
The truth always set free

Chapter 22| The Truth always set free

"And here I was thinking you are some sort of God's assistant and just a wave of your hands get everything done your way."

"Oh... And here I was thinking you wanted to be back into the arms of your Nonna and the man you left behind."

Her eyes flared with hope, then distrust, "Are you trying to say, what you know I'm hoping to hear?"

"Where I come from, women just sit and listen not fire questions and look men in the eyes while at it."

"Sorry that I'm stomping on your chauvinistic pride," she stomped her leg twice very childishly, her eyes glaringly fixated on his, " But I can't help it. I am from Earth, an independent girl who Didn't spend her time learning how to blush or giggle, looking away stupidly when being talked to. I'm not even homely or domestic in any way, I can't even make instant coffee."

He pursed his lips indifferently and somehow that got on her nerves, how he looked at her like she was so predictable, almost like he had her summarized like a book even before she was birthed.

"Like I was saying," Tristan continued, completely disinterested in killing time with the human by flipping through already visited squabbles. "You won't get pregnant and I'll get you back to Earth. Only if you do what I want from you, word to word."

She didn't say a word for about 5 minutes and 16 seconds. He had counted knowing that his future and his great plan all hung on her little reply.

"Is this some kind of test, where I'm being set up by you, and then when I admit that I'm game to this so-called deal, I'm stoned for being disloyal?"

His straight face, which became more stoic, gave away the fact that he had been tempted to smile or even laugh.

"So the deal is that good?"

"So good." She flicked a suspicious glance at him, "So good that I'll have to refuse it."

His eyes flashed against hers and no matter how absurd it sounded, she felt like she had some sort of upper hands, "I don't give fuck if this is some sort of test. But," she paused for emphasis, "I won't let you insult and downplay my intelligence like this. I'm a lawyer for crying out loud. Why are you giving me such an escape route, flashing me a problem-free gold buzzer?"

"You should just be thankful you found someone ready to give you that."

She arched her brow at him, her hands on her waist, "Oh don't even go that lane with me! I ain't your long-lost best friend or sibling. You don't give two fucks about me, hence I know this is not some act of charity you have decided to show out of the goodness of your dark heart. Besides I believe if you see kindness, in a dark alley you'll make sure you beat it to death with a bat, so don't stand there and kid yourself, thinking you can deceive me into thinking you are doing me some sort of favor while in a way, I'm doing you a bigger one."

He blinked even as she breathed hard, short of breath because of how fast she had spoken constricting oxygen flow for some seconds only to prove some depraved point and she did prove it. He had been insane to choose this crazy woman in front of him, with no word censor and so verbally expressive it should be a sin.

He should have known it'll be a disaster. It was all over her and yet he had followed his seemingly foolish guts and remember that abyss he was tiptoeing around? He could almost smell his fall into it, soon with a loud agonizing thud. Wait there won't be a thud because it will be abysmal.

"What do you want from me?"

She snickered, "If we are being honest, Nothing. I don't even want anything to do with this comedy show my life has become embroiled with called your planet but if I'm going to try help you.." He rolled his eyes as she enunciated help, smirked before continuing, "While getting myself out of all this because I'm not into crazy. I need to know the truth. Besides the truth always set us free. Always," her smile was taunting even as she reveled in the strange power she could feel, she had on him.

"Not all the time." His eyes flashed with an emotion she couldn't put her hand on, "Sometimes the truth leads to betrayal, heartbreak, deaths, destruction."

"That is why you will forever be a coward, hiding in some shadow, muttering words in your heart, you could never have the balls to admit in words."

Blue clashed against blue, her words had gotten to him and though he looked frightening and might be contemplating killing her and hiding her body, it was worth it.

"You think you are the smart cookie huh? Got me so figured out pretty quick, didn't you?"

She gave him a coy smile even as he glanced away, "You don't know me. Stop pretending like you do."

"That is what people who are scared of someone figuring them out usually mutter, again and again helplessly while maintaining the facade of fake dying bravado." A sneer formed on his lips and the bitter malicious grin that he served her, convinced her that, it was either Tristan had good A+ self-control lessons grilled into him as a child or he had a strange fetish for listening to petite women talk down on him and not take a swing at their head especially when he was three times their height.

She would be placing her money on the first. She knew how annoying she could be and how cheeky she could get. She didn't mean to push him over like that, but in her defense, he had pushed her hard too and though she had gone too far, she'll be damned before she apologize for serving just as much.

"You'll be helping me too in a way. The topic is off-limits and is not up for discussion," he solemnly announced, "So are you game or not?"

She didn't need to sleep over it or ask him to draft out a contract and run it down her legal consultants or ask Nonna and Bryan.

It was more than a fair deal. It was stupid. History was repeating itself. A human and an underworld person in another unfavorable agreement to the latter.