

In a particular universe, there consist of millions if not billions of galaxies. In that very universe, there happened a great war. War of the Gods, in the eyes of the mortals of some uncivilized world and or galaxies, at least. The war lasted for millions of years. The very cause of that war is simple, a conquest from a strong galaxy named Versoza. What will happen to the other galaxies? follow our MC as he will stand tall for his galaxy ------- This is my very first novel. I am not academically smart or a nerd I am just inspired to write novels since when I read other novels I do sometimes get ideas and don't write them and now I am writing my ideas so that at least my ideas won't get wasted or forgotten. I fully do accept criticism since it can help me further strengthen my writing foundation.

Daoistfxkxht · Fantaisie
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In a particular universe, there consist of millions if not billions of galaxies. In that very universe, there happened a great war. War of the Gods, in the eyes of the mortals of some uncivilized world and or galaxies, at least. The war lasted for millions of years.

The very cause of that war is simple, a conquest from a strong galaxy named Versoza.

It affected millions of galaxies and turned them lifeless. Then millions of years after the subjugation started by Versoza, only a few remaining galaxies stood still that includes the Milky Way Galaxy. The sad part about this galaxy is that almost all of its inhabitants are dead. Fortunately, there still exists some life in it. In some corner of the Milky Way Galaxy, on a particular corner of that galaxy, there found a bright star and eight planets circling on it.


Custos is a beggar who is currently living on the streets of Japan. Unfortunately for Custos, he is only wearing a thin shirt and pants with holes on them. The rain was heavy there were a lot of people going home after their work. Custos sometimes would look up at the stary sky, gazing at the vast expanse, reminiscing about something.

Suddenly a student with an umbrella stopped in front of Custos, shielding him from the cold and ruthless rain. Custos shifting his eye towards the student as he then speaks, "Thank you very much, Human.".

The student Ryuunosuke Shichiro found it odd being called 'Human' by the beggar. Shichiro mumbles to himself, "Is he a different kind of species or an alien for him to call me human?". Shichiro then asks the beggar, "Do you have no family or friends to ask for a place to stay?".

"All of them had perished long before this world has given life to your kind, child," says Custos.

"Uhh, yeah?" Shichiro said with a 'WTF' kind of expression as he found this beggar quite odd. "Why the hell is this dude talking like this?" Shichiro thought.

While the two of them were having a conversation, a friend of Shichiro noticed them talking. The friend then begins to walk towards them.

"Ayo, Shichiro. What's up, what are you doing?" says Shichiro's friend.

"Oh, Ryuuta it's you. I was about to go home when I spot this man all drenched from the rain although he looked like the rain did not bother him at all I think he'll get sick if this continues." Shichiro says.

"And you are sharing your umbrella with him?" says Ryuuta as he continues, "How generous of you my friend, Shichiro,".

Custos was looking at these two children with a sad smile on his face.

"Friends, huh" Custos mumbled as he then lowered his head while looking at his dirty palm. "I have fought with my friends and companions throughout the great war, and I have had killed a lot of friends and companions who betrayed us as well," he continued.

The two friends, Shichiro and Ryuuta looked at Custos as he heard him mumbled something. Suddenly the two saw something on Custos's neck, a neckless. The neckless had an emblem that looked very ancient and there were some weird scribbles on it.

Custos noticed the gaze of the two children. Gusto slowly moves his hands as he begins to caress the emblem. "The Emblem of our true glorious empire," says Custos while remembering about the past. Custos had an expression of longing as he said those words.

"Are you from a powerful empire, Sir?" joked Ryuuta.

"Powerful?" Custos replied with a sigh.

"Hey, Ryuuta, stop fooling around," Shichiro joined with a frown.

"Okay, relax," Ryuuta gently shakes his head as he looked at Shichiro.

"Anyway man, what are we going to do with this dude?" Ryuuta asks Shichiro.

"Uhh, there is a shack at your place right?" says Shichiro.

Ryuuta looking at Shichiro as he nods without saying anything at Shichiro with an ominous feeling.

"Great, let us bring this dude to your shack maybe you can shelter him there," says Shichiro.

"What?!!" Ryuuta exclaimed as he was dumbfounded.

"Come on, Ryuuta. I'll treat you to some takoyaki tomorrow and I'll help you court Mamiya," says Shichiro.

Ryuuta was not feeling good at first but after hearing Shichiro talk about Mamiya he suddenly blushed and then points his hands at Shichiro saying, "How the hell do you know I like Mamiya?".

Custos suddenly stand up as he eyed the two idiots. "Shall we go then" say Custos.

"Sure, follow me" Shichiro replied.

"Hey, it's our shack, not yours, and why the hell are you leading him there, and who says I agree?" says Ryuuta.

Shichiro ignores Ryuuta as he continues to lead Custos to Ryuuta's place.

While they were walking towards their destination, Ryuuta and Shichiro are talking about school and stuff regarding their life as a student while Custos simply and silently follows them. After a few minutes of walk, they finally arrived at their destination. "Finally we are here," says Shichiro as Ryuuta quickly replied with "Yeah right Mr. Owner,".

"Come on, Ryuuta. Do you have no heart?" says Shichiro.

"We don't even know this dude what if he turns out to be a murderer and kills me later after I sleep and who is going to feed him?" says Ryuuta.

Custos suddenly interrupted them "Worry not, child, for I do not kill,".

Although Custos sounded very hypocrite he has no plan to kill the last part of the life his galaxy has.

Suddenly the sky is covered by lightning and the roars of this lightning scared the shit out of Shichiro and Ryuuta. Custos suddenly looks up and gazed at the sky with a frown. "They're here again," says Custos. Ryuuta and Shichiro subconsciously turn around while saying "Who?", but Custos was already gone. The two then looked at each other for some time as they spoke together, "Did he ran from the lightning,", "Did the lightning scared him?".

Outside the solar system where technologies cant see, there; a person with a black spear floating seemingly waiting for something or perhaps someone. "So you have come again for another slaughter?" A deep voice resounded across the space. This voice belongs to Custos. With fierce eyes that could devour any living beings, Custos continues to gaze across the vast expanse.

This is the very first novel I wrote and I hope you like it if not please do tell me which part you don't like and why so that I can change and improve my writing. Thank you.

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