
The last dreadnaut

Eve is a simple girl that lives in a remote village. called Num one day she is playing in the nearby woods while picking up her ball she meets a man named soma who see's her potential and teachs her the basics of energy manipulation later her village is attacked by a group of scientist using enhanced soldiers to abduct the village's they beleive to have potential for they're experiments. this is where eve's story begind!.

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Altiers Adventurer Prep school

Eve was Registered at the Adventurers prep school suprisingly it was just like registering for school so simple afterwards Eve and Zero where given a tour the school has classes such as surviva training biology botanics combat training and Culinary classes as well as some basic energy training classes that are devided into sections such as energy /photon mana for magic/Swordmagic and external energy for martial artists. and blade arts. this was implement because adventurers is a very popular occupation to have however no one was properly prepared and fatalities for the young and old alike where too high so some one had the Right, Bright idea to create a prep school for such an occupation there are of course higher schools than this but none teach the essentials for survival or have the diversity that the Adventurers prep school has this became very popular and was adopted by other nations and kingdoms. as eve looked around she could see the training grounds had a track an archery range to the left side and a weapons rack ad well as dummies to attack next to the archery ranges building there is also a Training dojo for martial artists and a sparing arena. theres is a special gym built into North west side of the school for energy/mana specialist with the space of 2 Super bowl arena's worth of room plenty of space to house and let these kids and young adults alike let loose with safety measure such as a barrier system that converts damage into shock and if the damage is more than the system can handle a secondary system will block the attack and teleport the subject of attack out of the area to avoid fatalities this system was designed by a specialists of mages association alchemist blacksmiths and the X clan combining its runic tech with the tettra rouge literally a co-op of the most intectual race's groups and factions working together. all of this was explained to eve and zero of course knew all of this already as he had been not only to this same school years ago but he had taken part in this particular project but did not want to be rude or take away from the staff member doing they're job that and the staff member a young brunette of 20 something with a short slim athletic figire she looked like at one point she ran track or something she has calbalt blue eyes and cat cat ears and a tail that matchs her hair color , yes she is one of the beastmen race she is from the cat clan as you guessed it she has a human face and body her name is Misty Cabana. beastmen usually excell in physical prowess such as martial arts and weapon arts, though some such as the fox clan and lizard clan and serpent clan can use magic. this of course was Eve's first time seeing a beastmen let alone interacting with one and zero could see she was very curious and excited but she didnt let ethier one get the better of her she was polite well mannered and listened as Margo went about explaining the various faculties in the school she then led Eve and Zero to a class room that was in session margo asked her and zero to wait a moment she went in real quick had a quick word with the instructor and came back to invite Her and zero into the class room they quietly sat in the back where some empty seats where at .