
Like mother like son

Chapter 65| Like mother like son

"I was sorry about what happened to Reginald. It wasn't right so I allowed pity to make me lower my guards around her, trust her." Queen Faye arched her brow at Kimberly, "I won't be making the same mistake twice."

She nodded in agreement thoughtfully, "It'd be foolish to so yet again, what do you want from me if you can't send me back soon?"

"I want your agreement in exchange for lots of gemstones. Lots of them." She sat up and Kimberly could tell she was enthusiastic about laying down her very generous offer and was used to making deals out of every situation. She chuckled wryly to herself, remembering just another person who was like that. Like mother like son.

"Agreement to?"

"Leave after giving Tristan an heir. Leaving this palace and our life."

"You don't need to go through all this trouble to get that from me. I very much plan to leave."

"You might feel that way now but Reginald's feelings weren't always fixated on staying here and amassing power. Yours might change in the nearest future."

Kimberly caught herself from laughing loudly and clutching her tummy at the familiar boring pattern this was becoming, how familiar their conversation was sounding. She knew where this was headed, could tell.

"So what do you want me to do so you could trust me?" Kimberly managed to ask acting completely coy.

"A contract. I need you to put your agreement into something holding more water than mere words."

Kimberly lost it even as she doubled over in laughter, tears pooling from her eyes even as she laughed hard and heartily. She didn't know how many minutes that passed as her chuckle resonated in the room but Queen Faye's serious stare didn't falter and her gaze remained on her, her hands crossed, eyes knitted in concentration and her shoulders stiff.

"I won't be signing such agreement." Her tone was curt and direct.

Queen Faye didn't look surprised, it seemed she already knew what Kimberly's reply would be so why had she even bothered with her proposition?

"If you really don't want anything to do with this land and you miss yours already, what harm would it cause to just sign an agreement and earn a little something while at it."

"Because of the little something I'll be earning," she quipped, "Saif is my friend and I don't know how friendships work here but though this might be just some agreement you have put in place to make sure I'm not a threat of any kind which is amusing, This is betrayal."

"He knows you would be leaving anyway so why would you even call this betrayal?"

"Because the moment I sign that agreement, I'd feel dirty knowing that I'm the gold digger that you had thought me to be," she chuckled a bit at her words, "No pun intended, ma'am. But Saif would be hurt when he gets wind of this transaction knowing that he had fought for me all this while, never doubting me even for a second while I was secretly interested in acquiring wealth."

"I won't tell him a word."

"You don't need to. I've so much respect for what I and Saif have to do something so shameful to him, treating him so unfairly regardless of how kind he has been to me and sleep properly at night. Making this a secret would only make me feel even dirtier."

Queen Faye sighed.

"Take my words for it. I want nothing to do with this Kingdom and I certainly don't want to end up being Queen for your arrogant son."

There was a knock on her door and Queen Faye gave her a questioning glance, wondering who else was at the door.

She shrugged, seem like her room was ranking more and more important visitors at night.

She stood up to open the door but was stopped as Queen Faye shook her head fervently.

She raised her brow wondering why the Queen was scared of another person meeting her in here.

She sighed, "Who is there?"

"Prince Tristan."

Her glance met Queen Faye's who looked at her with utter disbelief and she could also pinpoint hate in her gaze, "My son visits you at night and you were saying?"

"He hates me and the feeling is mutual so this is not a love nest meeting," She didn't know why her voice was hushed, but Queen Faye's were.

"So why is he here then?"

"I was hoping you could get that answer out of him when I open the door. What do you think?" She flashed her a grin already fed up with the son and mother drama.

"No no," she murmured making Kimberly look at her puzzled as she wondered why she was scared to confront her son and hopefully yank him by the ear and leave with him.

"Kimberly I'm still here," Kimberly raised her brow at the tone of his voice. How patient and respectful he was being too.

"He'd get suspicious if you keep him waiting. Open the door, I'll just stay out of sight."

"How?" Kimberly turned and blinked twice noticing she was the only one now in the room. That was rude!

She was certainly getting a hang of not being freaked out by the extraordinary if she was not screaming her lungs out after noticing Queen Faye's disappearance but to be fair many strange things occurred in the palace every day that she would lose her voice if she screams all the time.

She turned the knob of her door wondering why Prince Tristan even bothered waiting when he could get in effortlessly.

"What do you want?"

"I__" he glanced suspiciously around the room then in a second his hand was around her wrist making her eyes widen in shock at how quick his strides were, she didn't see him coming. Then her astonishment had changed to awe so much so she was gaping at him even as he tugged her behind him dragging her to only God knows where and finally she felt the glorifying familiar sense of sweet ole anger at his audacity.

She dragged her hand from his grasp, "What the hell is wrong with you?" Her voice was quiet but she almost recoiled at how icy she sounded. Being with an ice Queen had inevitably rubbed off on her.

"What did my Mom tell you?"

Kimberly gasped audibly and then looked away, "How did you know?"

"The cold? Her favorite fragrance? I'm shocked she still thinks I don't know she is in the room when she goes invisible."

"What are you, Prince Tristan?" Kimberly said with a smile, throwing back the question he had asked her when she had hit the scoreboard with the arrow accurately.

"A doctor, a prince, a godson to a witch, and a man whose brother is angry with him."

She frowned.