
You Human, you are something!

Chapter 30| You human, you are something!

"You look beautiful by the way," his hands were looped into hers. She looked up but his gaze was fixated on the path he was leading her into.

"Oh.." he smirked, giving off a familiar air of arrogance and confidence reminding her that regardless of him being nice he would always be royalty. A human who had high self-esteem engraved into their mentality at a tender age and reminded every day of their status so much so they become unavoidably proud.

"You look like an angel mind you, no scratch that like a goddess, Odysseus' queen or even..." He stopped, "But sadly you won't be dressed up this magnificently if you want to take a step out of this gate without being gazed at in awe and have people almost trample upon themselves to take a glimpse of the fair human."

She blinked in absolute confusion, not grasping any iota of meaning to what he was saying.

"You can't dress like a noblewoman. Noblewomen ain't that many and in a kingdom like ours, all noblemen and women are notably popular and adored by the commoners. If you show up so magnificently dressed, they will know immediately you are the human. The soon-to-be queen, because well they know other women of Noble birth, you being this beautiful won't help matters because the news will circulate so soon it'll get to the palace and consequently the King even before we escape the outskirts of the palace."

"So what should be done?" understanding the turmoil they were in made her sad as she wondered why he had even gone ahead to raise her hope for an adventurous day when he knew she couldn't leave the palace without raising a brow, "Should I perhaps go and change into something more simple?" She turned to leave for her room but he held her hand.

"Firstly that's not even the way back," he was right, she thought. The walls and rooms of the palace looked identical. Almost everything was the same and she would get lost if he left her to find her way back alone.

"Secondly, Nothing you own in that wardrobe is clothes fit for a commoner. All your were made by the most famous stylist in the neighboring village which was once human."

"Oh, that explains why the clothes are so..."

"Familiar? in Vogue? That was Tristan's doing. He gave her all the styles she made your clothes into which makes me wonder why he had cared enough to make sure you were so comfortable when you were unconscious, but now act cold when you are awake?"

There was silence as Saif was deep in thought while Kimberly fought the urge to ask how he knew her measurement because the few dresses she had worn, had fitted her perfectly like a glove.

"He is a jerk, that's why." She mumbled instead.

Saif grinned at her and then shook his head, "That sounded so strange, you know," he shook his head, "I'm usually the jerk and living up to my reputation, I present you this." He opened his palm showing off two emerald rings.

She knew that wasn't there a few seconds again and was about to gasp in surprise when she remembered that again, Saif was no ordinary man. His supernatural abilities were something she needed to get a hang of soon else he just might grow irritated whenever her eyes pop at things he considered random.

"Giving me a gift will make you a jerk?" He grinned and then slide the ring into her middle finger.

They were facing a ceiling-to-floor window so she could see her apparel change completely to a milk-colored plain gown, frayed and threadbare on its edges.

She looked at him wide-eyed, utterly shocked.

He chuckled, "Close your mouth human, it is not really a proper look for a lady." But her mouth slacked even more as he wore his own ring, and his royal apparel and crown were gone.

He had on him a similar outfit to hers. But his was more ancient. A black cloak over black-colored cutout shorts that was starting to fade.

His gold-encrusted sword was gone and in its place, a plain dagger.

"How did you even do that?"

"You mean to make you less awesome so we can leave the palace?" His gaze was somewhat mocking.

She nodded earnestly.

He raised his brow, "You ain't angry that I make you wear such trashy outfit and dress you like a commoner?"

"Are you crazy?" She stared down at him in pure surprise and awe, then utter disbelief like he was a fool for even uttering such a word, "You are the coolest."

It was his turn to look utterly perplexed and flustered even as she twirled in her dress, "You human," he shook his head stupefied, "You are something."

"I've heard worst." Since she couldn't flick her hair theatrically in a mocking dramatical display to accompany her words. It was French braided, she stuck to bobbing her head thrice and giving him a smirk.

"No," he rushed in dismay, surprised at the misconception, "that was a compliment. I rarely get surprised, and hardly ever admit being impressed." He had an honest air to his voice that made her truly listen, the smirk on her face falling off as the playfulness in the air was quickly evaporated, "But yet somehow every time you open your mouth you manage to effortlessly do this both." He shook his head in pure awe, "I can't figure out what kind of a woman you are, not making a fuss about having her cloth swapped and her__"

"Have anyone ever told you, you will look good even as a commoner?" She interrupted him not knowing why his compliments woke up a raise of giggling fits and a blushing smile.

She was truly silly she thought to herself.

But she was quite truthful when she indirectly complimented how good-looking he was even when he was not wearing anything fancy or remotely royal.

"Do you know it is an offense punishable by hanging to interrupt a royal and also, I get compliments every day about my look," he gave her a dimpled smile as he added quickly, "But none do I get as a commoner, so thank you."

"You ain't a Prince so I can interrupt you however I want."

He shook his head amused, "I lied about the hanging. Even for a world like mine, that is too extreme."

She chuckled, wondering why she wasn't Saif's chosen. He was easy-going, nice, funny unlike someone else she knew, she thought with disdain.