
Murder in broad daylight

Chapter 35|Murder in broad daylight

The first thing Kimberly noticed as Saif did the portal thingy was the long gigantic building that stood tall in front of them.

She had seen different sizes of buildings, had meals in the best hotels with out of this world architectural designs, met clients who lived in houses that were a dream, driven past structures that made you gasp but nothing had come close to the beauty, the size, of the glass beast in front of her.

"This I present to you, is one of Indiosia's biggest pride. The one and only hospital in the whole realm owned by my brother." He had a smug grin even as he took a bow giving her the whole 10/10 theatrics.

"Why are we here?" She muttered, not knowing why she was uncomfortable knowing she just might run into Tristan.

"Because this is a big deal in the kingdom. That's all Abba can talk about. The respect the hospital has brought, like why open a damn hospital when we have healers?" He smirked, giving her a grin that was void of jealousy and malice even though he had every right to feel that.

She hadn't been in the palace for more than a week but she could see how invisible Saif was. Everybody fussed about Tristan, talked about him, reverence him in some kind of way and Saif's name was only brought up barely for some kind of comparison.

"I think there is something about the white scrubs." She gave him a lazy grin.

He nodded, thinking it over, "That should be it."

"You know, he gets called by his close friend who now lives in the city and is a doctor when a patient suffers a deadly disease that is incurable?"

"His friend?"

Saif nodded, "He stays on Earth. He was one of the reasons Abba had difficulty letting Tristan go to Earth initially. His best friend had gone already, according to Abba had foolishly thought he was in love and had abandoned his people and choose never to come back."

"Do you agree with Abba?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. But I think it was selfish of him to just want to be happy and damn the consequences. A part of me feels envious though, getting rid of the commitments and expectations, but a part of me knows that it isn't right to feel that way."

She gave him a little smile, the pains of wanting to do right in your own little way.

"And what more? His wife doesn't even know what he is. But I bet she'll figure out he isn't her kind when she turns 85 with wrinkles and he still looks the same."

She gave him a puzzled lost look, "What do you mean by that?"

He barked out a laugh, "You don't even know the reason why you are here? Why all the humans were sent here."

"Tristan said it had something to do with genetics."

"Maybe. But that is hardly important. The reason why a human is needed is that the fusion in your blood with that of my kind births unaging tendencies."

Her eyes widen.

"Every Royal blood is immortal but we all have a curse. Every one of us. A curse that is made to destroy us one day and make us vanish into nothingness. No body, no memoir, just a tiny wisp of white fumes going back to the goddess, I saw my great grandfather die."

She gave him a pitiable look. A child should never experience what he has.

"But till the curse gets to you, you have thousands of years to live on this shitty surface and the human's blood sweeten the deal, the gift of unaging traits. The forever youthful life."

Everything made sense to her at that moment. Queen Reginald, Saif's mother, The King.

"No... Those are not in the generation of the blood era." He whispered making her jolt in shock, not completely used to the fact that he could hear her thoughts.

"My mom is Human. Growing up, I found that hard to believe because well, I thought that was just like a made up tale, children were told so they could sleep."

"Your mom is human?" Her voice came out unsure, almost like the question choked her.

"Yes. She was brought in as a slave, Hundreds of years ago, as the story goes."

"Do you mean your mom was alive during the war?"

"Yes. She had told me the story so many times, I could write a book on the topic. She was 20, just the way she is now. Was supposed to get married to her childhood sweetheart, a date was set and then everything had become chaos and ashes."

She watched his expression for even an ounce of pity and anger to appear on his face for the unimaginable way his mother must have been treated. The hell she must have gone through, being forced up here and separated from the one she loved, but there was nothing.

"I thought she was lying, making up tales to scare me and make me be a good boy, which I was not, growing up."

"And now?" She murmured, quite aware they were stalling in front of the intimidatingly looking hospital.

"I feel nothing. Maybe because it has been so long since she birthed me or maybe because she was raped by my grandfather repeatedly, who is on Earth awaiting death, his curse happens to be there."

She gasped audibly.

He nodded, "You coming into this realm was like reaffirming to the possibility of every word she has ever said that looked plain crazy."

"If she is human, then why is she so young after all these years?"

"Fluids transfer." He shrugged, "She had sex with my grandfather who became un aging after the dirty disgusting, intercourse." His lopsided grin didn't falter for once as he recited the words like they were a passage from a book and not his mother being raped and then passed to his father.

"So how about your dad and Queen Faye?"

He grimaced.

"This is just so weird and awkward to discuss. So of course, it is still the same damn fluids. She has sex with him and he has sex with queen Faye."

She looked away agreeing with him on how awkward the conversation was and how she'll never look at them the same after that Revelation.

"And yes," he muttered, "I feel no pity for my mother because though I was in her womb and she brought me forth with a pang of labor, she will always hate my kind. Me, inclusive. I'm only to her a tool."

Confusion marred her features, "What do you mean by that?"

He gave her a dimpled smile, "Prince Tristan will be visiting us soon."

And In a blink of an eye, they were inside a large office, she met Tristan's face which revealed pure anger, and looked away.

They were in a room with ceiling to floor window, which made her quite comfortable that he couldn't kill them in the full glare of such visibility.

But immediately he used the remote control, releasing the binds, her heart skipped a beat and thundered against her ribcage so much so she believed they might just splatter on the floor and kill her first before Tristan does that going by his murderous glare and flared nostrils.

Was he really going to murder them in broad daylight? She asked herself.