
The last dreadnaut

Eve is a simple girl that lives in a remote village. called Num one day she is playing in the nearby woods while picking up her ball she meets a man named soma who see's her potential and teachs her the basics of energy manipulation later her village is attacked by a group of scientist using enhanced soldiers to abduct the village's they beleive to have potential for they're experiments. this is where eve's story begind!.

7Virtues · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Num Village Raided !

Eve went to meet with Mr Soma after checking her status this time however she ran into an unkown group of men who attacked one of the villagers even saw this immediately ran through the forest to get back to Num Village seeing smoke rising and fire on some of the villages building eve didn't understand what was going on she ran to her gramma and grandpa's house there she found Felheim surounded by a group of armored soldiers she had never seen before they had a strange armor that loomed grey and eerie with pieces of machinery with black visors and a strange banner with a griffon and and a back flame depicted on theyre armor Felhiem immediately saw eve anx told her to run as fast as she could some soldiers and men wearing white coats saw eve and started towards her with the soldiers eve immediately ran into the house and saw gramma Riviera on the ground she ran to her Riviera looked at eve and reached out to her eve im glad you are ok you need to run from the village go towards the even kindom tell the gaurds an veilhiem city you are Felgiems granddaughter show them this pendant they will know right away tell them the village was raided by Helix society eve but gramma i can't leave you and grandpa Riviera: tou must go find Mr Soma he should be in the Easter part of the forest waitin for you now go! you must live don't l

stop running no matter what Eve !. gramma... eve ran out the back door as fast as she could she saw some villagers being taken in strange armored vehicles that seemed to be made for transporting people or goods . Eve knew there was nothing sbe could do she ran towards the easter entrance to the forest but was forced to stop and hide several times to hide from these strange soldiers. whome seemed to be part human and part machine she saw as a few villagers put up a fight against tbe Helix soldiers they where shot by some wierd dark purple energy that cut or pierced streight through they're armor like it was nothing. eve had no choicd but to double back and cut through the south end of the village just as she was making her way to the eastern entrance to ghe forest she was grabbed by a Helix Soldier. eve tried to resist but was hit by something that sent a shock through her whome being the world went dark after that when eve came to she was retrained by some wierd metalic cuffs that emitted the same dark purple energy they has some wierd circuit like patterns on them eve tried to look at her status and got an error instead of her menu which said cannot display status user is currently in a sealed state. error eve wanted to cry to thrash and struggle but her body wouldn't obey her suddenly a creepy looking old man with wrinkle skin wearin a white coat a d had a monocle noticed her his voice was cold he was a bit suprised and smiled coldly when he looks at eve Doctor Zero it looks like we have one with Potential thus one is already awake and trying to struggle the creepy oldman with the monocle said as he reached for eve he grabbed her chin and lifted her up to a standing position he looked her in the eyes and his cold smile became even wider he laughed this one is very stuborn but very excellent material wouldn't you say zero suddeny a young and hamdsome man with white hair tied into a short pony tail with a tall muscular build tanned skin and wearing a pair of what looked like reading glasses with small round lenses looked at her and then the creepy oldman he said i. a deep voice yes i seems so doctor garic i would appreciate it if you didn't traumatize one of my subjects.... let her down gently if you garic looked at zero and scowled at him and who says she will be your subject zero smiled at garic and said she is a Unique Specimen being a Dreadnaut and a Teyttrarouge hybrid you are not equipped to deal with her my clan and i are and if yoj want my support you will not push me !. garic paled slight and then looked at Eve with disgust fine you want this one you can have her he threw eve at zero eve was so scared she was going to hit something hard that she squeezed her eyes shut as fast as she can but she impact didn't happen like she thought. instead somethin warm and solif envelopes her eve slowly opens her eyes to see doctor Zero holding her gently in his arms he look at garic and with his other hand it changed from a regular black gloved hand to a hand with glowing circuit and. runic symbols some sort of energy shot from zero's hand and pierced garics. left should garic cried out in pain said he was sorry it was only a joke you didnt have to shoot me you bastard he snarled at Zero Zero simply looked at him coldly and said next time i tell you to let one of my subjects down gently i mean it!. zero then carried eve into the next compartmen which conisted of medical equipment he the explained to her he is going to examine her to make sure she wasn't injured and that she is healthy and didn't suffer any adverse effects from being stunned earlier eve wanted to know what happened to her grandparents she was scares but zero for some reason she felt calmer with him she worked up the courage and asked since she didnt see her grandparents in the transport zero looked at her with what seemed to be pity he then sighed and told her straight im sorry but most of those taken where kids or those of a young age anyone who was an adult or elder is most likely dead.. eve couldn't believe it no she didnt want to she tried not to cry but she started shaking and eventually like a damn thst couldn't contain water anymore and broke down eve started crying u uncontrollably. she grabbed onto zero's coat and sob and cried as hard as she could he simply stood there looking at the little girl holding onto him and wailing and crying he clenched his teeth and forced himself to remain calm and composed but in truth inside he was furious garic said they were only going aftwr volunteers that bastard lied to him and raided the village before he arrived and couldn't do anything to stop it by the tims he arrived .. the damage had already been done he looked at the little girl whose world had been destroyed after some time oncd her sobbing cried had died down and she cried herself to sleep he gently laid her down and examined her he didnt need to use instuments or anything invasive he simply used his glasses with special technology from his clan that allowed him to completely scan a person's body on such a level that he could see they're condition they're status and energy pathways as well as skills. this also bypassed sealed information and anti appraisal techniques zero happy to this girl is healthy and was shocked by her status menu.

Name:Eve ******** Age: 7

Race: Dreadnaut/Tettrarouge condition:

Fainted emotional mental fatique

Class: None/Sealed

lv 5 exp 0/100

Hp 100

Mp 150

vitality : 5

strength :8

Dexterity :10

intelligence :10

luck : 5

Skills: passives :

Supercell compression

Extreme energy manipulation

Accelerated learning

Reverse Phoenix body

Blade mastery basic

energy mastery basic

Actives: knowledge absorption


accelerated move

to say zero was shocked floored even was an understatement he decides other than her name race and stats

he would keep her skills a secret it was now he decided he was going to make sure this girl became stronger and that Helix Society was to be wiped off the face of the map but right now he would have to wait until the clan head decided this until then zero needed to bide his time and had no choice but to take part in this experiment he now had to make sure Eve's experiments where successful unlike the previous one's he sabotaged to halt Helix societ progress and to give an as humane end as possible to the other test subjects... he finished scanning eve ... and contacted his clan immediately. ..