
The last heir of Dumbledore

After transmigrating, Tselmeg found out that he was reincarnated into Harry Potter world. The issue is that he become the grand-nephew of the great wizard of all time except Merlin himself, Albus Dumbledore. English is my third language. And just comment about this book. It would motivate me and effect to how far the story goes on. Minimum 5 chapter a week /Mostly on Saturday and Sunday/

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Destiny is destiny after all - 2

The Great Hall of Hogwarts Castle.

On the Slytherin Table, Anthony and Daphne were having dinner after the flying class. Harry Potter has not arrived yet since Professor Snape took him from the flying class.

"I couldn't believe that you let Harry ride a broom! You knew that he was basically a muggle when he found out that he was a wizard prior to two months ago!" said Daphne with an angry expression. Even though for outsiders, Daphne's action could be seen as like some action of a fangirl or a girl that has a crush on Harry the boy who lived, but deep inside it was for the reason Daphne is a caring person. Daphne takes an important role in providing care for her younger sister who has the incurable disease Maledictus.

"Calm down, Daphne, It should bring more good deed than harm to Harry! As I said before, Harry should have become a Quidditch team player after meeting with Snape! If you want to prove yourself really bad, we can make a bet as well!" said Anthony with a persuasive tone.

Daphne thought for a while and said "That is unfair! You are knowledgeable about various events. You have predicted that Harry would win Weasley for the flying competition."

"If that is the case, I can't push you," said Anthony shrugging his shoulders.

"But Daphne, I have a question in my heart, would you mind if I ask for what purpose do you need an invisibility potion?" said Anthony wondering whether Daphne is really going to enter the forbidden section as he guessed.

"The reason, the reason is complicated. I will tell you later after accomplishing my use of Invisibility cloak" said Daphne with a rejectingly tone. She looked to the left avoiding making eye contact with Anthony.

"You can have your time, it's not that Harry and I will suddenly become strangers with you after our deal," said Anthony consoling Daphne.

'Anthony, who was a regular muggle a few months ago understood that eleven-year-old girls have their own secrets. Whether it is to secretly read a book in the Forbidden section of the library, or for other purposes'

After the dinner, Daphne and Anthony went to the Slytherin common room together and talked about various Hogwarts history.

"Anthony, did you know that there is a Room for rewards, which is basically a smaller Room of Requirements?" said Daphne, expecting Anthony to know the room.

But to her surprise, Anthony told her that he has heard about Room for rewards. Therefore, Daphne explained what and where the Room for Rewards is.

"The Room for Rewards is a room where Hogwarts itself rewards students by their academic and practical achievement. It records the achievement of the students and provides a suitable but valuable item to them. The entrance is found behind the portrait of Vindictus Viridian on the Grand Staircase" said Daphne.

Anthony who heard that Hogwarts has a Reward system for students, become curious. But thinking about it for a while, he found a contradiction.

"But how does Hogwarts produce its rewards, it is impossible to create something out of thin air. Gamp's law of elemental transfiguration clearly states that material can not be made of thin air, but if there is some material it can be enlarged or make it have different properties for a limited time," said Anthony, become confused.

'Can Hogwarts really produce something from thin air or... Wait! I have totally forgotten! How come could I forget about ten thousand lost items in the Room of Requirement! Perhaps Hogwarts is giving the lost items of previous students to circulate the items she has collected.'

"Daphne! Thank you! Thank you! You have given me a million galleon idea!"

When Daphne reminded him about the Room of Requirement's storage area, Anthony becomes excited. If Anthony can sell and use the items in the Room of Requirements, he can become rich instantly! There is also Voldemort's Horcrux Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem in the Room of Requirements.

Anthony and hugged Daphne, expressing his gratitude.

Daphne awkwardly pushed Anthony away and said "It's alright, what are friends for?"

After chatting with Anthony for a while, Daphne said she is tired and is going to Girl's dormitory for a rest.

Anthony and Daphne separated, so Anthony sat on the sofa near the open fire and started to organize his thoughts.

'I have totally forgotten about the Room of Requirement's other function that is Lost and Found center! Hmm, it is better for me to start practicing Occlumency, otherwise, I may forget some important events that make me stronger and influential!' thought Anthony inwardly.

He planned to visit the Room of Requirements tomorrow morning after the Class of Charm.

When Anthony was organizing his thoughts, Harry Potter after finishing his dinner entered the Slytherin common room. When Harry saw Anthony sitting on the sofa alone lurked behind him silently.

"Boo!" said Harry Potter who was lurking behind Anthony in a loud voice. It made Anthony shocked.

"Anthony it's great! I have become the new seeker of the Slytherin Team after the recommendation of Professor Snape!" said Harry Potter. excitingly.

Anthony and Harry Potter discussed Quidditch for a while.

During the Discussion when Harry Potter looked towards a table next to the sofa, there is an old Daily Prophet edition laying on the table. The Daily Prophet itself was not interesting to Harry, but the title of the news.

BREAK-IN AT GRINGOTTS: Gringotts' Security Breached (12 September 1991)


"Wait! Anthony, we have to read the newspaper!" said Harry with an urgent voice.

'believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches unknown, Gringotts goblins, while acknowledging the breach, insist nothing was taken. The vault in question had, in fact, been emptied the very same day. "But we're not telling you what was in there, so keep your noses out if you know what's good for you", said a Gringotts spokesgoblin this afternoon. Gringotts now need to readdress their security system. Goblin security specialists are combing the land for a better breed of security dragon to replace the now deemed useless existing ones. They are even going as far as examining Muggle security systems. Gringotts need to get another security system in place before any more breaches occur. Wizards, witches all over the country are scratching their heads wondering how safe their money is in the so-called safest wizard bank. Head goblins are urging the wizarding community to calm'

"Who dares to break into Gringotts, I heard that is the safest place in Britain, except Hogwarts. Some people even say that there are some dragons at Gringotts!" said Anthony with a worried face.

If Harry Potter doesn't get involved in Voldemort's affair this year, naturally Voldemort could not take the Philosopher's stone from the Mirror of Erized and will die soon due to his parasite alike difficult condition on Quirrel's head. Even Unicorn's blood would not save him and he would have to wait until his faithful servant to perform a resurrection ritual!

That is the reason why Anthony wanted Harry to be distanced from the series of events that would happen this year. But unfortunately, the Daily prophet newspaper appeared on the table.

'Is my hypothesis of destiny correct? Does the plot have to develop and Harry must stop Voldemort?' thought Anthony. But considering that there is some seer in the Magical world, Anthony muttered himself "It seems that there is indeed something as like fate, and the seer can see it. So whatever I do, Harry Potter should be the person who defeats Voldemort'

" I was there, Anthony! Hagrid and I took an item from Hogwarts. And it seems that the person who tried to steal the item couldn't steal the item due to us!" said Harry.


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