
Prince Lucius (Satan)

Chapter 9| Prince Lucius (Satan)

Prince Tristan groaned not trusting the mischief and cheeky smile Saif had on as he nudged him.

His hands were already full with the human who had woken up as he deliberated what that meant and he also had the humans who he was supposed to teleport safely to Indiosia without any hitches to think of.

"You are smitten by the human, it is obvious."

Prince Tristan shook his head not even surprised, his stepbrother could come up with such ridiculous assumption especially when they were in the middle of crises.

The advantage of being responsibility free. All his life, he had always had to think of Indiosia in all that he did. His childhood had been full of scheduled meetings and practice, grooming and etiquettes trainings, while Saif had been free to go partying and to make friends.

But he was determined to make that change now. He was going to live his life to the fullest and let his younger brother be a leader, at least that'll make Queen Reginald, Saif's mother, really happy.

She was ambitious and thirsted for power. Everyone knew all about her wiles and how crafty she could get if she was desperate. Though there was no concrete evidence, it was no news that the "accidents" which had almost taken his life as a child had been caused by her.

Life's irony, he thought bemused. If only she knew how Glad he'll be to trade places with her son and how she need not go through all the trouble.

Nobody could kill royal blood, so he wondered why she bothered. None except his curse, he shivered.

It was just a mindless prophecy he thought to himself refusing to believe what the witch had said on his 12th year birthday, about a woman who'll bring ruins to his home, his heart, and his soul.

He was invincible, he was eternal, he muttered to himself, again and again, believing that if he said it often enough with luck, he just might start believing it himself.

"But remember you shouldn't get Annabelle upset," Saif continued, making him realize he had blanked out. He ruffled Saif's Raven black hair, chuckling at the expected dirty glare he directed towards him, but they both laughed seconds after.

That was another incomprehensible mystery nobody in the kingdom could figure out, how two men whose mothers fight day and night for their birthright and were supposed to be sworn enemies because of the struggle for their Destiny could be so close to each other.

"Seriously," He turned to make sure no one could see him, "God I've missed just calling you Trist, being a crown prince is hard." Saif snickered.

"You've no idea."

"But just like I was trying to communicate to you, the humans are only for children, but Annabelle matters to the Destiny of the kingdom. She'll be your rightful queen and is of Noble birth. She is the Duke's daughter and an advantage to your destiny ruling beside you," Tristan gave Saif a look not believing he was bringing up words he had heard so many times, he'd forgotten just how many times.

"Don't you think Abba is doing a good job reminding me of these limitations?" He arched his perfectly carved brow at his brother, who shrugged.

"You seem to be riling her up, that's why I thought you needed a reminder. She has been trying to get your attention all day but you've been brooding. A powerful heiress is a problem enough," He inched closer towards Tristan, "But a neglected spoilt heiress like Annabelle could be a ticking bomb. Abba won't like that."

"Abba doesn't like a lot of things you do yet you do them anyway."

"I'm not his golden boy and the future of his great kingdom doesn't lie on my shoulders, you forgot?"

"How could I?" He had a sullen look which marred his gorgeous features, "That is what has decided all I did for the past 28 years of my life." Tristan gave Saif a look then mumbled "Crown Prince" distastefully.

"It also has its perks now, Brother. Like how you had made the human completely untouchable. Mind you," he had a glint in his eyes, the type that Prince Tristan will recognize anytime, he was enthusiastic about something evil, that he was about to foretell, "You'll have to protect this human even better because soon Annabelle will be having her claws inside her soft smooth skin," He sighed dramatically making Prince Tristan roll his eyes, "Its been so long we've had such good action in the palace. Two women fighting each other for your love and attention, now that'll be a good one to watch."

"The humans have all been placed on the cubicle, it is time to go, Your majesties." Tristan stood up from the shrub he was seated on and extended his hand to Saif. He got him on his feet.

As they both followed the bodyguard in the dark to the ferryboat, Saif slipped his hand into Tristan's. "It'll be fine. We always end up being fine." Saif muttered and they both knew he was not talking about the boat trip or securing the humans but his Destiny.

Tristan gave his brother a lingering smile, grateful to have the annoyingly cocky guy beside him because at the end of the day, family should always be primary and Saif was his family.

His responsibility.

His little brother.

And he'll do whatever it takes to see to it that he remains happy and he knows just the thing that'll help. The heavy crown on his head will add to that joy because no matter how much he tried to disguise it, no matter how happy he was for him, Tristan could see it in his gaze for the briefest of seconds, the flicker of wistful wanting at the respect, the love, the favor.

But a few seconds were just enough. Saif wanted the crown but was torn between his love and loyalty to his brother and his want and ambition but Tristan was going to make sure he made the choice easier for him in any way he could.

It starts with sabotaging Abba's attempt to get him an heir and that was going to be the hardest part of the game and it was also the beginning.

Did he have a great feeling about this since, he'll be paired with a human, a distressed being, Hell fucking No. Was that enough reason for him to back out, Reasonably yes.

Will he? No.

"Besides," Prince Saif said, turning to look at him, "Many men will give up both legs and hands even make a deal with Prince Lucius Satan to be in such a realm of immense power."

And before Tristan could remind him he wasn't most men who had frolicked all their life and had haircut they wanted, not one Abba thought enunciated glory, he was already talking to a bodyguard next to him.

He sighed and then rested his hand on his head, his thoughts clouded with how close he could feel his freedom yet how near disaster looms, he fell asleep.