
The last dreadnaut

Eve is a simple girl that lives in a remote village. called Num one day she is playing in the nearby woods while picking up her ball she meets a man named soma who see's her potential and teachs her the basics of energy manipulation later her village is attacked by a group of scientist using enhanced soldiers to abduct the village's they beleive to have potential for they're experiments. this is where eve's story begind!.

7Virtues · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Eve goes to town

after the lesson since Eve's registration

is finished her and zero decide to go into the city to explore alittle. on the way eve saw many houses and shop's made of stone with wooden roofs it all has a very European feel to it with a stark contrast to the walls which seemed to be made of some sort of ivory type stone known as arondite which iz a special ore made by compressing a unique form of energy called astral energy it has properties similar if not on par with the legendary Mythril and oricelium!!!. so zero had explained to her . it was also explained that arondite while in its ore form can be extremely volatile and must be handle with care and theres a process to refining it into arondite ingots and building material and equipment such as weapons and gear once this process is done arondite is no longer volatile. as zero explained this to eve they found a restraunt D's May cares diner. it was made of stone and wood with white paint one the stone and the wood roof being mahogany it has a very unique and robust look to it so eve and zero decided to give it a try

what they didn't know is alot of Altiers military, adventurers and alchemist, mages attend this restaurant. it was quite a site seeing knights armor mixed with the leather of adventurers and alchemists and mage robes alike needless to say Eve and zero got a few stares themselves a young girl of 14 with beautiful refined doll like features and white hair with purple streaks and deep purple eyes with her bust bately showing and her slender figure made for a site in her school uniform with her black jacket and white button top and black skirt with stalkings and shoes she made a site with zero whose handsome face and toned martial arts build decided to wear a black sleaveless shirt that contours to his form with brown leather pants those that saw his arms immediately knew he was from the X clan as the quick silver colored metal on his arms with rune circuits was a dead give away with his white hair all the high level knights and adventurers where immediately on gaurd except a few who had no clue who zero was. everyone decided to go back to what they where doing .. zero led eve to a table by a window he tactfully placed himself against a wall so no one can sneak up on them not long after a young girl who looked to be 18 with shoulder length brown hair and a modest figure walked up to eve and zero she wears a white button top with a black vest and skirt with an apron she immediately introduces herself hi im Kati nice to meet you i will be taking your order and serving you today she said in a perky tone can i start you off with a drink today ? she had finished handing out the menu's to eve and zero looked at kati do you have sweet tea by chance kati smiled and said why yes we do its one of our restaurants specialties beside our home made spirits and we also have wild Rouge berry juice. if the young lady would like zero looked at eve would you like to have sweet tea or the rouge berry juice eve decided to give the rouge juice a try while zero ordered some sweet tea alrighty then i will be back with your drinks in a few kati beamed and wink at zero flirtingly eve giggled a bit dad it looks like she likes you zero frowned a bit I'm pretty sure she just did that for some extra service alot of places do that kind of thing customers tend to like it eve smiled knowingly she watched kati carefully as kati sighed dreamily at zero in one moment before she put on her A game and came back with the drinks while dodging a few custumers who had a bit too much to drink and where getting handsy with her she arrived back at Zero and Eve's table. alrighty sorry about the wait heres your rouge berry tea young lady and your sweet tea sir she said in her perky tone with a very friendly smile towards zero she asked so are we ready to order or should a come back in a few minutes. zero can you give us a few more minutes sure no problem kati said beamingly she winked at zero and said i will be back in a few while doing a lil twirl for him before she walked to help another customer eve smiled still think its a little extra service zero just. shook his head you are enjoying this a little too much aren't you Eve's smile only got bigger she said most definitely. zero let out a small smile over how perceptive eve is and said well i hate to burst your bubble while it is true that you are right about her she is just alittle too young for me and she is close to you in age so it won't be happening Eve's grinn almost immediately turned to a pout aww and here i thought you might be interested by the way dad how old are you you never told me zero frowned well im 24 and i have a rule about dating anyone who is four years younger than me and another especially if they are close to my daughters age even if she is legal it don't matter to me not going to happen eve just said i understand its a good way to protect yourself plus it shows a decent moral compass and if you decide to dates some one younger than you then they wont be took young zero smiled and said exactly its a great rule to have. now lets focus on getting some food order what you want. eve looked at the menu there was stewsof different kinds as well as different sandwiches such as blts and patty melts. and even hamburgers and steaks. the only difference is that these meals where made using monster meat Eve's eyes widen in suprise as monster meat could be used to boost one's stats. depending on the monster it could be temporary or permanent eve looked at the menu it was separated in three sections first was temperary second is permanent third is effects such as resistance monster ingredients are more expensive than normal ingredients by atleast double to ive times what regular meat would cost as opposed to monster meat . would be($5 dollars could cost $10-$25 depending on the type of meat).