
The last dreadnaut

Eve is a simple girl that lives in a remote village. called Num one day she is playing in the nearby woods while picking up her ball she meets a man named soma who see's her potential and teachs her the basics of energy manipulation later her village is attacked by a group of scientist using enhanced soldiers to abduct the village's they beleive to have potential for they're experiments. this is where eve's story begind!.

7Virtues · Fantaisie
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So it begins

Zero and Eve arrive at the city of Altier a city made in the Grand Forest of Valstien surounded by lush forest and waterfalls as well as having a Mountain range behind Altier this city was literally Quiet something being surounded by Ivory stone walls and the building being made from the same material with twin Towers one to the west of the palace and the other to the east and the palace in between the two for the Beast king and Fey Queen. made for a site. the tower in the west was for the Alchemists association while the tower to the east is for the blacksmith asscociation zero explains the layout of Altier while eve looks out the window of zero's private transport. he said the Adventurers guild is between the residential district the palace and nobles district the market is in the middle of the city. there are 2 residential districs one for commoners such as every day citizens and Adventurers the other is the noble district which makes up the noble houses government officials and military personnel such as the knights order mages order and the stealth corps. this was all within nthe domed shape of Altiers walls. the city of the beast as well as of the Mystic. there is no slums in Alier for two reasons one all the housing is kept in one area of the city business are forbidden from expanding to a certain point and are under heavy regulations so they cant monopolize nor can they simply let go of they're employee's without a justifiable reason every one is given a basic education as well as a program that is funded to educated and train employee's the citizens are given first priority as strict as the regulations can be the businesses are encouraged to compete in a friendly competitive manner and are given tax breaks as well as a few benifits. that way everyone is happy and work is always there for the people. the other thing with Altier is that the population isn't over populated. things are kept simple no one can take advantage of others there is a no tolerance policie in place for this kind of activity. thats why even though altier isn't the biggest city it is like Quality over Quantity they also constantly do screenings on officials if theyre information or track record isn't clear they aren't allowed to run for an official position the officials dont get paid thousands ethier they get paid what they earn that way the extra money can go into the treasury or into programs that need it such as medicine education also to note part of basic education in math everyone is taught how to handle they're finances so that dept doesnt occur as often for thr people they really lucked out with the rulers and officials. eve wow. seriously. no one tries to take advantage of the system here eve looked at zero alittle doubtful zero chuckled no occasionally there are some who try they get ejected from they're position before they can do anything the moment they are suspected a full private investigation is done by the stealth corps and Knight Order as soon as proof is found the suspect is punished accordingly if its an official they are removed from they're position immediately post haste. if its a business man or woman theyre assets are siezed including the company they run they are removed replaced by someone better suited to the task and not only educated but with proper know how. family is allowed to stay as long as they have nothing to do with the criminal act on top of this the criminals i n question are arrested charged and jailed. the families. are left with enough money to start over. as for nobles they and they're family are stripped of title and rank and bumped down to commoners. zero explained to eve. she was suprised so the system in this kingdom rewards hardwork and punishes criminal acts regardless of position. and the people are given the means and education to find work easily however the rest is up to the individual and they're choices . this is almost like a Utopian society to eve although you still have crime and just like any city or kingdom there is a good side and badside. though eve doesn't know what the bad side is yet. zero let eve know they're approaching Altier eve made sure she is buckled in and secure as ghe transport decended to a landing pad for incoming Private citizens other than a few guards on patrol there where only a few people coming and going in small groups.. as it wad close to Dusk. eve after we get through the check points and you are registered in Altier we will be heading to my house here in Altier zero said.