
Cloaks over lace

Chapter 12| Cloaks over lace

"So how is the preparation going?" Prince Saif nudged Tristan, his eyebrows raised.

"I should be asking you that." Tristan nods as the Duke of Finland, the housing of demons walked past him, with his Entourage following closely into the grand hall.

It was the day of the verdict, a ceremony ranked as one of the popular traditions only heard of but now was having the luxury of seeing and more than that, Tristan though not by choice was going to be participating as one of the eligible men ready to take in one of the females under his wing.

"I don't understand." Prince Saif's eyebrow furrowed in confusion, Tristan eyed the bowl of white flowers which one of the maidservants passed with. There was a flash of understanding in Saif's eyes.

"All taken care of. The roses shall be switched before the verdict is read. My best men are on it."

"I just don't think, putting them on another spell was necessary."

Saif snorted, "Another spell? Like a human could survive two sleeping spells in such short intervals. The witch hasn't gone through the dispelling procedures."

So she had woken up again even while under the spell? This was more than just a glitch, Prince Tristan thought to himself.

"You look disturbed. Is there a problem?"

"Why didn't the witch go through with the dispelling rituals?"

"Do not fear, your human love interest won't be Bewitched forever." Tristan roll his eyes but inwardly knew that that was the last thing he cared about, especially if she had woken up twice under the said bewitchment and he also had the risk of her walking out of the cubicles any moment from now since she have done it twice already.

"The witch had taken a look at them and muttering something under her breath, about how so much times have changed, she suggested to Abba that the girls should be wakened alongside the rituals for their grooms. She believes that they will stir such drama if waken up earlier because of how strange our environment is."

Tristan watched out of the window as snowflakes fell dissolving into the body of water around them, the whole land wasn't like this, but the grand hall where they stayed was located in the North of the kingdom where their climate remained like this till spring.

He'd been to Earth twice and though he had not stayed so long and he had only been there because Abba had thought it wise for him to study the ways of his enemies if it ever comes to that, he shuddered the thought of warring against those fragile humans if they ever defiled their dictates sent guilt creeping into his guts as he thanked his destiny, that they have been wise enough to toe the lines of their ancestors and obey.

But he knew from that little experience that earth was not so different from the dear Land of Indiosia.

Just like there was summer in their land, they just have to get used to kingdom Hall where, bunnies fall from the sky as rain, serving as food to the ravenous men turned into beasts when they got the short end of making a deal with Satan.

Well, the rest of the humans not willed to Satan's grandchild will have nothing to worry about but only to stay away from the land, since according to rumors hell was not very far off the accursed soil but the woman chosen to bear a son for the eligible bachelor with such a popular grandfather will have to learn to deal with that.

And then the land of the fairies, Cypress Creek also has its weather condition which rained roses for the six rolls of the time dice, apart from being nauseous, which he have had his fair share of whenever he visits to patrol their quarters, the human willed to, the crafty Queen's only son will just have to put up with that and get used to the Queen's clawed vice-like protective grip on her son.

And then there was the land Synai, Kingdom of the witches and wizards, where the art of sorcery is Mastered and only heavy rainfall dwells, Although rarely it also rains bats.

Kingdom Aliteria, City of Cedar, Pool of Suvet, and with each of them and others he didn't have the luxury of time, to dispense pondering over had their different weather condition.

He shook his head, chuckling a little. Okay, the witch was right the humans have a lot of getting used to, to do.

"I need to go now," Saif muttered underneath his breath winking at one of the maidservants who gave him a flirtatious grin and walked out.

Shooting out of Prince Tristan's palm, an arrow pinned his cloak to the wall stopping him in his trail.

Saif rolled his eyes, turning to look at him, "Rude much? Don't be such a cock block now." He wasn't at all fazed by the disappointed look Tristan treated him to.

"Saif we have work to do, guests to welcome and the kingdom of Indiosia doesn't revolve around your cock!"

"Yes. It resolves around you so I am out. I have a warm willing arm waiting for me. You shouldn't expect me to choose work over that now, do you." And without waiting for another second, he hastened his footsteps and using the door the maiden had just passed through minutes ago, he Left.

"So much for brotherhood and sibling bond." Prince Tristan cursed under his breath at his brother's retreating figure, wondering what happened to Cloaks over lace. "Soon Little brother, Soon and you'll know what it feels like to have the whole of this kingdom and its absurd cycle balanced on your shoulder."

He sights Annabelle from afar and hoping the expression he have on his face was as convincing a smile rather than a wince as he walked towards her.

She was dressed by the famous Luca, the most prominent designer in all of the kingdom and her attire could never be recreated for another girl, he knew these things because that's all she could talk about the last time he had seen her which was a fortnight ago.

With her Auburn hair pinned and her long lovely neck being exposed alongside her bareback revealing creamy smooth skin that was as soft as it looked. Dainty pieces of jewelry adorned her body and her sky blue gown which hugged her curves was really a work of perfection like she had described, but yet, he could only manage a hello and a fake compliment on how beautiful he thought she look before he was making a run for it, to escape her too fake and wide a smile and fuss on how haughty her maid attendants were being.

Because inasmuch as Annabelle was one of the unquestionably beautiful women in the kingdom, an heiress and in fact will make a perfect bride and fit for whoever man who loves her genuinely to put up with her frivolities, he knew he wasn't that man.

For one, he didn't find her attractive and those her little attempt to make him notice her womanly swell like "accidentally" rubbing herself against him didn't do anything to him but only made him nauseous as desperation wasn't a good look he desired in his women. A desperate woman could easily become vengeful.

Secondly, her desires, her goals, and everything she represented didn't fall into line with his. She was just a spoilt child in a woman's body and talking to her was just a sermon of hearing her praise and talk about herself all day long, her voice whiny it made him cringe all the time especially if it was one of his unlucky days when Abba was nearby and he had to just sit down, nod at intervals and even smile through the torture.

As he stumbled on the Empress of the Clyde Kingdom, the land of clones, an attractive woman he had once had sexual dealings with but had ended really badly with messy makeup as big fat tears roll down her cheeks when she had professed her love for him and he had told her he didn't feel the same way. He found himself muttering an awkward greeting he cursed Said underneath his breath and each time he met with just another guest who was also one of the women he had wronged without even meaning to, he cursed him yet again for not being by his side for support and by the time he got to the door he found himself wishing that Saif becomes King and unavoidably has to make Annabelle his queen.