors raised his right hand, and in the sky something descended with a very beautiful speed.

Then Hors caught it quickly, it was clearly visible! It was a sword with a gold blade, a light blue middle blade, a gold cross shaft decorated with light blue diamond-shaped crystals, and a short gold chain at the base. It was the Blade of the Elixe sword.

"Tch... that damn sword again!" said Aaron with an annoyed face. Aaron swung the sword very quickly, but Hors deflected it easily and kicked Aaron hard until he was thrown several meters.

Hors released a golden aura that enveloped him. Aaron looked at him very warily, he was afraid of the power of the sword. Arron started to surrender again with successive attacks.

Hors continued to parry the attacks and fought back until the fight could not be seen by ordinary people's eyes. Ting, ting, slash, the sound of swords clashing, Aaron stepped back, then released magic from his hand.

A large ball of fire came out of Aaron's hand and was shot at high speed towards Hors. Hors swung his sword and released a wave of golden energy.

The wave from the sword collided with the fireball that Aaron shot and then exploded, causing a wave of wind. The people under him were hit by the wind waves. In the midst of the fierce battle, Aaron realized one thing: "Hey, damn god, why don't you fight me seriously? Are you weak, haha, if you don't release your strength? Actually, from that sword, you will die! "Haa, said Aaron, smiling evilly as he launched an attack by throwing a large rock at Hors. 

Hors deflected it with defensive magic until the rock shattered into pieces, causing Host's vision to be distracted because it was covered in dust that covered his vision. 

Aaron also took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack. Aaron suddenly got behind Hors with an evil smile and then hit Hors hard in the face, so that Hors fell quickly to the ground. "Haa..haa.., it turns out I was right," said Aaron with an evil laugh.

Hors knew that he couldn't beat Aaron with his human form, and plus, Hors shared his strength with the generals, Hors' great strength couldn't be brought to nature.

If the power of Hors is brought, the world will shake and be destroyed because of the great power of the god. 

Hors didn't answer anything, he stood up, started flying towards Aaron, and attacked him again. Aaron dodged the attack, and they hit each other with their swords. 

Demons began to enter the village, attacking the residents. People screamed in fear, running away from the attacking demons. Erik and Hestia heard the screams and immediately rushed towards them.

Wake up, the village was destroyed to pieces. "Damn! We're late," said Erisa in a high and angry tone. Erik and Hestia looked around, and Hestia got off the horse they were riding and ran, "Wait, darling, where are you going?" Erik to Hestia.

Hestia ignored him and continued walking.A group of demons came in front of Hestia. Erik, who looked straight at his horse, went there and immediately cut the demons in half, but the demons came again.

Erik was overwhelmed when he glanced at his eyes, he didn't see Hestia. "Damn it!" Erik said with a worried face.Erik got off his horse, carrying the other sword on his back, and then slashed at the demons that were blocking him.

The demons were split and cut into pieces by Erik's two sword techniques.Erik managed to defeat the demons who came before him. Erik saw the residents who had not yet evacuated. Erik directed them to a safe place.

"Ace, where are we going?" Erisa said to Ace while running and holding Ace's hand. "We are going to the evacuation site for the residents," answered Ace.

They continued running past the destroyed houses.Ace and Erisa stopped in the middle of the road. They saw a crying little girl who wanted to be slashed with a sword.

Ace's eyes suddenly glowed a light blue. Ace quickly ran towards her and immediately cut the demon's arm with his sword. Then he hugged one of the girl's hands and took him to Erisa's place."Are you okay?" Ace said to the little girl.

Erisa realized something had changed in Ace. "What happened? Why did Ace become this strong?" Erisa, speaking in her heart, felt afraid and worried about Ace. 

"Thank goodness! "Erisa!" said Ace, smiling and rubbing the little girl's head. "Erisa!" ..., Aceee! ...*female voice*" Ace and Hestia felt like someone was calling them; they looked in the direction in front."Ehh, mother..." said Ace and Hestia, who saw their mother practicing while crying.

Hestia immediately hugged them. "Thank goodness you're okay," said Hestia while crying to her children. Hestia shed tears. She was relieved to hear that his mother was fine and sobbing uncontrollably.The girl thanked Ace for saving her.

Hestia felt confused and thought, What, Ace! this strong? Hestia saw Ace's eyes. "What's wrong, mother?" Ace said to Hestia"Haa..aa.., your mana energy has increased! Is it possible?" said Hestia while opening Ace's clothes.

"Aa..what are you doing? This is embarrassing!" Ace said to Hestia. Hestia was silent, looking at her chest. On Ace's left, he saw the mark of a hero, the mark was like a pair of wings, in the middle of which was a sword facing downwards.

How many years before this, Hors, who had descended to earth in human form, said that there would be a hero who would free this world from darkness? That hero had the mark of a pair of wings, and in the middle of his wings was a sword facing downwards.Because Hors was only a messenger and could not interfere in affairs on this earth, he could only wait for the birth of a hero and hold back the darkness for a while.