
You have me

Chapter 80|You have me

"Is this some kind of defense mechanism, where you think the worst of people so you don't get disappointed? If so, trust me it is whack."

"Not a defense mechanism but a joke. You are supposed to smile or shake your head remember?" Throwing her words back at her, she rolled her eyes not at all surprised that his lips had twitched slightly. Only a man like him would consider such an ugly accusation a joke.

"That day with the arrow, I didn't know what to make of it at that time but it had seen like I've handled an arrow before. Nope," she licked her lips adding, "It felt more like a consistent practice. Like I was more than just someone who could use the arrow. It was more__"

"Like you were a warrior. A talented archer?" He finished off and she turned to look at him, expecting him to look at her like she had lost it. But he had a sullen look on his face.