

Hunter hasn’t heard from his estranged addict brother Maverick in months. Maverick owes Hunter Fifty dollars. What starts as a simple rekindling of trust and brotherhood ends with Hunters car being stolen while staying in Maverick’s house. The pair then voyage across the entire country in search of Hunters missing car, but end up unravelling a lot more than they had initially planned.

MaxPaint · Urbain
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24 Chs


My guess would've been that they would've taken us to the cells in Korē Korē. But as it turned out; the closest cells were on the North Shore station in Auckland. A far cry from where we were, but closer to our overall destination.

There was of course still my car, that I needed to get back. Then there was the fact that I had not only Lost a Car but potentially gained a court case. And I hadn't even been drinking Cody's. 

My tolerance was extremely low, to the alcohol I mean. My medication did not jive with alcohol, and I'd done my best to avoid it in recent times.

 As an officer dragged me from the vehicle, I felt the cuffs so tight around my wrists that they almost tore into my skin, my legs practically dragged behind me as the officer dragged me inside the station. But I didn't struggle, that much would be pointless.

We were standing in the back registry, where they would take down our details. This one cop was being particularly rough with Maverick, shoving him around.

"Shit man, you're pretty strong, must be on the 'roids," Maverick said in passing. The rough cop ignored him. 

A strong smirk grew across Maverick's face. "Only thing with the roids, is you must have a little dick, aye? Probably why you're missus fucks other men." he laughed.

Suddenly the cops slammed Maverick's head into the corner of the countertop.

"Oi! Stop!" I yelled, taking a step forward. The cop behind me restrained me in a lock, and I had a clear view of what would unfold. I struggled, but to no use.

The Cop yanked Maverick's head back from the countertop, held his head in place with one hand and began to open palm strike into Maverick's already swelling blue and bruised eye.

I struggled with all I had and began to yell obscenities at the abusive cop. When that didn't work, I directed my anger towards every other law enforcer in the room. They dragged me off to a side room and began to process Maverick.

They dragged me back out as Maverick was being forced through a security door and out of sight. I knew the game was over, and began to recite my details. 

I was then dragged off also, through the security door, down a narrow hallway, round a corner, and placed in the first cell on the corner of the cell hall. 

They closed the door behind me and I looked around my cell. It had bone-white walls, a cold concrete floor, a metallic box on one side with a gym mat mattress, and one of those grey under-blanket blankets. A metallic toilet, and a metallic sink with no soap.

My heart still rushed with adrenaline, but I had begun to slowly cool down. I had no choice If I wanted to get out sooner. 

As I sat on the bed, not moving one bit, I watched the wall, never making a sound. In the cell over, I heard Maverick kicking what I assumed to be his cell door and hurling out abuse. 

After a short while my cell door opened, and another cop that I hadn't seen before led me to another room. I sat quietly, it was just me and him in this room, and he was away from his buddies.

"I know you are angry for what they did to your brother. That's understandable and I'm sorry. But I need to take your Fingerprints," he told me in a sincere and understanding way. 

I looked down at the blue inkpad in front of me, and a piece of paper on my left. My name, age, and other details are printed along the top. 

Ultimately, I obliged. And was then taken back to my cell. As I glanced over to Maverick's cell, which was opposite mine; water had begun to leak through the gap in the bottom of his cell door into the hallway. It seemed his yelling and verbal abuse had not stopped since I'd left.

I was placed back into my Cell, and returned to my stiff bed, I sat upright, my feet planted on the concrete below. Stiff as a board, I began to slowly sober up. Mavericks nonstop yelling, banging and slurs were even beginning to piss me off.

Other people in other cells down the hall were beginning to hurl abuse at Mav, to which Mav redirected and hurled it back...

The only break in Maverick's enraged fits, was when the cop that arrested me walked past both our cells delivering a pie to another person down the hall with a napkin placed underneath. 

"Can I have one?" Mav had asked the cop. 

The Cop gave a cheeky grin and carried on down the hall. I felt my stomach rumble violently, I couldn't recall my last meal. But I didn't wanna give that cop the satisfaction, so I starved. 

After what felt like a couple of hours, they released me from my cell and led me to the front desk where civilians would go to report crime. I half expected them to be releasing Maverick around the same time, but that wasn't the case. The cop then uncuffed me and left me in the foyer.

I sat in the large carpeted foyer for a short while. Before I realised that I wasn't going to be given a ride back home. I looked out of the glass front doors and noticed the swirling oranges and pinks of a sunset. 

I approached the front desk and asked the office worker to use a phone, she called the number for me and passed the phone over. I pressed it to my ear and awaited an answer. 

"Hello?" My Father answered. 

"Hey Dad, it's Hunter here." I greeted.

"Oh, hey Hunter. How're you?" He asked me.

"Could be better if I'm being honest," I replied.

"What's up?" He asked further.

"Me and Mav got into a bit of a scuffle with a group of people and ended up getting arrested and put in the cells. We're in the North Shore station, I just got let out, Maverick shouldn't be much behind, was wondering if you'd be able to pick us up?" I asked him, through squeezed tight eyes.

I heard a quick pause, and then Dad replied, "That's the Sunnynook station? The big one?" He asked, taking a sip of his drink. 

"Yeah, that's the one," I answered. 

"Meet me at the Burger King down the road, I shouldn't be long." He stated, placing his glass down.

"Alright, thanks Dad, see you soon," I replied, hanging the phone up, and passing it back to the receptionist.