
Abba, Lucius and consro

Chapter 45|Abba, Lucius, and consro

"Focus, breath in and out then say it confidently, and just wave your wand slightly," Saif mumbled, even as Kimberly peeked at the book full of spells and lightly held the wand.

"Kabistra pararuda!"

She exhaled in pure exasperation, huffing. There was nothing.

He rolled his eyes, snatching the wand from her.

"This isn't some shouting exercise, you are asking the realm to pause natural occurrence for a while, be precise seem confident yet speak softly, you shouted!" He accused.

She rolled her eyes fighting back a Chuckle. Honestly, she cared less if she got it or not. Just practicing magic was enough fun, like it was almost like having all your Cinderella-inspired fantasies come true.

"Kabistra pararuda," Saif whispered and he was immediately invisible.

"Show off," she mumbled, looking away.

Okay maybe a teeny tiny part of her wanted to do it right, she found herself admitting.

He reappeared, a smile on his face.

"How hard is this? You have a book and a wand!"

"You use the wand too."

"I'm no magician of course I'll." He shrugged, then returned the wand to her.

"Speak softly don't shout," he warned.

"Kabistra pararuda," she mumbled, her voice gravelly low earning her a glare from Saif.

"Even the realm can't hear you."

She gasped in mock horror, "Treason Saif, are you trying to say that nature is deaf?" She raised her brow, her hand covering her mouth.

"Let's take a break from teaching you magic," Saif muttered shaking his head, as he made a face at her, "As your professora, I can't hide my disappointment. Like how hard could casting a spell be?"

She gave him a little smile and lifting the Hem of her burgundy strapless gown, she curtsied playfully.

He raised his brow, impressed at her improvement.

"Wow look at who can now do a curtsy without looking ridiculous."

"Of course, I have to," her back was straightened, her head high in the air even as she avoided eye contact with Saif, acting out the part of all she had been taught by the palace tradition custodian.

He shook his head scowling, "Goddess, you don't even look half as ridiculous as they do when they do it. Like everything about noblewomen here is so sugary fake and coated."

She laughed, "My unveiling is in eight fortnights, trust me I do know how theatrically fake I'm being prepped to be. I don't think it is the fault of the women."

He smiled at her, happy that she would soon be presented to the people and then they can both go out but with the company of guards of course.

He groaned internally, they'll just stick to wearing the ring. Besides Kimberly had not complained the last time about dressing like a commoner, being a Prince just meant being worshipped and reverenced wherever he went but as a commoner he was free, he could scream and play not act out what is expected of him.

He stared at Kimberly who was staring at the wand curiously, or rather he noticed writing on the wand.

He took the wand, studying the words shocked that it was the first time he was noticing the tiny scribbled words even though he and Tristan had played around with the wand while growing up a lot.

"Castro lumintus saquire, Abba Lucius, consro,"

"What does that word mean?" Her voice was hoarse and her eyes wide.

Like a vision, she could see a woman holding onto the wand, her eyes staring straight into a body of water. A baby strapped at her back.

"Castro lumintus saquire, Abba Lucius, consro," she whispered even as tears slide down her cheeks, her hands tightly holding onto the wand.

Kimberly blinked wondering what the hell she was seeing.

"Are you okay, you look a bit flushed? Are you okay?"

She swallowed hard, "Yes."

"What do those words mean?"

He stared at the writing again for a few more seconds, "The language is not Arabic, Swahili, or in the luguala dialect. The only thing I recognize in there is Abba Lucius and consro seems familiar."

She held his gaze expectantly not knowing why but felt the strong need to know what was written on the wand.

"Abba, Father. Lucius, a name commonly answered over here but also the name of Prince Lucius, The devil. Consro, Please." He whispered.

"Father, Devil, and please." She closed her eyes frustrated wondering how she would get to know what was written on the wand or even have an idea when she only had three words.

"Can we go inside? It is enough fooling around for the day," Saif gave her a little smile even as he provided her his hand which she took standing up. A puzzled lost look was still on her face.

She couldn't even muster the strength to return his smile, she needed to know what was on the wand by all means and soon.

Her soul craved the clarification and though it might seem like she was overreacting, the quickening in her pulse, the familiarity of the word, the image she had seen she could tell she needed answers and soon before they'll have a deranged human in their hands.


Tristan closed his book immediately he heard the knock on the door.

"Come in," he gruffly whispered wondering what his mother wanted from him yet again.

She had been a daily visitor of his room and he had a suspicion that she was monitoring him though he had no idea why but her frequent visits to his room for no important enough reason suggested that was it.

Besides whenever she came, she'll always ask if anyone had come to see him and peer inside the bathroom too like she was expecting someone in there.

It also didn't help that she was blessed with the invisible form, she had no respect for boundaries of recent and entered his abode at will. He never liked raising his voice at women especially his mother but she was pushing at his constraint and he was at his breaking limit.

He stood up as the person on the other side made no effort to open the door.

Only Abba waited for him to open the door himself, scrambling on his feet immediately putting on his shirt, he walked towards the door and yanked it open.

But what greeted him at the other side of the door weren't his father's cold stare but blue eyes he have been trying to avoid seeing after the arrow drama.

He had finally accepted that there was something about the human that compelled him to act foolishly and lower his guard and he won't have that, so to avoid that he was sticking to seeing as less of her as possible.

His game plan has been going very well since it was quite convenient to avoid anyone especially in a palace as big as theirs with a seperate wing up until now.

He had never considered the possibility of her seeking him out.