
The last dreadnaut

Eve is a simple girl that lives in a remote village. called Num one day she is playing in the nearby woods while picking up her ball she meets a man named soma who see's her potential and teachs her the basics of energy manipulation later her village is attacked by a group of scientist using enhanced soldiers to abduct the village's they beleive to have potential for they're experiments. this is where eve's story begind!.

7Virtues · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Eve's awakening

a bright light filled the room zero pulled out a pair of stylish sun glasses that where custom made and worked the same as his special reading glasses he blocked out the light and analyzed Eve's condition energy flooded and saturated her external pathways strengthing her further and some dormant skills started to appear she apparently fang blade arts augmere and photon arts. zero wasn't too surprised since these are the key skill tree of both Dreadnaut and tettrarouge races what suprised zero is she has full potential in both skill tree's which should be impossible unless a unique trait was acting as a catalyst to boost her potential zero took a closer loon at a skill he never heard of before he met eve he has a feeling that her supercell compression is responsible for this phenomenon that should otherwise be impossible. zero cracked a rare smile if Berlai was able to see this he would no doubt have a stroke since Zero always usually had a serious expression or grim one. after awhile the bright light slowly dissipated when that happened eves status had a significant change as a tear stone that niether zero or Berclai where able to see before suddenly became visible zero was suprised by the amount of raw energy it contains that same energy started wrapping around Eve's body incasing her in a cocoon type state after several hours and zero confirmed Eve's condition was stable he instructed Berclai to leave her be but to continue monitoring eve until the cocoon breaks apart or dissipates. and to notify him immediately regardless of what he is in the middle of. a few days later Berclai informed zero that eves cocoon was starting to dissipate Zero immediately rushed the his lab just as the cocoon dissipated a glass like nucleus cracked and broke appart eve came falling forward Zero caught her she was so light that he was suprised and scared for a moment zero realized her breathing was normal and she had grown alittle bit she was slender and petite still now surounding her tear shaped stone a v shaped circuit type marking appeared on her forehead tear stone in the middle of the V looking at her slendeer arms he lookd atbthe back of her hands to see two circular shaped stones that seemed similar to her tear stone on the back of both her hands and an eclectic purple type energy could be seen flowing from her it was extremely dense zero used the special analyzing function of his glasses to read eves stats. he got a big shock

Name:Eve ******** Age: 7

Race: Dreadnaut/Tettrarouge

Class: electric seraph

lv 5 exp 0/100

Hp 350

Mp 350

vitality : 5+50

strength :8+52

Dexterity :10+40

intelligence :10+40

luck : 5

Skills: passives :

Supercell compression

Extreme energy manipulation

max Accelerated learning

great Reverse Phoenix body

Fang Blade mastery basic

Augmer mastery basic

enhanced eletric energy/photon. mastery basic

Actives: knowledge absorption lv2

Throwing lv3

accelerated move lv 4

summon Fang blade lv 1

summon Augmere lv 1

Photon shot lv1

photon Barrier lv1

not only did eves stats get a drastic boost. some of her passives transformed and she gain some new actives he couldn't help but be both awestruck and amazed and shocked thid child is such an anomaly and yet she just need time training in these next two years would be crucial to saving and protecting eve zero smiled and told eve he would bdo everything he could and then some. to simply rest for now